1248 Words

CHAPTER THREE –––––––– * * * * MATT HAD A NEWSPAPER under an arm and an umbrella in his hand. The phone rang, and he stopped under the overhang of a newsstand shop. The weather channel had announced frequent rain showers and thunderstorms for that day, so Matt had left the house prepared. The forecast hadn’t been wrong. It poured, and lightning lit the sky, covered with heavy clouds. Matt took his cell phone out of the pocket. He looked at the screen and frowned. Becka rarely called him so early in the morning, so he feared the worst. Matt had seen Becka two days before, and then everything seemed fine. “Hey, pumpkin. Is everything all right?” Matt asked Becka. “I need your help,” Becka replied breathlessly. She sounded as if she ran for her life. “What happened?” Matt inquired, hi

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