She is your crush?

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Kayla pov. Howard didn't stop me from answering the phone. The voice of my mother, Lauren, came on the other end of the line, and I immediately restrained all my broken emotions. I didn't want my mom to notice that I was different and didn't want her to worry too much about me. I had to make everything sound normal! "Kayla, my baby, I have to tell you the bad news that you need to prepare." Lauren's voice suddenly became choked up. "What's the bad news?" I immediately inquired. "Henry is dead; he was out hunting with his friends and was bitten by wild animals. When the hunters found his body in the suburban forest ......" "What? Where's Henry's body?" I interrupted Lauren again and asked in disbelief. I clearly remembered that Henry was killed by me at the hotel; how could the body be in the suburban forest? Could Howard have done it? Lauren continued, "Oh, Kayla, don't worry, Henry's body has been preserved, and the funeral is tomorrow. Are you coming back?" I looked up and saw Howard's grim face and refused my mom's request. "No, Mom. I want to ...... be alone for a while." "Okay, honey. I know you are too upset, and we can all understand. I hope everything is okay with you." The phone hung up. I covered my face in frustration; so much had happened in the past two days, and I needed some quiet time. At that moment, Howard asked me, "Are you feeling sorry for your dead lover?" "Not really!" I replied. "Oh?" He was full of doubt as to if he didn't believe me, and he continued, “Didn't you love him?" Why did Howard suddenly ask me these questions? I didn't understand his motive, but I answered seriously: "I loved him until the second he pushed me off the cliff." "In my opinion, he hurt me, and no matter how much I loved him before, that love ended." "Is that so?" Howard's voice suddenly became a little sad. After a few moments of silence, he said, "If only she thought like you do." "She? Gina? I've heard you mention that name." I inquired calmly. To be honest, even I was surprised. It was obvious that just ten minutes ago, I hated to kill him. At this moment, we are talking so calmly. Howard did not answer me; I continued to ask: "Is she the one you love?" The man's expression instantly turned cold, and he yelled at me, "Shut up! Don't ask too many questions." Howard had a bad temper. I frowned and thought to myself, "If you don't want me to ask, then I don't ask. What do you do with such an ugly expression?It's only right that Gina girl doesn't like him!” But I didn't say it out loud; after all, I couldn't beat him at all; I could recognize my own ability. Howard changed the subject: "For you not to bring me some trouble, there are some things I must tell you." After that, before I could make any response, Howard told me all the common sense that vampires must know. For example, vampires are afraid of sunlight. Without the shelter of the daylight ring, vampires will be burned directly into a pile of ashes by the sunlight and die forever. I have already experienced this. The searing pain stuck with me. So, I vowed never to go out in the daytime again. Of course, if I could also get a daylight ring, that would be a different story. Howard also told me that vampires are immortal and can heal quickly from all metal weapons but are only afraid of wood or any wooden weapon. As for why vampires are afraid of wood, Howard explained it like this: "We are now a dead body, our body is cold, and the only way to keep our body alive is to keep sucking blood. Suppose a log is inserted into our hearts. In that case, the body's circulation will be terminated, and all the blood will be concentrated at heart, thus causing it to instantly collapse and die." Howard also told me that vampires can manipulate human consciousness, the human equivalent of hypnosis. The length of time will vary somewhat depending on the strength of each vampire. Vampires are also afraid of vervain, a herb that weakens vampires' powers, and all vampires do their best to stay away from it. Also, vampires cannot enter a house with humans living in it unless they are invited by the house owner. Through Howard's narration, I kept all this information in my mind, especially the important information about the circumstances under which a vampire's life would be in danger. When I spent at the cottage, I slowly began to adjust to life as a vampire. I began to get used to not touching the sunlight, needing to ingest enough blood on time every day. And I could only walk in the moonlight ...... Children who grow up in a single-parent home always adapt quickly to their environment. I'm adapting well now regarding my new identity, a vampire who needs to feed on human blood for a living. Even though I was lonely during this time, very lonely. I received so many comforting messages on my phone that everyone thought I was hiding because I was so upset. I didn't return a single message, and didn't answer a single phone call. I'm not good at lying, but in this situation, I couldn't tell the truth. All I could do was watch everyone's life through my phone. It was hard not being able to have contact with my family and friends. That afternoon, Howard went out. I watched from behind my bedroom curtains as he drove away from the villa in a small black car. It was daytime, and he wasn't worried that I would sneak away when he wasn't looking. I couldn't go anywhere without my daylight ring. I sat bored on the floor, looking at the rays of sunlight cast in through the cracks in the curtains at my feet. I began to miss when I used to bask in the sunlight, especially when I was painting, and I really enjoyed being enveloped by it. That fond memory prompted me to reach out and touch that ray of sunlight, and I wanted to feel the warmth of the sun again. But as soon as I reached out my hand, the warmth of the sunlight immediately turned into a blazing flame that burned my skin. The feeling was like acid dripping on human skin. "Damn it!" I cursed in a low voice and immediately withdrew my hand. The burned skin slowly recovered, but the searing pain once again made my nerves tense up. Is this all I can do for the rest of my life? Live forever in the dark, never to be bathed in sunlight? The harsh reality answered me: yes. Because this is the life of a vampire. It's long and boring. I felt sad for my future life. I spent a boring afternoon alone in my bedroom until I heard that I was feeling a little hungry. I thought I should go to the fridge and get a bag of blood; it was dinner time. That's when the sound of a car engine came through the window. "Howard's back." Instead of lifting the curtain again, I opened the bedroom door directly and went downstairs to the living room. The door to the living room was already open. Howard was making out with a sexy, strange girl in the foyer. As I approached, I heard a girl moaning with great enjoyment. "Howard, I love you very much ......" "I will give everything to you, including my life ......" "You're just too enchanting to me ......" ......
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