Chapter 5 - Lies & Deciet

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Chapter 5 Glen released a small sigh as they watched their son tear himself away from the mortal, in such a fashion that Mantilo was reminded of pulling teeth. It seemed to take Ezekiel forever to situate Brandon in the covers and sheets to his liking, before finally, Ezekiel trudged out of the room, a painful gait to his step announcing to Mantilo that his son was still many hours away from recovering from the death match he had been forced into against three intruding Lions. A lesser Shifter would not have survived the fight, but Mantilo was proud to note that Ezekiel had been able to withstand the fight and possibly would have won if he hadn't been ambushed. Once he was gone...both Glen and Mantilo released baited breaths, before glancing at each other, then down at Brandon who continued to sleep. "So...Did you see the way he reacted to us simply coming close to them while they were slumbering? DOD his response not disturb you?" Mantilo quietly asked her. Not surprisingly his Mate tried to tsk his words away. "Mantilo..." She said. "He was sleeping and we snuck in here and startled him..." Mantilo shook his head and quickly cut her off. "You know what I'm talking about Glen! And the sleeping didn't matter. His inner beast knew who we were...and it didn't care. Ezekiels and the Leopards only thoughts were for the boy." Refusing to look at him for some strange reason Glen simply replied. "Oh Brandon.....who knew that a mortal boy would bring around so much excitement!?" Mantilo released a shallow sigh "Is this what you call excitement? What will we do Glen? What are we going to do about this?" To his awe Glen actually laughed, and cast him a tender look, as she leaned into his side. "My dear Mantilo You have to ask? Do you have it in you to do anything except try to protect Brandon? For Ezekiel....and for the boy he has nearly died to protect time and time again? We stand with our son and he stands with Brandon." Catching the heavy undercurrent to her words Mantilo rumbled in disquiet and resignation. "I want to help him and...of course I know that he is becoming something special to our son." Here Mantilo stopped and growled. "But what he is to Ezekiel can't be continued to progress unchecked in light of recent and very disturbing events. Glen, not only is Brandon a mortal man that has a very mysterious past...but he also possesses unnatural abilities? Ezekiel says the boy can Heal for gods sake! My Love, allowing this thing between them to flourish would be remiss and foolish. Besides Brandon has been lying to us for...months! They need to be kept apart at least untill we can make sense of all this!" To this Glen didn't respond at first, she just took a deep breath, looked at Brandon and shook her head. Finally she turned to him fully and said. "MY heart....did you not see what I just saw? Do you think anything short of silver chains and a dungeon will break them apart after this? Liar? Thief? Innocent boy running from his abusers? I don't know if it matters anymore, Ezekiel desires this boys safety above all else. He will fight to keep him from harm." Mantilo tried to reply. "I...can see that...but... " But what did he say to this kind of logic? Loguc born from the heart and not the mind. He didn't really want to debate his Mate on the matter either way. He knew things were progressing beyond his ability to control. Glen smiled at him then said. "In the end we have a choice to make. Baring Ezekiel and Bandon....What do you feel about all of this? What do you want to do with a lying, lonely, abused, and hunted boy? You are Clan Head....and I follow you as I always will. If you tell us too then we will let Brandon go. Even Ezekiel will do as you ask, you are not just his father, but our King." Mantilo sighed and closed his eyes. What did Mantilo want to do? What should he do? His son and Brandon were obviously on a dangerous road. Did Mantilo let them continue to be involved? Did he let his family continue to stand for a friend...and perhaps an innocent? It had only been six hours since the attack by the Lion Jacob and the boy's fair face still bore bright ugly ribbons across his cheek. The wound was inflames, filled with blood, and looked far better than it had looked only a few hours ago. Suggesting that Brandon's slumbering body was....and could infact heal its self. His right hand was clutching, clawing at the sheets where Ezekiel had been, no doubt the spot where he had lain was growing clod and subconsciously Brandon seemed to be searching for the warmth of another. Without a word Mantilo watched Glen grab a duvet from a drawer, spread it, and put it across Brandon, forcing him to snuggle down into the bed. Brandon mumbled something Mantilo pretended not to hear, but he knew that Brandon called for his son. Mantilo felt a small swell of warmth and sadness for the young man. He wished that the affection his son and Brandon seemed to share could make all of this easy. He sensed something powerful in that moment between the two. But Mantilo knew that no matter what, even if Ezekiel and Brandon were linked, reality was cruel and cold at the best of times. The term star cross lovers was a bitter pill that stung Mantilo in the mouth, leaving a sour unpleasant zing of grim resolve but rather then admit that he felt the swift kick of melancholy as he looked at the boy, he turned to his wife and skirted a hand down her cheek. "I fear Glen..." He said to her. "That I can't make any choices until Brandon awakens and faces a lot of hard questions form all of us. I cant just ignore all that he has hidden from us, but I also am not willing to sentence him to his fate." Glen nodded her willingness to stand by him no matter what shone in her green gaze. "For now....Well let him rest untill he comes to. The talk with the Lion will wait." Mantilo told her secretly thankful that though he and Glen had faced trouble in their relationship. It had never seemed dammed by lies and deceit from the beginning. He knew that whatever changes came of the next few hours...the connection between his family, his son, and the Mortal would be the most significant. *Hey guy! So what do you think the Clan Heads should do? What do you think Brandon will do now that his secrets have been revealed? Do you think he had a good reason for lying for so long?* We shall see soon!
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