Chapter 6 - Screaming For Release

5332 Words

Chapter 6 Brandon woke up in a soft bed, but he felt the eyes watching him and hovering over him, long before he broke free of his sleep. Voices were murmuring. Talking about him. Brandon woke up from the darkness that had claimed him, just as Erin's soft and anxious voice filled the air. "It's been almost two days....How is he?" She asked. She seemed to be talking to Glen....who was standing with Mantilo beside her. In fact the room was full of bodies. From Mantilo, Glen and Erin, to Lander, Walter, Nate....and finally Drin. A sharp twinge hit Brandon in the heart unexpectedly, when his eyes scanned the room...and he didn't see Ezekiel. For a long moment...Brandon felt bereft. He wanted to see Ezekiel with a sharp ache. He wanted to know that the Guardian was okay. Especially since

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