Not Quite

2176 Words

*Ava* It’s been hours. I’ve watched Tori conduct spell after spell, countless words chanted in which I have no understanding of, and we still have not found Abbi. I can feel Tori’s determination waning, her despair and anger deepening. She’s chanting again, hands raised above the maps, swirling in different directions rapidly. I watch her intently, reaching a hand out suddenly to steady her as I see her begin to sway in place, the exhaustion on her face telling me just how much energy she’s put forth over the last few hours. “That’s enough, Tori” I exclaim. As much as I want to find my sister, if it’s not working then it’s not working. I feel as though it may be time to call it quits, for today anyways. Tori’s eyes snap open “Ava?” she asks hesitantly “Would you mind if I tap into y

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