
2237 Words

*Matthew* “Extra gifts?” I echo as Ava trails off. I’m curious, too. Tori nods her head, looking at each of us in turn. “As I mentioned to Ava previously, each member of the Silver Butterfly Coven was blessed with additional gifts…” I nod as well, encouraging her to continue “Each gift is different, I assume?” “Yes” Tori confirms “I have the ability to absorb other’s magic. Magic from spells, magical beings, and other things of that nature, as long as I can physically make contact with it.” “Care to elaborate further?” James asks, sounding slightly confused. Tori looks at James “For example, if we go into battle and a witch throws a power ball at me, it will simply have no effect. In fact, it can make me more powerful. My body will absorb the energy and add it to my own power. I can

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