Chapter 8 - Acolyte, Mater & Lion

3397 Words

Chapter 8 On one timeless day that meant nothing. ON one nameless day...that also meant nothing, the white box that the boy lived in cracked wide open.... Every day the white box opened...and the Men in White took him...and they cut him and fed him Usually the Men in White would stand outside of the Box, and press a sequence of beeping numbs....before the box opened with a "Whoosh" of air. But on this day....Three strange people came to the boy from beyond the c***k in the white box, and these people did not have on the White Robes. The first man to come into the room....was tall and thin. His hair was nearly as white as the walls of the white box, his eyes were dead blue and cold, by an odd pair of black rims that sat up high on his thin nose. His cheeks were sharp, his chin was slim

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