Henry appeared to me

2187 Words

Kayla POV. I didn't understand what's going on with Monica. She made it a point to come to my awards party and even bought me flowers. But after a hug, she left with a weird look on her face. She said she was not feeling well and left early, but I didn't believe her; it was a lame excuse. I decided to chase her out and ask her about all this. If I couldn't figure this out, I was sure I would always feel anxious about it. Howard disappeared at some point. Maybe he had to leave while I was talking to Monica. But I couldn't even think about him right now. "Mom, I need to talk to Monica about something. Can you wait here? I'll be right back." I gave a brief explanation to Lauren and dragged the hem of my skirt outside. When I got to the hotel's front, Monica had just stopped a cab fro

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