Chapter 45: Unconscious

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Tristan, Rain, and Blaze all agreed that they must get out of the place that they were currently in. Even though they did not talk about it, they already know that they should get away of being stuck in the eerie alley first. Knowing that the person ahead of them does not possess any danger, they all decided to move again. It was so hard talking and asking questions to each other while executing peculiar positions just to remain in the blindspot zones of the cameras. The moment that they made a turn towards another alley, there they saw Caspian. He was confused as he look at the dark surrounding. He too, as seen on his face, was hesitating whether if he would go deeper in the darkness of the alleys, or would just leave. But when he saw the three familiar faces popping out from a dark corner, his face brightened. A little. “Caspian, what are you doing here?” Tristan immediately asked. “I should be the one asking that question. What are you three doing here?” Caspian said. “I’ve noticed the two of you, Rain and Tristan, getting out of the cafeteria, and then, instead of going back to your own quarters, you came here.” “We must get back to the cafeteria first. There maybe no security cameras lingering around, but this place is still considered restricted,” Rain said. Because of that, the three men had realized that indeed, this place was still a place that is not safe, had someone would see them standing in the alley. Luckily, when they were about to get out of the restricted area, there were little to no people outside the cafeteria. They must have been resting because of the trauma and fatigue from the ‘lessons’ that they have studied. Inside the cafeteria, there were only presence of two grim-looking students. They were eating on a table, at the far corner. Just by looking at their pale face, Tristan could assume that they were suffering on an extreme trauma. But Tristan concluded that … every students under the zero program, is bound to have an extreme trauma just like them. Just like him. Because it is what this program is designed for—Torture. When they finally were able to sit on a chair, they started to confront each other once again. Rain was the one who started the conversation. “The reason why we were in that place is because I and Tristan has planned to observe that place. We were sure that on that part of this building, something was being hid. We believe that there is a concrete reason why it was restricted for every student to go in there.” “Have you seen something then?” Blaze asked, interested with what Rain has explained. “There is,” Tristan was the one who answered. “But what about you? What are you doing on that place as well?” he asked. The way they talked to each other was in a low, whisper-like voice. They would not want other students hearing their conversation, and then soon would be reported to Professor Buenavista. It would be a bad news for them. “Just like you, I was trying to find something on that place. I don’t know what is the thing you have discovered, but I am specifically finding something.” “Specific? What is it?” Rain asked. “That maybe on that part of the building, there is an escape route.” The four of them turned silent. Escape route. A secret passage. That is a perfect place where a secret route could be hidden. If ever they find it … they will be able to escape; they will be able to get rid of this dire, grave place that they were stuck in. “Did you find it?” Tristan asked. His curiosity was driving him to ask more questions to Blaze. Blaze’s facial expressions fell. “No. I’ve been there for more than half an hour, but I couldn’t find any. I decided to go back here, because I am afraid someone might notice I am not around.” From that, both Tristan and Rain fell through disappointment. It was indeed disappointing that you would hear that there is a hope of escaping away from this hell, but then would be told that the hope wasn’t found yet. “Hey, don’t put that kind of disappointed face yet,” Blaze said, laughing, trying to cheer them up. “I haven’t explored the whole restricted area yet. So there is still a thin chance that a secret route was there.” Tristan was feeling tired for today. There were a lot of things that has happened in just a single day, that is why he now wanted to sleep. To rest. But something has clicked on his mind. From a disappointed look, his expressions changed. It turned into someone who has as if remembered something important. His fatigue has gone off as well. “Maybe there really is,” he said. “What do you mean?” Rain asked. “Remember when that mad scientist got out of his laboratory just to meet someone?” Tristan recalled. Hearing that, Rain has realized what Tristan was also thinking in the moment. When they first discovered the laboratory, they heard the mad scientist talking to someone over the phone before he went off and leave his laboratory. Recalling that scene, Tristan has concluded that perhaps the scientist would meet someone outside of the eerie place. Because no one, except those strong gutted, would want to stay in those dangerous, dark alleys of the restricted area. “He could have gone outside of this building, to meet someone,” Rain concluded as well. “Then that means on the part where he travelled, just to meet someone, is also the part where the secret passage could be found.” “Wait, what do you mean … mad scientist?” Blaze asked. He was having no clue about the conversation of Tristan and Rain. “There was a mad scientist inside that dangerous place. We’ve seen a lot of horrifying things inside his workshop.” “Really?” Blaze c****d his head and shoulders forward and his eyebrows are colliding to each other. Tristan thought that it was a sign he was interested about what he had just revealed. “We don’t know what he was planning to do. But … we for sure know he’s dangerous.” Tristan said. “What are the things you have seen?” Blaze continued asking. Recalling what they have discovered inside the unprecious quarter of the scientist, Tristan’s eyes turned uneasy. He bit his lower lip to control the panic that was again, forming in him. “A lot,” he said, unable to specify what those things were. From that answer, Blaze sighed. He eased off and then went back to his usual sitting. “I won’t push you to answer my question. I can feel all your traumas right now.” Tristan nodded apologetically to Blaze, but his eyes wasn’t meeting his. He was afraid that Blaze would see how vulnerable he was right now, because of fear. “Caspian?” It was then when Rain called one of the member of their current conversation. Caspian was along with them, but they all realized that he was not talking, nor even asking curious questions. Until Rain saw him sitting on the chair, head was laying low and … unconscious. “What happened?” Tristan quickly went off of his chair, and went to the man. “He’s unconscious,” Rain said. When Tristan touched Caspian’s shoulders, he immediately felt a tingling heat from his skin. To confirm his intuition, he touched Caspian’s neck and forehead. “He’s feverish,” he said. But then he quickly questioned himself; what is the reason why Caspian was having a fever? That is when he saw his bloody hand, and a huge open wound on it which almost tore and cut his whole arm. He remembered where did Caspian get that wound. It was from the swing of the scythe of the grim reaper they have encountered from their previously finished activity. “Call on the medics, quick!” with panic, Tristan pleaded to Rain and Blaze.
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