The Queen of Diamonds-10

1985 Words

My husband was an ordinary-looking man, but I loved to watch him sleep. His guard vanished; his face took on a peace which no one else ever saw. I kept revisiting the scene on the veranda ... last month in his study. The way Tony's voice changed when he spoke of Gardena, the way he looked at her, the way he lay his heart open to her .... Tony loved Gardena. Tony was in love with Gardena. In the Pot we had no such thing as marriage. Until recently, my feelings for Tony had been what I might offer a brother, or a friend, such as Jonathan. I grew up in a brothel; a person might have many relationships in the Pot, even at the same time, without causing offense. But I could see how this might upset a quadrant-man such as Tony, who had been raised in a different way. But for them to argue s

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