The Queen of Diamonds-8

1938 Words

At least that went well. Then I remembered poor Joe, alone and injured. I sighed. Major Blackwood peered at me. "I hope everything is well?" "We're two short. A friend suffered serious injury and couldn't attend. His sister cares for him now. I would've liked to have seen them tonight." Major Blackwood nodded. "Injury is a terrible thing." I thought for a moment he was going to start into one of his bawdy party stories about the Army, but his manner seemed grave. "I will light a candle for your friend. May he play this difficult round with dignity and honor." This surprised me. "Why thank you, Major." He patted my hand in a fatherly manner. "It is of no consequence." We entered the dining room, everyone sitting as they found their places. The waiters began handing out bowls of soup

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