Chapter 4. What are they doing here?

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Lily kept on stealing glances at the guys and Mark noticed it for the second time so he gave her a questioning look. But, she got tired of pretending so she simply ignored him and veered back her stare at the teacher. Later on, she continued stealing glances at the three handsome guys until at some point her eyes met that of the three guys at different time intervals and at every interval, she gave them very warm smiles except that of Andrew who wasn't very steamed. Nonetheless, two of them ignored her smile meanwhile one of them reciprocated the smile and that was Benjamin. He couldn't help it, — ‘He’s a cool guy!’ ~ ~ Grin!!!!!!!!!! ~ ~ The final bell rang and students immediately started packing up their stuff to leave. Classes were over for the day. Lily directly walked over to the guys with a heavy smile on her face playing sexy while her friends were gathering her stuff to take them to her locker for her. However, before they started gathering her stuff, they paused for a few moments to gaze at her with envy and admiration. How they wished they were at her place. “She’s lucky!” they murmured among themselves. The three guys were standing together without talking to each other as they waited for whoever the Dean spoke about who was to take them on a tour around the school and to show them their new lockers. All three looked incredibly hot and impatient. Lily finally paused in front of them and the look on Andrew's face instantly swept into a more bitter one as he recognized her. “What do you want?" he coldly asked. “I'm Lily, and I was assigned by the Dean of studies to take you guys around the school,” she said confidently with a huge smile on her face. She was so self-conceited. Mark got angry and left when he saw this and only four of them were left in class. “That's great!" Benjamin smiled at her with a charming look because he felt too sexy and he loved playing with whosoever girl wanted. Lily didn't look bad after all so they continually smiled back at each other. She was already getting charmed! Meanwhile, Brain hit his face in dismay deep down as he looked at them. “I don't need you. I can do that myself so don't bother yourself,” Andrew said and Brian nodded his head and said “Yes, same for my brother and I” He was tired and he already wanted to feel the comfort of his home. “No! You all need me. This school is big, and it is my assignment to show you guys around and more that I wouldn't want to disobey the Dean. So you should not bother about me because I'm pleased to do this,” she said wholeheartedly then she quickly added “Follow me, — we are starting with your lockers," Lily smiled. "Alright!” Benjamin immediately followed her while Brian and Andrew were reticent. Especially Andrew, who wasn't pleased at all with her. He hated bullies with passion. Firstly, Lily took them to their lockers. She was about to take them to the sports field when Brian turned to Benjamin and said in a low but authoritative tone that “It's time for us to leave, the most important thing has been done. I'm not comfortable with all these girls hiding and peeping at us!”. “Oh, that's on you, as for me, I'm fine with that” Benjamin peeped back at the girls hiding and smiled in a ‘fine boy’ kind of way. While they were talking Andrew was leaving… ‘Hmmm, this dude surely doesn't like me' Lily said within herself then she added ‘At least the twins are still here with me so he can go to hell... Human… but let me act as if I care, — for my twins’ Lily took a deep breath before halting Andrew as she shouted, “Hey, where are you going? —- It's this way…” Lily called out. Andrew only scoffed without stopping as he continued to walk away. Just then Abigail was walking out of a hall looking all worn out and bored. She was slowly heading out of the building facing the door leading out to the compound without minding those behind or around her. Just then Andrew passed her and stepped out but she didn't even see him, she was focused on her thoughts. However, that was until a scream came from behind her… “Hey, you… Abi, — Abigail!” her eyes widened in shock as she was surprised to hear her name amidst the noise as well as Lily was shocked. Lily immediately turned back to her who was calling her sister, while Abigail, herself turned reluctantly. She feared it was another prank from the students. She had spent more than two years in that school and no one had ever screamed her name so loud aside from Lily and that voice had nothing to do with that of her step-sister, she thought to herself. Immediately she turned, she saw Lily and she wasn't surprised but behind Lily, she saw one of the twins who had knocked her down a few days ago and her eyes within in shock. ‘What the hell is he doing here?’ she asked herself in shock’ they were the last person she was expecting to see on campus. Especially after narrating her sad heartbreak story to them. She looked over with frozen eyes and beside him was the other twin with a very serious look and both were staring at her. She immediately veered back around and faced the exit door ‘Oh, my God! tell me I'm dreaming. Abracadabra, Sim-Sala-dim! Let me disappear now' Abigail screamed deep down as if it could help. While all of them were staring at her back as if wondering what was going on with her. She wanted to escape but then Benjamin called again “Hey, Abigail, it's you!”