Chapter 68: Do Not Trust

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Tristan Fauxier was lying on his bed, inside his quarter. He was resting and reserving his energy. He knew that he would need to reserve and gather a lot of his energy by resting, because the next thing that they were about to do would cost him a lot of strength—both from wielding courage, strength, and the need to maintain his attention all through the night. Tonight, they are planning to escape. Everything is set. Everyone from the group has already knew the thing that they will be doing—he and Rain helped each other to encourage their groupmates. Luckily, everyone was willing to take the risk. They wanted to take the risk of escaping away from this place, because it has caused him already a huge amount of tax from theirselves—physically, mentally, and even spiritually. Just like Tristan, how they view this escaping mechanism that they were about to do, has a much more possibility of succeeding and making themselves still alive, instead of fighting until the final phase of the Project Zero. They do not care about the money anymore. They thought that the money would compliment the hardships and traumas they have been experiencing inside, but they have realized that it was just a materialistic thing. It was just, and will never replace the value of peaceful life and genuine happiness. Seven thirty of the evening, and he started to get up on the bed, and then prepare. There was a little bit of panic forming in his chest as the hits every second. For him, it was normal. Escaping has been always this frightening and filled with gripping tension. Recalling the past events—and even movies he had watched—escaping was not always easy. It always was a breath holder scene, a grasping moment. He would not be able to perhaps breath properly as they went to their journey for an escape. Now, seven forty five on the clock, and he was ready to go. The plan is, to meet at the entrance of the restricted area of the building before the curfew would hit the clock. However, to avoid confusion, each of them would go outside their room on a designated time. Fifteen minutes before the time hitting 8 pm was assigned to Tristan. He was the last one who will go out of his room. Meaning, other of his groupmates has been waiting for him already at the restricted area’s office. He was about to go out, when, suddenly, a small insect flew on his front, bugging him. He tried to get it away of him at first, but then after a second, he immediately stopped. The insect, as he looks at it, was glowing all in blue, red, and yellow colors. Later did he realize then that the insect is not just a normal one. There is something on it. With that, despite knowing that he would be late, he just stood up and stared at the insect. He wasn’t sure to what thing was this root insect functions of. Was it to spy him? To watch him twenty-four seven, so that if ever he would do something unusual, he would be punished ? perhaps killed? Was this another creation of that Principal Copper? s**t, what could Tristan do? Twelve minutes before the curfew and he wasn’t able to get outside of his quarter yet. The insect has been watching him. He did not know what the others are ding right now, or if they were safe—because there is a big possibility that they were captured (Tristan hoped that they are not) because of this insect who was as if in Patrol. Suddenly, the insect flew a distance away of him. However, it was still on his front, as if intentionally watching him. Watching the insect, Tristan’s eyes grew wide when out of nowhere, a luminous futuristic light appeared at the top of it. There was an appearance of circular light that looked like a plate at the top of the insect. Hologram. At the top of that plate-like structure of light is a set of letters—message. Having seeing the letters, he read it; “Do not trust Amara. Below that huge letters is a stet of smaller ones, indicating who have sent the warning to him. ‘See You.’ Tristan’s chest pounded even harder. There was a lot of confusion ringing and circling and twisting on his head as he read See You’s message. Do not Trust Amara. It can be easily understood. It can be easily read. Yet, for him, it seemed that the message was hard to comprehend. Ever since Amara told her about her secrets, about the partial truth of this place, he has been trusting her already. She is an honest woman in his point of view. She even took the risk of showing him some of the things which he did not understand, nor even knew inside this project. He was trusting Amara. Yet, with the current message he has received, confusion started to brew. What’s worse, the message has also came from a person—or a thing whom he has been trusting as well inside this place. Who should he believe? If Amara was telling the truth, and she was, just like the others, craving for the freedom outside Josen High, why would she betray him? Was See You the one who should not be trusted for now? Or not. Maybe Amara was the one who is telling lies to him, to trick him and to make him fall from demise. Maybe she was planning to ruin the plan of their escaping. Maybe she had already spilled the news to the higher ups of the organization for project zero. He doesn’t know. He wasn’t sure. He wanted to believe both of the—he wanted to trust Amara because she has told him a lot about the organization and even helped him see Caspian’s situation; he too wanted to trust See You. Ever since the first day he had arrived in this place, See You has been helping him—especially in hard and near-death situations. However, both of their statements were contradicting each other. Both of them are opposing each other. With fear, confusion, panic, and even anger all mixed up at his chest, the strength of his legs felt weak. He sat on the ground, thinking—but with a lot of confusing, random things that was bugging inside his mind, it just seemed that he wasn’t thinking anymore. He was just allowing his mind to control and own self. Seven minutes before the curfew, yet, Tristan wasn’t moving yet. He was still confused of what to do next. The insect has even self destructed itself already, but Tristan hasn’t finally decided what to do next—who to trust, who to believe. Five minutes before the curfew, and Tristan has decided that he would stay in this place, and let the cruelty of this place devour him alive. He was lost for now. However, a knock came from his door. Confused, he unenergetically and unconsciously opened the door. Soon as he did, a soft, warm hand wrapped around his wrist, and pulled him. From that, he was forced to walk outside his room, to the alley, and … to the entrance of the building’s restricted area. He looked at the back of the person who has been dragging him and forcing him to join the escape plan. “The group was waiting for you, Tristan. Do not disappoint us.” Somehow, Tristan smiled—because if he was confused upon who to trust between Amara and See You, there is one person whom his trust would never be moved: his trust for Rain.
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