Your Majesty

1217 Words
Kayla pov. Howard and the girl were very much into kissing each other, and he even took off the girl's clothes to reveal her sexy breasts. Such an open scene made me feel awkward. I was going to ask Howard about the daylight ring, and it was clear that this was not an appropriate time to do so. As I was just about to turn around and go back upstairs, a strong smell of blood assaulted my nostrils. It made every nerve in my body start screaming. I subconsciously turned back to the foyer, where the smell of blood was coming from. After that, I saw Howard burying his head in the girl's neck and sucking vigorously. Bright red blood flowed out of the girl's neck, down her chest, and dripping onto the floor. But she was not even aware of the pain, full of enjoyment, and her mouth continued to let out a whisper of pleasure. This scene made me feel very frightened! "This girl's consciousness has been controlled by Howard!" A voice in my head whispered. At this point, I knew I should hurry upstairs and close the bedroom door to shut out the damn tantalizing smell of blood. But I couldn't move my legs at all, and my body froze completely on the stairs. "Hunger! Hunger! Hunger!" That terrible voice screamed frantically inside me again. "No, no, I must control myself ......" I kept warning myself. But as I was trying to use my last shred of sanity to get myself out of here, Howard's head left the girl's neck. He licked his sharp teeth with his tongue and looked at me with a look of temptation in his eyes. I could see the blood staining his face; he was as handsome as ever, but now with a little more sexy and wicked charm. "Kayla, it's dinner time. Would you like to enjoy it with me?" He extended an invitation to me. "No, no ......" I shook my head and turned him down. I was tempted to run upstairs immediately, but my body had completely lost control, and it moved closer to the girl ...... "Really? She's very delicious. Are you sure you don't want to try it?" Howard continued to tempt me. After saying that, he suddenly grabbed the girl's wrist and bit it hard. "No, I don't want it!" I tried desperately to keep my sanity. But my body still reacted when I saw the bright red blood flowing from the girl's wrist. I felt my fangs grow out, and I was a field of vision turned a shade of red. "Hunger! Hunger! Hunger!" A voice in my body kept screaming. My sanity was consumed a little bit, and just when I was on the verge of losing control, the girl looked up at me. In that instant, another girl appeared in my mind with a horrified expression. The girl that I had killed! My sanity returned a little, no! I couldn't kill anymore! With this little bit of sanity, in just a few seconds, I did something very bold! I turned around and rushed to the window, and instantly moved into the sunlight. In an instant, the sunlight burned my whole body. It felt like several cans of sulfuric acid poured down from the top of my head at the same time. The pain made me scream! "AHHHH!!!" **************************** Howard POV. I didn't think that Kayla would do something so crazy! "Aaah-!" I heard her scream in pain. "Damn it! Don't you want to live anymore?" I threw away the girl in my arms, rushed over to hold Kayla, and immediately took her to a corner where the sun could not shine. "Do you know what you're doing is very stupid!" I cursed harshly. I swear I've never seen a vampire expose herself to the sun to restrain her thirst for blood; it would kill her! I wanted to scold her so badly, but I didn't know how to speak when I saw the frail woman. Although this woman's behavior was very stupid, I had to admire her courage. Even I would not necessarily have such decisive courage. The longer many vampires live, the more they cherish their lives. Especially those like me who still have unfulfilled wishes and are unlikely to let themselves die so impulsively. I placed her on the floor and kept her in a flat position. After that, I took out a bag of blood from the refrigerator and poured it into a wine glass. "Drink it; it will make your injuries heal faster." I handed the glass to her mouth. Kayla took a big gulp of the blood in the glass, and there wasn't a drop left. Afterward, I heard her let out a comfortable sigh. After drinking the blood, the sunburned skin on her body was healing rapidly until no scars were visible. Although my heart admired her courage, I wasn't going to encourage her to continue this. After all, I needed a warrior, one who could help me take back my kingdom, not a newborn who could only control her desires by seeking death! "What you're doing is rather stupid!" I yelled at her. Kayla said, "But I didn't hurt the girl, did I?" She got up from the ground and moved quickly to my face, smiling smugly, "I thought I did well!" "By now, you still can't recognize yourself!" I got even angrier. Those damned human emotions would get her into trouble again sooner or later, and I had to find a way to get them out of her mind! Otherwise, she would always come up with all kinds of distracting thoughts or be unable to obey me absolutely. For example, right now, she's starting to rebel against me. "Howard! What makes you think I have to do what you say!" She protested. I lost my patience with her, grabbed her by the neck, and said threateningly, "You can try if you can beat me!" Instead of being shocked by me, she started slapping my arm randomly and tried to struggle up. "Damn it, be quiet!" I cursed under my breath. "Ding-dong-" As I was just about to subdue the woman, a shrill doorbell rang. I suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with an old friend today and immediately threw the disobedient woman away and headed for the door. At this point, the girl I had previously sucked was still standing there frozen, and she couldn't go anywhere without my orders. I reached over and pulled her over, staring into her eyes, and ordered. "Go to the bathroom and get yourself cleaned up and your wounds bandaged; I don't want to see any blood when you reappear in front of me." "Okay, Howard," she responded calmly and turned in the direction of the restroom. There was still blood dripping from the cut on her wrist as she walked, dripping onto my printed carpet. The doorbell rang again. "Ding-dong - ding-dong -" "Coming!" I walked quickly to the door and opened it. In the doorway stood a man covered in a long black robe. The moment I opened the door, he uncovered the hat on his head and performed a royal salute to me. "Your Majesty, I have brought what you asked for."  
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