The Queen of Diamonds-11

1975 Words

A few days later? "My men found the poor creature whipped almost to death outside a brothel in the Diamond Pot. The men there had bandaged its wounds and were taking care of it, but it's too hurt for me to sell for what I wanted." I felt alarmed. "He leased the horse two weeks ago. And you received a letter from him when? The dates may be important." "Let me check my records." She left for a few minutes, returning with a ledger. "He leased the horse January 30th —" The day we rescued David Bryce. The day I shot Frank Pagliacci. "— I sent the letter to him on the first of February. He replied on the third." I stared at her in horror. Frank Pagliacci was still alive. The Danger Frank Pagliacci was still alive. How? "Might I see his letter?" Anastasia took a letter from several she

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