Chapter 7 - Origins

599 Words

*Trigger Warning. Blood and intense suffering* Chapter 7 Brandon started from the only moment that he remembered as his childhood. Blood. It began and ended with that. Every day. Every night. Every second. This liquid. This was all that he was. The red. The drip....of crimson. Of power. The blood and the Flame. A wild energy, crawling inside of him. The energy was him....and yet it wasn't him. HE and it were. There were no words. No emotions. No personality. No Brandon. It would be....untold years before such simple things as a name...or thoughts would be his. For now blood was him. Flame was all that he knew. For the Boy these were his earliest memories, moments, and sensations of the world or just where his mind had stopped blocking out reality and suppressing horrors. Fragi

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