Chapter 44: What Doing?

1365 Words
“We must get out of here. Now!” having the panic burying onto his chest, Tristan unhesitatingly moved around the small laboratory to arrange back the things and paraphernalia that they have touched. Still, the live CCTV footage of the mad scientist going back to his demonic den was displayed on the monitor screen. Tristan doesn’t know why it was being showed to him and Rain, so that they will be saved for the upcoming danger. The more he found help from someone aliased ‘See You’, the more he finds him, or her, mysterious. Why was it helping him? And the fact that it can access computers means it can access the whole system of this place. It was a person belonging to the group behind this project Zero program. But … who has the straightest mind to help him up to this extent? Why? When Tristan and Rain—after few seconds—were finally assured that they had placed everything they have touched back to its usual, they started to retreat. As quick as possible, they hurriedly moved away from the laboratory. The mad scientist was about two blocks away from the alley where the laboratory was placed, and it was highly dangerous if they stayed for a minute or more. He wasn’t sure if the TV (who then became the ‘see you’) would hear him, but he had also gave his gratitude to it. He could not just help himself but to do it, because it had helped them escaping away from the danger that was about to come inside the laboratory. If not for it, they would become busted for now. Just like what they had done earlier, they have wittingly dodged the CCTV focuses that was installed in the whole surrounding. All they have to do is to pinpoint the blind spots of the cameras. However, while they were trying to escape, they could not hide the fear that was forming onto their chests. It was distracting them. “Tristan, careful. You might get caught by the camera,” said Rain. “Ah, right. I’m sorry,” Tristan replied. He was extremely disturbed by the peculiar things that they have discovered inside the laboratory. That is why, he was having a hard time to focus on what they were currently doing. “We’ll be able to reach the unrestricted parts in a minute or two. Let’s hurry,” again, Rain commanded. “Rain,” he called. “What?” Rain answered. “What do you think that mad scientist is doing?” From that, Rain instinctively stopped. Still, she was in the position of sticking to the wall, keeping her posture just for the sake of not being caught by the cameras. Having heard Tristan’s question, she was thinking. Tristan then realized that the question he had thrown was at a very bad position. He should have waited for them to be able to escape from dark alley before letting that question go. Because, just like him, Rain was disturbed by the thought. “L—Let’s just forget about that thought first, Rain. We have to get out of here first.” Tristan suggested. He had seen how Rain was disturbed by the question, to the point that he believes she almost forgot that they were in the middle of danger. Luckily, Rain nodded. However, as she moves and tried avoiding the sharp gazes of the controlled circuit cameras, Tristan could still notice that her thoughts were not in the present situation that they were in. For a second, they shared moments of silence. For Tristan, the banging pressure of silence inside an eerie alley of Josen High had made him uncomfortable. But then, the uncomfortable silence was broken by Rain. “I don’t get it, actually,” she said. The sudden words that the woman has muttered had almost made Tristan to jump because of surprise. Good thing he has a good control of his body. For if not, he will be facing danger by being caught in the camera. “What do you mean, Rain?” Tristan asked. “Your question. What that mad scientist are trying to achieve.” “It could be extremely related to the thing that you have mentioned to me last time. The reason why there is an existence of Project Zero.” “Probably. But … why did he butchered a human? Why … why was he doing that horrible murder?” Rain asked. From that, Tristan could sense the pain and anger inside Rain. She was gritting her teeth as she asked that hard-to-answer questions. “We don’t know for now,” Tristan said. “But maybe sooner.” Rain looked at him. Still, they are busy avoiding the security cameras loitered on every parts of the walls and ceilings. “What do you mean?” “This would not be our last time observing the whole Project Zero building, right?” Hearing that, Rain’s stares were fixed at Tristan for long seconds. Tristan even felt awkwardness from her stare, but he had made sure that he could still stare back at her. He wouldn’t want Rain to conclude that he was affected by the condensed intensity of that ashen eyes. “You’re right. There’s still a lot of time we can use to observe the whole place.” “And by that time, we will be able to answer the questions that we found hard to answer for now.” Rain again nodded. Then, she had abruptly stopped. Tristan then followed her, and abruptly stopped as well, the moment that Rain had done it. “What’s the problem, Rain?” Tristan asked. Rain motioned her fingers. While she was alertedly looking towards the front of the alley that they were travelling, she placed her index finger on her lips: a sign of silence. Then, that is when Tristan heard something: a noise. Footsteps. Someone is coming. The alley that they were currently at, was the last alley where security cameras were fixed. The turning corner not far from them is where the safe zone could be found. But … that is where the footsteps they are hearing, are coming from as well. Tristan muttered a curse in his mind. They were in the middle of trouble. If they will be discovered being inside this restricted place, they know the deadly consequence of it. “What shall we do?” Rain asked. Tristan saw the pale panic on her face. “Stay calm, Rain,” Tristan said, trying to comfort the panic at Rain, despite the fact that he too was panicking. “We’ll be dead if we’re caught.” “I know. I’m trying to think of something,” he said. However, even if they do not directly tell it, the truth was … they have faced a dead-end. Not unless a miracle will happen. “What are you two doing here?” Both Tristan and Rain’s eyes rounded in shock, when … behind them, someone had spoke. Someone asked a simple, unthreatening question but had terrified them until the pit of their vulnerable souls. Quickly, their head turned towards the man who sputtered the question which both of them does not want to hear. Tristan’s eyebrows curled in confusion. “Blaze, what are you doing here?” he asked. Yes, the man who just came out of nowhere, and appeared on their back, was Blaze. One of the current member of their group. “Hey, I am asking the same question. What are you two doing here? This is a restricted place as far as I knew.” “But why are you here too?” Rain asked. Just like Tristan, she too was confused. Having too much confusion, Blaze was about to answer, so that he could clear himself. However, another voice had appeared. It was at the part where the loud footsteps earlier were coming from. “Tristan? Rain? Where are you?” Tristan, even though he had not seen the face of the man yet, immediately recognized to whom the voice belongs to. “That’s Caspian. What is he doing here?”
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