Chapter 5. The cold night

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“Let her go, it's better that way” Brian exclaimed emotionlessly. Benjamin flinched as he moved his shoulder away and said “Why are you always this unfriendly? If you continue this way, you will end up having no friends” “I don't care, I don't need friends,” Brian recklessly exclaimed and Benjamin frowned even more “Then I care if you don't. I'm here to make friends and that girl you just hurt, — I like her, and I want to be her friend! So tomorrow you will happily go and apologize to her” Benjamin said and Brian’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you crazy? I will never do such a thing. I am the alpha of this pack for crying out loud and I will not go around showing my people how weak I am by apologizing for no good reason. If I do that, what will they think of me?” Brian said with so much conviction that it annoyed Benjamin even more. "Damn, this is crazy. Do you realize that, that girl is not your subject and no one here is? You’re just a mere student like every one of us in this school, — you’re insignificant. I mean, you haven't been officially appointed Alpha yet and Dad is still alive. And in his absence, Mum represents him officially as the Luna of this pack so stick that into your head once and for all!" Benjamin scolded. “For how long will the elders accept Dad’s absence? You know that as soon as the elders discover that Mum's the one reigning and not Dad, they will lay claim over the throne… that is when I come in as heir and this can be anytime from now. Contrary to you, what I do here will impact my future” Brian sneered. “Wow! But you know what? I don't care!” he screeched and stormed out. Brian glared at him in dissatisfaction and followed him outside to a black semi-limousine which was waiting for them in front of the school gate. Meanwhile, Abigail had already left school and she was seated on a bus. She had a yearly subscription for the bus to take her back home every afternoon after school. That was what her scholarship could afford after paying for her full school tuition fees and some books. Nothing was left. Anyway, that was what her Daddy told her since it was he who was in charge of the funds that were given to her. The bus stopped and Abigail immediately stepped down. The station was a bit far from her house so she had to trek about a hundred meters or more to reach home. On her way home that afternoon, she stopped at Waza Park to relax before heading home. It wasn't far from home and at least there she found peace. No one to blame, accuse or insult her for no good reason. Just herself and nature… She sat on one of the public benches which were in an isolated section of the park which was out of bounds to everyone since it was connected to a forest where lots of dead bodies had been found. So people mostly use the front part of the park for their safety and as ordered by the authorities. However, wolves living and hiding among humans like Andrew, Abigail, etc… didn't fear any forest and Waza Park’s forest wasn't an exception to them. It was even a small forest to them. She sat there thoughtfully thinking about the children who were happily playing at the entrance with their parents guiding them, a feeling of solace she had lost ever since her mother’s and she wished it was her playing with her old friends with her mother by the side. And her eyes got crammed with tears. Unexpectedly, somebody walked in and sat next to her without paying much attention to her. She immediately swallowed back her tears as his scent snatched her bothersome thoughts as if it seemed like family. Veering her head by the side to catch a glimpse of who it was, her eyes confident met that of the person seated next to her and both of their eyes widened in shock. “What are you doing here?” they both asked each other in astonishment. ‘Trouble never ends!’ she whimpered deep within while her face twisted effortlessly. “You tell me first. What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?!” Abigail asked. “Hahaha… stalking you? That's silly. And why will I follow a girl like you? Hahaha! That's crazy…” He taunted as he pulled his words while staring at her with an air of superiority. He had annoying laughter that made her feel uncomfortable and insecure. ‘Indeed, he’s a very sexy dude and he can never stalk me. Abigail, why did you even say that?’ she cursed herself. But then he said again “I'm sure we are here for the same reason, — peace.” “Yea!” she slightly nodded her head. She didn't know what to say since she was ashamed, tired and very hungry. More to that, he didn't even want to show her too much interest so he put on his headset immediately after he spoke and no matter what she could say, he couldn't get it. He didn't want to make them a long conversion. Then he took out his phone and started scrolling. The place was silent as they sat there without offering a word to each other for a couple of minutes. Abigail had started thinking about how her evening was going to be and she wished she had somewhere she could escape to. While Andrew was fighting with himself. Because no matter how much he pretended like he was ok, his wolf was agitated and that made him feel unease ‘Hmmmmm… wolf what about her?’ he asked himself thoughtfully. As he couldn't withstand her presence any more, he took off his headset and stood up to leave without saying goodbye or even staring at her. Contrary to what he expected, his wolf didn't want to leave, instead it wanted to stay near her. Yet he insisted and took a few steps away and just then Abigail’s stomach grumbled louder than before and this halted him. He wanted to ignore it and leave but then her stomach grumble was unusual and something needed to be done. He moved back to her just then she was standing up to leave with shame. She was so embarrassed and she wanted to hide it all in vain. Unexpectedly, he clutched her hand and that halted her back. Reluctantly, she turned back to face him. “What do you want?” she yelled in frustration. “Are you hungry? I mean for how long have your stomach been starved” he seriously asked and she felt so humiliated. “Do you know it's dangerous for wolves like us to starve this much? That grumble from your stomach ain't an ordinary one, — I mean it's unusual. Don't you eat at home? Or what are you, — an orphan, a slave on scholarship to a prestigious school with no one to take you?” he asked with so much curiosity as if he was worried. She pulled out her right hand from his clench and with both hands, pressed on his chest, shoved him off and ran away. She an with her eyes crammed with tears. She was so embarrassed and she knew that he was just making a mockery of her like they usually did in school. ~~~~ Lily angrily moved home. If only anger could melt iron, then Lily’s anger would have gladly melted all the iron on her way. Her body was steaming with wrath and she couldn't wait to see her mother. Immediately she barged into the house, she started yelling “Mum, you won't believe what just happened to me at school today…” She rapidly moved and stood in front of the television her mum was seated and watching, unapologetically. “Can't you see I'm watching TV?” her mother glared at her with slight confusion. “Mum, so today as head of the class, I was assigned to take the Alpha’s sons around the school…” she said and her mum immediately interrupted her with a broad smile on her face and said “You mean the alphas children are now schooling, — and you were assigned to take care of them? Wow, if so then that's great” She jumped out of her chair in elation but then she sat back thoughtfully and said “That is a very great opportunity, Lily. Make sure one of them falls in love with you before school ends” She looked at her daughter who seemed not to share the same joy as her “Why are you this angry? You should be rejoicing” “Mum listens to me first, I'm not done yet” she furiously yelled at her mum. Her mum was surprised as she pulled her words in shock “Go on then…” Lily rolled her eyes at her mother's words and continued “Thank you! So as I was taking them around the school, Abigail came out from nowhere and humiliated me in front of the whole school. Overshadowing me in front of the Alpha’s children who were already beginning to like me… I don't even know how she managed to do that, — everything went so fast as if they already knew them from somewhere. Mum, I'm still trying to understand what happened" she whined and the smile on Dianna’s face was swept away. “What? That child is growing wings and I'm going to trim them off. How dare she mess up with you?” Wrath had taken control of her as she stood up from where she was seated and began to roam around the table. Just then Abigail walked into the house innocently. Not knowing what Lily had said about her. However, looking at their twisted, impatient facial expressions, Abigail immediately understood that she was in danger. But what was she going to do to avoid falling into their claws…
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