Chapter 46: It was ... maybe ...

1366 Words
“How is he?” Timmy Cruz asked. As soon as they heard that one of the member of their group was under a dire, painful situation, she and her twin, Tammy, quickly fled towards the clinic. At that point, they saw Tristan, Rain, and Blaze, waiting worriedly outside the clinic. “I think he will be fine,” Tristan answered Timmy. “He had a strong fever due to the opened wound on his arm, but the medical staffs weren’t alarmed by it. They even knew what exactly to do.” “Th—Thank goodness.” Tammy whispered with satisfied relief. “That man will be alright, Tammy. Don’t worry too much about him. You know how big he was,” Timmy tried cheering Tammy up. To no success, Tammy just smiled at her, and then said; “No matter how big you are, death has a flexible mouth that can devour you whole.” Hearing that, Timmy’ shoulders fell off. “You know what, twin, your anxious thoughts are starting to attack me too.” “I’m sorry,” said Tammy. Her eyes are both sad and afraid. “Have you seen the other of our members yet?” out of spur, Rain started asking. It is Blitz and Amara who was still not among them at this moment, that is why Rain asked the twins about them. “We don’t. Maybe they are already resting. After all, we only have an hour before the call for the curfew,” Timmy answered. “W—We just came here when Timmy fetched f—food to the cafeteria, then s—she heard from other students that Caspian was in a bad situation. Then she said it to me and we b—both quickly went here.” Tammy added as an explanation. “I think we need to go back for now. The curfew was about to come. By that time, we should be back to our own quarters,” Blaze suggested. “But how about Caspian?” Tristan asked, still worried to his group member. “He will be fine, Tristan. Long as he was inside the clinic, he will be safe,” Rain has assured. With a hard heart, Tristan now decided to leave the front of the clinic after a minute or two. It was hard for him to leave a friend who was under a dire situation, but he knew he has to sleep and rest as well. He needs to restore back his energy because he will be needing it tomorrow. He only just hoped that Caspian would be safe and would be along with them for the next lesson activity of the Zero Program. They finally set off, deciding to go back to their own quarters. They all turned back towards the alley where the clinic room was standing. However, at the opposite side of the alley, someone has appeared: A man with a copper-blonde hair, wearing a laboratory coat as he calmly arrange the surgical gloves right on his hand. Tristan and his group continued walking, travelling towards the direction where their rooms can be found, haven’t had a thought of looking back at the clinic room that they were about to leave. Had they looked back again even just for once, they would have seen a mad scientist entering the clinic room. They would have seen Principal Copper and the murderous intent surrounding his presence. ***** The next day, students of the Zero Program were still wary and conscious of their whole surrounding. Even Tristan and his group, they could not help but think anxiously that something bad might happen to them even though this day is just designed for them to rest. Yes, this day is allotted for them to rest their minds and move away from stressful lessons of the Zero program. Even just for a single day, they should be relaxing. Most of the students has spent their free-from-death day outside of the Zero building. One of them is Tristan along with his group. They decided to go outside and play different games for their past-time. But just as others, they were wary. Knowing that the whole place were still being covered with pixel-like glasses that has formed into a dome-like structure, they could not just be at ease. Because, that structure was reminding them that this place is still a paradise of hell. They were afraid that maybe, a group of students or two might attack and try to kill them. This day—unfortunately—still allows killing of other students, whenever they want or like. “Hey, Tristan! You’re spacing out once again! Come on, throw the ball! Hit me!” Tristan’s consciousness fell back to him when he heard Timmy calling him. They were playing dodgeball that moment, and he did not realized that he was now holding the ball. He brushed off the cloudy thoughts on his mind, and then smiled. “Sorry, I was just teasing you!” He threw the small air-filled ball, and targeted Timmy and Tammy who was arduously dodging the ball. It seemed that they were enjoying the game, as if they have forgotten where they were playing right now. The ball came towards Tristan once again, and he quickly caught it in the mid-air. Because of that, the twin panicked, since they were near to Tristan. They tried running away, but Tristan managed to hit the ball to Tammy. “Got you!” Tristan joyfully screamed. “That’s unfair! You surprised us, and we don’t have time to prepare!” Timmy protested, but she knew that the way Tristan played was fair and square. “Tsk! If only Caspian dude was here, we would be winning.” “Caspian’s still resting, and you shouldn’t put the blame on him,” Rain said, trying to suppress a laugh from the complains of Timmy. “Go Timmy! You can dodge all of the ball th—they will throw!” “Got you twin, I’ll win this,” Timmy said with a confident smirk. Rain threw the ball towards Timmy, but with her quick reflexes, she was able to dodge it easily. “Heh! That’s a lousy throw!” The ball went once again to Tristan. He caught it in the mid-air. Timmy once again panicked. When Tristan was about to throw the ball, Timmy instinctively dodged. But it was just a trap, because Tristan delayed the throwing of the ball. When he was sure that Timmy wouldn’t have a time to react and dodge the ball anymore, he threw it to her, hard. She was hit by it. “Got you! Game over!” Tristan again shouted and laughed. “Ah! That hurts dude!” Timmy complained, caressing portion of her back which he had hit with the ball. “Sorry,” he said, still trying to suppress the joyful laugh in him. It seems that … even him … he somehow forgot the dangers of this place. “The ball flew at that part, Tristan. Go get it because you’re the reason why it went there,” Seven, who has been enjoying watching them, has said. He pinpointed the secluded back part of the Zero building. “Yeah. I’ll go get it.” He did not hesitate to go towards it. He just want to get the ball that has flew in the area. He immediately got the ball. About to go back to his group, he stopped when he caught something peculiar. His forehead scrunched, his eyebrows met. At the very back of the building, though still far from where he was, he saw a chamber-like thing that was attached on the wall. A black, chamber-like thing that after a few meter or two, became buried on the ground. “No, it was not a chamber,” he whispered. “It was a tunnel.” If it was indeed a tunnel, then by the looks where it was attached, the entrance through it can be found exactly at the portion where the restricted area of the building could be found. It was, maybe … a secret tunnel for exit.
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