Chapter 67: Intention

1979 Words
Carlissa bought a food outside, for her and Arvin's dinner. At the current moment, she was in the state of bliss. Meeting Arvin in her life added a little bit of spice for her supposed to be plain and normal life. That is why, she was thankful for him as he accompanies her in her loneliness. She felt that this period of her life is the phase where luck has finally sided her. She has been given an abundant wealth—a kind of wealth which she never thought she would be able to achieve; and a man who in this moment relies on her and her capabilities. Yes, she knew that Arvin's age is an eleven year gap from her. He is 28, she is 39. Yet, she could not resist the charm of the man, making her ambitiously falling to him, and wanting to do everything so that he would catch her from her falling. If it means desperate moves just so she could have her, she would not hesitate to do it. If it means seducing him, she would seduce it—all for the sake of love. But, was her feelings really an emotion of love? Or just a mere desire and attraction? She does not know. All that she wants, in this moment, is to have him, and his attention, and his warmth, his lips, his arms wrapping around her body as they kiss. “Arvin?” Carlissa called as soon as she entered the house. She found Arvin sitting at the sofa. Along with him is the pile of washed clothes clothes of her that Arvin himself had washed for her. It was already dried, and he was now neatly and almost perfectly folding it. “You're back,” he said, smiling. “What are you doing, Arvin?” Carlissa quickly asked, for she was surprised that the man he dreams to spend a night with, was folding her clothes which he had also washed. “Folding your clothes,” said Arvin, staying the obvious. “But ... you should not be doing that. I am not treating you here as a house worker. I am treating you as part of my family.” “It's okay, Carlissa. I am used to do these things. Had learned it because I have to live by myself. Besides, I'm happy that I could help you in the little way I could,” Arvin reasoned out as he continued folding her clothes while giving a bright beam of smile. “But ...” Carlissa's face reddened. Looking at the beaming red color of underwear that the young man was folding, the sense of embarrassment had swallowed her. She quickly strode to him, and with the redness of her face—like a teenager—he grabbed her underwear away from him. “Y—You know, I have bought our dinner from outside. L—Let's eat first before doing those chores,” she reasoned out, quickly grabbing every underwear she could see that was scattered on the sofa. After checking that evvery underwear has been on her hand Arvin found Carlissa's acts as confusing. He was left clueless as the woman quickly went up to her room while holding her pile of newly washed clothes—underwear, to be precise. He was left hanging, until he realized that what he was doing earlier has been embarrassing her. A man folding a woman's underwear is indeed not a usual thing, and would surely embarrass anyone of the same thinghas happened to her. He laughed hard from the sudden realization. He now then felt awkward touching Carlissa's clothes because he was afraid she would be embarassed once again from his actions. Seconds later, Carlissa went back to where he was. Still holding the plastic bag of the food that she bought, she looked at Tristan. "L—Let's eat," she said, stuttering and with face of a tomato's skin. “I'm sorry, I made you uncomfortable, Carlissa. It wasn't my intention. I don't know that woman would be embarassed if you know, other people would fold their—” “I'm going to put this in the table! Just follow if you want to eat already!” Carlissa interrupted, quickly dashing to the kitchen so that she could cut Arvin's sentence. From that, he laughed which echoed in the whole house. Hearing the laugh, Carlissa's embarrassment became even stronger and her face exposed more redness than before. Tristan shook his head out of disbelief. Carlissa is ten years of age older than him, but she acts as if she was just a teenager. “You're cute when you are doing that,” he whispered before he followed her to the kitchen, and help her arranging the food she had bought. *** An hour past. Sitting on the bed renches at the terrace of Carlissa's newly made house, the two was enjoying tye company of each other as they watches the twinkling of the stars in the sky. There are two bed renches on the terrace—one for Carlissa, and the other for Arvin. Carlissa dreamt of having these beach bed rench because she can always use it whenever she wanted quality and relaxing time. This moment, she enjoys her relaxation along with Arvin. In the middle of their bed renches a bottle of champagne and two champagne glasses were standing on a table. Despite the fact that the surrounding place was fille with a lot of noise and bustling sound of vehicles, just by staring at tye clear night sky has already made their thoughts clean and peaceful. “I wish my life could always be this peaceful and satisfying,” said Carlissa. She grabed her champagne glass, and sipper a liquor from it. “I wish the same thing as yours,” Arvin said. Just like what Carlissa did, she grabbed his champagne glass, and