Chapter 69: Chuckle

1127 Words
“I’m sorry. I just have discovered something which bothered me while I was inside the room,” Tristan has managed to make something of an excuse just so Rain would not worry to him for so much. The way how Rain was holding Tristan’s arm was giving him undeniable comfort of warmth. Despite the chaotic and vile place this project zero has been giving off, he always finds serenity and peace whenever Rain was with him. He never expected that he would meet someone as genuine as her, as true as her, as someone whom he could fully trust, just like this. “What happened to you? What kind of discovery have you had?” Rain asked, looking at him. Still, they were walking fast through the corridor. Only a few tight minutes was left for them to stroll in the area, before the poisonous type of gas would be sprayed onto the whole area for a sense of restriction. But, since everything was molded into a plan, Tristan could see that Rain was confident that they would not be affected by the gas poisoning that may be sprayed sooner or later. She was a woman who have more than one plan on her arsenal of thoughts. If one would fail, another back-up plan was readied to counter the problem. Knowing that, Tristan was ecstatic to feel that there was a confidence left inside him when thinking about their escaping plan. Knowing that it was Rain’ plan, he felt assured. “It’s better not for you to know it first,” Tristan answered. “Until I am not sure what was real or not, I would keep it secret to everyone.” Rain’s hand gripped tighter at Tristan. Tristan had felt the intense pressure which Rain was putting on his arm. It made him confused and worrying. “Is there any problem, Rain?” he asked. Hearing the question, Rain shook her head. However, she said ,”I was just wondering about that secret you are keeping. I am just bothered that the secret was in relation to me.” Tristan smiled. His free hand went on to Rain’s head, and then he scuffled her hair. “Silly,” he said, “it’s not like that. It’s not you I am bothered about. I have no any reason to doubt you, Rain.” “But … you do know that I have secrets I am keeping away from you, and that I have once made you disappointed, right? Remember when I have not helped you when the Project Zero staffs quarantined you in the detention room?” Tristan shrugged. “We all have our secrets. And, you would not approach me first if that secret you are keeping would harm me.” Tristan knew that Rain would not put anyone in a dire situation and be left on it, hanging. No, Rain is never like that. She would never extremely harm anyone just so she could get whatever she wanted. In fact, Rain has been a good help for him—and to their group—that is why they were still surviving until now. If not because of her, maybe all of them were dead by now. Even though he is at the back of her, Tristan could sense that Rain was smiling from what he had said. “Thanks,” he heard Rain saying, though in a way, it was in whisper. Tristan chuckled. “In what reason why are you saying thanks to me? And why in whispers?” Rain, embarrassed, shook his head. “Nothing. I just wanted to thank you for trusting me.” Tristan has also smiled. He did not know what kind of charm she have got to the point that she could make him smile in that way. “Who’s more to trust in this place? Among everyone in here, you are the one whom I could trust the most,” he said. He had no idea where or in what place has he got every words he was currently throwing at her. Somehow, he felt that those words are exclusive for a romantic conversation—which is what they are not doing, of course. With that realization, he felt embarrassed. “Yeah, whatever,” Rain replied. Tristan heard Rain chuckling in happiness—a rare sight for him to see—which sent him unexpected reaction. Something in his chest has stirred and went in chaos. It was the first time he has heard her chuckle “Let’s go now,” Rain added. “We will be late if we don’t walk faster.” After that, they have indeed walked faster. No, they ran. They only have a few minutes left before the curfew would hit the clock. They strode carefully through the alley, careful not to make any noise that would catch other student’s attention. It was hard—running and trying not to get caught by the noise of their tapping shoes against the floor. But somehow, they have managed it. When they reached the spot where the cafeteria was located, Tristan noticed that it was already closed. There were metal cases that covered the elegant cafeteria this building had. “Timmy packed foods for us,” Rain said. “I figured that perhaps, it would be a rigorous and energy-exhausting night for us. That is why, I asked Timmy if she could pack us some food. Earlier I checked, she got a bag of it. She has even started munching some of it.” “Are they all in the place already?” Tristan asked. “Yes, everyone was in the restricted zone already. It’s just you whom are waiting for,” Rain replied. “I’m sorry about that,” Tristan replied. “I sensed that you maybe are in trouble with something, that is why I decided to come on to you, and check what was happening. My senses tells me the truth. You were indeed in trouble.” Now, the dark, restricted area was glaring in front of them. Tristan looked at Rain, and when their eyes met, they both nodded to each other. “Let us do this,” encouraged Tristan. Rain nodded once again. As an answer, she said, “We’ll be able to escape away from here.” They started to enter the dark, restricted area of the building. Their bodies were devoured by the darkness. They walked through a seemingly infinite darkness. Few turns, few passing of blocks, and, in a distance, a group of people has welcomed them. “Finally you are here,” said someone in a careful, silent voice. On Tristan’s front, there Timmy, Tammy, Amara, Blaze, and Seven was standing, waiting for him.
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