The Queen of Diamonds-24

1934 Words

But that didn't work: we defeated him and his men. Was this another ploy to capture me? Frank Pagliacci might have fooled me once, luring me to Jack Diamond's factory, but it wouldn't happen again. Roy said if I went to the Spadros Pot he would kill Ma and everyone in the Cathedral. Perhaps Frank didn't know that. How did he know about Ma? It didn't matter. I had to get Ma out of Bridges altogether, somewhere safe from both Frank and Jack. * * * Morton still slept a great deal, but was able to come down the stairs for breakfast, with help. "This sausage is quite good," he said. "My compliments to your chef." "Monsieur will be pleased," I said. "I favor it as well." Tony laughed. "We might have to buy a whole extra hog just for breakfasts, should —" He stopped, his face stricken. Sh

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