Chapter 66: What Could Went Wrong?

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The AI Cassandra was left alone, once again, in the office of the Principal. She was just standing in the middle of the office, with the same exact position that Principal Copper has left him. the whole place was surrounded by silence, making the small sound of whirring engine inside her machine body be the only sound heard in the lonely place. For a few more minutes, nothing particular has happened. It was all just a lonely, silent place that is only being presenced of a robot who was currently under personality detachment mode. It was a mode wherein this Artificial Intelligence would just work out according to the command of his creator. When she received no command, she wouldn’t move or would bother to do anything. She was just a robot who have no capacity to think for herself. However, a few more seconds has passed, and the robotic body of AI Cassandra started moving. it shouldn’t be. But it was. From standing in the middle of the office, the Robot started to roll its wheels towards the single computer on the left corner of the office. The green frothing liquid—enzymes that protects the functioning of a brain inside the robot’ s glass part, was frothing more rapidly and intense than the way it should usually froth. As it reached the near the computer, the screen of it started to become activated. What welcomed the robot was series of letters and numbers in that seemed like codes and programs for a software devices-like the software that Principal Copper has been using to make Professor Josefina Buenavista be working. Now, the codes on the computer started to move. Someone was coding and typing a new system. However, there is no one present in the place—except AI Cassandra. No, it was impossible. She shouldn’t be moving at the first place. She was at a personality detachment mode, that is why it she shouldn’t be working on anything, unless it was given by his creator. Yet, why does the computer kept on typing something, even though there were no one who has been pressing the buttons of the computer’s keyboards? It was as if running on its own. Looking at the screen of the computer, a knowledgeable enough individual to understand the codes would realize that it was a software program that was sent to the internal system of the hardware called Josefina Buenavista. Also, one wouldn’t be able to notice, not unless studied intricately, that the program was altered from its supposed to be actual function. Someone changed it. The program that was altered talks about the final phase of Project Zero. However, the most important part of the program was deleted and was changed into a peculiar programming. After a minute, the AI Cassandra moved once again. It went back to the exact same place where the Principal has left him. The computer, after a minute passing, has also turned off its system on its own will. Or perhaps, someone—or something—has the ability to control the systems of the computer even without touching anything. Before the computer would shut down, the new program that was made in it could be read from the screen, and, if a certain person who knew something about programming, would be able to read what the program was about. It was a message. On it, the message was written as: ‘Do not trust Amara.’ And it was now sent only to a specific location. This message would be able to read by someone whom the message was sent to, by means of presence trigger—which means, once the person appeared on the specific place where the message was sent, it would start to appear. Clever, for the program was sent towards the private quarter of a certain person—a man named Tristan Fauxier. Sometimes, Artificial intelligence are much more terrifying than ghosts or humans. ******************************** “What could be the problem about you?” Principal Copper was looking at the dead body of Professor Josefina Buenavista. Her face was still skinned and both the terrifying muscular and metallic skull system of her was exposed on his front. It shouldn’t be like that. He was sure that he had completely arranged the programmed system for the orders about the final phase. However, he wasn’t sure why the Project Buenavista has failed him for the first time. Even though it was just a prototype, Principal Copper was confident that this semi Artificial Intelligence and semi Human creation of him would be working properly. In fact, the personality of Josefina Buenavista has been a great help for him since the start of the development of the Project Zero. That is why, it was a big question for him on why does this creation of him has failed him for the first time. Was it because of the program he had asked Cassandra sending to Josefina’s Internal system? That would be impossible. He had never made any wrong codes and arrangement in his program. It would be a wrong count if he would blame his own self. Frustrated, he decided to place the skinned-face body of Josefina Buenavista on a garbage bag and placed it in the corner of his laboratory, along with other ‘to be disposed garbage’ from his experiments. He doesn’t feel any sense of loss from him disposing the body of that Professor—because, in the first place, it was just one of Josefina’s body whom he had disposed off. He can create another Josefina Buenavista as many as he likes, that is why there are chambers standing inside his laboratory, marked as project B. It was a project only intended in making a Josefina Buenavista—because, the catch of this project of him is that one body of a Josefina Buenavista would only last for two weeks, making him always having reserves from each glass chambers in his laboratory. He sighed. He decided to activate another Josefina Buenavista. He would examine it, to check what could be the defect on her system. His phone then rang suddenly. With frustration and tiredness, he answered his phone. “One of my men was now watching Jin and that Carlissa Fauxier on her house. They have been doing nothing, nor even aware that we will attack them later this coming night.” “Just make sure, Jin, that you will kill Arvin. We need to. If it was inevitable to kill that Carlissa Fauxier, then don’t stop yourself. What matters the most is killing that Traitor,” he said, hanging up the call, and then moving back to the thing he was supposed to be busy at: to activate another Professor Josefina Buenavista from her slumber inside a glass chamber.
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