. As he was about to go after her, Brian held his wrist, halting him from moving further. Benjamin glared at him in shock and said “Hey, chill! I do what I want” he pulled out his wrist from Brian’s hand and went after Abigail. She was almost 5’2 feet while he was around 5’8 feet just like his brother. After a second thought Abigail turned back to face them saying “Hey, I'm hurrying I have to...” but immediately she turned she saw Benjamin standing in front of her. In slow motion, their stare met that of each other so closely that her head almost hit his chest as her head was facing up and his head was facing down at her. And more than ever, she wanted to make a U-turn to run away but she was stuck in Benjamin’s trap. It was like they were sharing some kind of connection. It was getting awkward so Benjamin took a step back. "Abi, what a small world... I have been yelling your name like a fool" he laughed but Abigail was so uncomfortable after what had just happened plus everything she told them about her ex-boyfriend at the hospital. As if that wasn't enough already, a sexy dude was standing in front of her, calling for everybody’s attention on an omega like her. Just with that, the number of her enemies had multiplied times ten. ‘I hope they ain't the royal twins all the girls are talking about’ she cried deep down because it was even worse. “Come with me,” he said. She wanted to deny it but then her mind drifted to so many things when he called her ‘Abi’, again and again. It was only her late mother and her ex-boyfriend Mark who used to call her ‘Abi’ and the thought of that made her want to cry. “I'm sure, Brian is eager to greet you too,” Benjamin while gently patting her shoulder. Then later on, he clenched her hand with his as if they were old-time friends and Abigail’s eyes widened in shock. Gently, he pulled her along. When they finally reached Brian, as usual, he didn't make any effort. He looked so cold and unconcerned. “Hey, Brian, you won't even ask her how she is feeling?” Benjamin teased him. “You just did!” Brian exclaimed. “What is going on with her? I have been watching you but I don't seem to understand what is happening here. Where do you guys know her? And you Abigail, from where do you know the royal twins?” Lily yelled. She couldn't take it anymore as all their attention was on Abigail and she was raging with jealousy. “Hmmm… what's that your name again…” Benjamin faced Lily while searching for her name in his mind. Abigail nervously whispered “Lily!” with a trembling voice. “Oh, Lily, I'm so sorry. Lily, we thank you for the tour but we will continue with Abi'' he said and Lily wanted to explode. Invisible smoke was shooting out of her head and nostrils and she couldn't stand it any longer. “Read my lips, Abigail, you will surely pay for this,” she said to herself while throwing a deathly glance at Abigail before leaving. Abigail gulped down her saliva in fear as she knew what Lily was capable of. “Please… I have to…” before she could end her sentence Benjamin said “Brian hasn't greeted you yet… Brain, stop your bad manners. For your information, we knock her down” he pulled his words as he was seriously teasing his brother. Benjamin insisted until Brian reluctantly stretched out his hands to greet Abigail and from the moment they held each other's hands, a burning sensation immersed Brian’s entire being. He got lost in her stares. So lost that when he realized himself he felt so ashamed. However, he immediately camouflaged it with a condescending statement like “Hmmm, you look extremely okay for someone who took me for the moon god,” He said coldly as he freed her hand. A frown settled on Abigail's face and she replied “Your car knocked me down, so at least show some respect, — be kind!” Her words shocked him and he was speechless. Of course, he didn't show it as he ruthlessly glared at her. “Benjamin, you and your brother called me here to mock me?” She was still frowning and feeling comfortable when she added “I'm sorry but I have to leave” before moving away. “Abigail, stay, please” Benjamin wanted to follow her but Brian’s hand landed on his shoulder, halting him from moving further. “Let her go, it's better that way” Brian exclaimed emotionlessly.
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