Chapter 7 (Opera night)

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Songs and singing and the love for music and performers, performing a piece like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or just a piece about normal life was something that most loved and enjoyed it was a part of human culture and it was mostly enjoyable too. It was a night to see if the love for arts were shared and a time to see all the Lady's dazzling the proper men with Witty and admiration. The Opera house was already full but the King, Queen and Princess Rose had a special bunk in which they always sat and Rose was in a red velvet dress and she looked very royal tonight with some pretty feathers in her hair too, with a crown that had red rubies and some small diamonds in and her makeup was done to and she looked wonderful , she was also very excited about tonight and all the young men looked at her beuty while she only wanted to see one or maybe two and she got her wish. "Princess Rose might I say you look even more lovely tonight then the last time I saw you , it seems your beauty just grows with every day that goes by", prince Bion says to her bowing infront of her and her parents. Rose look a bit taken back at this sudden approach but she smiles and bows back, happy to see him afterall. "Thank you Prince Bion , It is nice to know you think of me so highly, but do tell me sir, are you a fan of the arts?", Rose says back. He looks at her with his dark blue eyes,"O Princess indeed I am, I do love the acting alot and well if I must say that at least I can look at you if it was to bore me to much", he answers with this smirk as if he was indeed better, but Rose liked his casual demeanor so she shook her head at his silly answer. "Well Prince Bion then I guess you have not seen many Opera because if you did you would not be to bored"." Yes Princess I do believe you have a point". He says again and just then Rose's cousin Lord Stefan walks in greeting everyone while he comes to stand next to Rose smiling but then he sees this young man and bows introducing himself, but never as her cousin , only as Lord Stefan and this made Rose smile she knew what he was doing and so she put her arm in Stefan's and looked at him with so much love. "Good sir shall we perhaps take our seat?" ,she says and Stefan agrees but Prince Bion does not seem happy but behaving is now his best key at not messing everything up ,so he decide to also go sit down . "Enjoy Princess I shall see you at the dinner afterwards perhaps then I could steal you for a bit of small talk". He says while looking to Stefan to. "Yes that would be lovely thank you", Rose says and then curtsey . Bion walked away feeling anoid by Stefan... Rose then goes with her family and while sitting down her mother comes to her ear saying they will have a guest and it should be Rose's choice who she would like to join them so Rose look to her mother . "I would love to have Prince Derek join us but I did not see him yet", so the Queen smiles knowing that she indeed did and so she send the handmaiden of Rose to ask him to join them and so they did, "Dear do not fear when your mother is near , I saw him and believe me he saw you ,but then some lady started talking to him and being a gentleman he talked to her but I saw the way he looked at you , so we invited him and he said if you wanted he would come".Rose was so happy she could jump from her seat in the balcony they were in, but she kept her pose and just as she wanted to sit back down in came the man that captivated her heart from the start , Prince Derek , he looked so captivating in his atier and when he saw Rose there was this calm feeling , this quietness and it made Rose feel saved ,and her parents saw that ,so he greeted them and then turned again to Rose bowing and then he held out a single white rose to her which she then took blushing all over. "Princess this is for you , a simple rose for a rose", she then smells it and smile back,"Thank you Prince Derek ,it is so nice of you to do this ,but may I ask you why a white rose?" ,Rose asks him and he stands tall looking into his mate's eyes. "Because Princess white is the symbol of purity and I see you as the most pure being in this world " ,he says and Rose is overwhelmed with his sweet deep words . "You are to kind Prince, thank you , now do sit next to me as it seems the performance is about to start", she says and so all off them takes their seat and so the show begins and the Opera house is blown away by all the perfection of music , singing and acting. It was marvelous and it was refreshing but at one time the scene was sad and so as tears rolled down Rose's face Derek handed her a handkerchief and it smelled like him, strong , sexy and manly indeed. she was overjoyed and so was he.  As there was a break the King and Queen had some tea and left the two but her cousin was still there to and so Derek wanted to have small talk but Stefan was also near. "So Prince Derek what do you think of the Urtani talent?, is it not great ?" ,Rose ask him and he just loves the way she is so passionate about these kinds of stuff and also about her people and her culture seeing werewolf's did not really have this . "I have to say I loved it, it speaks to ones soul Princess and that lady sure knows how to sing ". "What is your favorite play then?" . Rose asks him. If I must pick one it must be The Roman empire my lady, it was very deep and just like this it was captivating and mostly about losing love", he says and Rose instantly knows of this play it was one of her favorites to ."I am impressed , I did not take you for a man that liked this", she says and so they enjoy tea as well then Stefan says, "well to me Rose this was very moving , I saw you teared but do not worry next time I shall hold your hand", this makes Derek very irritated and a bit mad, this fool daring to touch his mate , he will not let this happen . "O cousin you are to much", Rose laughs while looking to Derek because he is stunned, he almost killed her damn cousin, man he is a love sick puppy. "No Princess never mind me, but yes I love the Opera to" ,just then they all start to laugh and Stefan smiled at Derek as if saying no worries we like you. "No stress Prince just treat my cousin right , then we will have no quarrels", At that Derek agreed and just then the second part started.  After the Opera was done they held a dinner and it was very nice and elegant but this time around Derek got seated next to a other Lady and Rose was seated next to Bion and this was the first time Derek saw Bion and something in him and his wolf Diego told him that this man, Prince looks very familiar, but he decided to leave it be even though he was overwhelmed by the way this man looked at his mate, Diego could feel this was not a normal human, but he could not know why.  "Did you enjoy the performance Prince Bion?" Rose ask the handsome man sitting next to her. "I did yes and yourself?". "I did thank you so do tell what peace or act do you like most besides the one tonight?" ,Rose ask him and he takes a bit long and this was strange to Rose, he did say he liked this so why wonder. "I have to say all Princess,everyone is nice in their own way I suppose and you?" ,he quickly say back diverting it from him. "I like The Roman empire,it is one of my favourite pieces to date", she says but continue her food but she feels eyes on her and so she looks in the direction of Derek and they then share a smile, Bion sees this and also wonder who he is, he needs to find out , this could be a man in his way. "O yes that is a brilliant peace but rather tell me Princes besides Opera what else do you love to do?". Rose looks back at him. "I love music but I am afraid sir you still have a long social season to learn more about me, so for now I really should talk a bit to the others seeing our desert will be on the terrace", she say getting up as do the rest and he also do bowing to her just simply walking to a lady sitting on the other end of the table.Rose was a bit sad at his replies, but she will give him more time though, he could be a good man but so far her eyes was on Derek still... The night went well all the young people talked and enjoyed their time eating dessert and so the King thanked them all and Rose was escorted home and as they drove home she looked to the woods and she then saw two eyes looking at her, this for some reason did not frighten her instead it made her look more, she loved nature and so at the castle the eyes was gone so she thought it might have been a animal following her seeing there is a lot of forests so she went to bed holding onto her white rose thinking of Derek and he on the other hand was the one following her home it was his eyes she saw, his wolf Diego wanting to see her save at home then he took his way home also thinking of his mate and how much he already felt for her...
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