then drank from it. “Somwtimes, I am itching to find the truth about you,” out of nowhere, Carlissa said which made Arvin froze from where he sat. “But whenever I would realize that there are things that are hard to disclose and that even me have secrets I don't want to tell to you. My itching for the truth about you is being erased.” Arvin sighed. “I am sorry, Carlissa," he said. From the looks of his sad face, Carlissa had found out that Arvin wanted to tell the truth about his own self, but at the same time, he finds it difficult. “As I said, it's okay if you won't tell me," she said, consoling Arvin. “Long as you're not a murderer or anyone who have bad intentions to me, I am fine with it.” Another sigh escaped from Arvin's mouth. “Thank you for the understanding, Carlissa. I ... I found difficulty in telling you about everything that is happening to my life. Even if there is a thing that could make you drift through my thoughts, I bet you would not be able to reach any answer from your question. If you don't know the whole thing about me, I do not know my real self either.” “That is tough," Carlissa replied. "It indeed was. But just to be clear, I have and would never have bad intentions towards you. I don't even want to take advantage of your genuine kindness." “Actually,” Carlissa said, moving her hand to make a the liquor twist and twirl inside the champagne glass she was holding. “I am the one who do have an intention to you.” Hearing what Carlissa told, Arvin became confused. His forehead scrunched and his eyebrows almost met each other. “What do you mean, Carlissa?” he asked. He looked at her, and saw her playing at her champagne glass. Yet, when she looked at him, he already found out what was the answer to his question. The intention is desire. Tristan could see it from Carlissa's eyes. The dimming of her once beautifully twinkling eyes, the parting of her lips, and the sensation of the aura she has been resonating—it was familiar to him. He'd seen and felt it already. He felt terrified. The same thing has happened once again. For most of the time, he believes that history does not repeat itself. It may become a root that serves as a stronghold for the present, but it repeating for the second time around ... he doesn't want to believe it. Yet, as he looks at Carlissa who has now stood up, courage but a little bit of hesitation could be noticed, he could not deny the fact that history has been, indeed, repeating itself. He could not speak, nor say 'no, please do not do this.' He was, at some point, frightened and loss. He wanted to stop Carlissa. Yet, even though the woman was now sitting on his chest, fingers are caressing both of his left ear and his hair, he could not gather the strength to say no—to tell her that he had no interest in her. The trauma from the past had even added pressure to the present. “I like you, Arvin,” Carlissa said. “I have been desiring to have you. To feel you inside me.” The feminine husk and whisper of her voice had reverberated to his ears. Yet, he still wanted to say no. But despite how much courage, he hadn't had a chance to tell her what he truly wanted to say. Even though his lips had been crushing to her, he could not take any opportunity to say that this things was wrong. Because surprisingly, he somehow felt that it wasn't. He was replying back from her kisses. His hands even went to her back, and pulled her closer to him. It was wrong. Extremely wrong. It shouldn't be happening. But ... why is he doing it? What's worse, he likes the sensation—just like back then, when Cassandra Hernandez professed her love and attraction to him. They've been kissing and exploring the body of each other for a minute now. Then, out of nowhere, Carlissa released a muffled grunt. It was unexpected, and Arvin does not know what it meant. Until upon kissing her something sticky escaped from Carlissa's mouth. He accidentally tasted it, and became terrified from what he discovered. Blood. Witht eyes widely opened, he pushed back Carlissa to check what had happened to her. That is when he saw that Carlissa was already unconscious. Dead. Something on her chest was buried. Stabbed. It was the cause of her death. Terrified, he looked at the culprit of the woman's death. His body shook in fear when, from behind Carlissa, two figures could be seen: one is from the body of normal human, one is a figure of a monster. “J—Jin,” Arvin called, staring to the man beside the monster. “What unfortunate this was, isn't it, Arvin?” Jin said. “H—How did you find me?" Jin shrugged and pouted. “These days, Arvin, finding someone who has been hiding is as easy as finding a sand in a beach.” Now, slowly, he looked at the creature that was beside Jin. He felt terror. Even though the dead body of Carlissa was hugging on him, the frightened sensation that was cursing on his body was from the creature who was eyeing him with an understandable murderous intent. The Toddler. “Won't you greet your old friend? How ironic this was, isn't it? You helped your older brother in creating this killing machine of a creature. You basically created the Toddler. Yet, look what it was doing to you: destroying you and your life.”
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