Working on it.

2094 Words

*Ava* As I see the little owl pecking at the map, my heart stops for a split second before excitement floods my body. Is this the break we have been waiting for? I jump up, following Tori to the maps. Tori puts her finger on the spot the owl tapped and sucks in a deep breath “That’s the Andreski Coven.” She breathes slowly. James appears behind me, peering over Tori and I’s shoulder and eyeing the map intently. “Yes, it is” he confirms “Let’s go!” Tori shakes her head, turning to grab James’ arm as he attempts to head for the door “it’s not that easy” “What do you mean?” James yells clearly exasperated “We finally found Abbi. I’m going to get my mate!” “She’s cloaked, James” Tori exclaims “I have to break that cloaking spell before we can do anything” “f**k that spell. That’s m

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