What the hell is wrong with Monica?

1092 Words

Howard POV. As Kayla walked out in that beautiful, vintage gown, I thought Gina was walking towards me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It wasn't until she gave me a big, bright smile that I suddenly realized she was completely different from Gina. She was not Gina, just a girl who was very much like Gina. Gina was always serious and cold, like an iceberg that could never melt away. I have never seen such a bright smile on Gina's face. However, I can clearly distinguish between Gina and Kayla, and at that moment, my eyes were still attracted to Kayla. When the host on stage read her name, all the spotlights converged on her. She walked up to the podium step by step, dragging her wide skirt and stepping on the warm applause. At that moment, she was as beautiful as a princess.

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