The Queen of Diamonds-9

1923 Words

"You seem different," Jonathan said. "Oh?" "I've never heard you speak like you did at dinner before." "Oh," I said, smiling to myself. "What part of it seemed different to you?" Jon leaned against the arm of his chair. "I don't know — your bearing. It was as if you came into some strength you didn't know of before. What's happened?" I couldn't tell him, so I shrugged. "I was ill recently. Perhaps that's it." Jon nodded slowly, eyes downcast. "That does give you time for thought." He took my hand. "I'm glad you're well now." Gardena and Tony stood a few feet apart, faces pensive. Tony seemed to be explaining something, but quietly, as if deeply disturbed, almost melancholy. Tony rarely showed emotion to anyone. Seeing him this vulnerable in front of Gardena ... it made me uneasy.

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