Chapter 6. My food in the air

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However, looking at their twisted, impatient facial expressions, Abigail immediately understood that something wasn't right. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to avoid falling into their claws… Nevertheless, she acted ignorant as if she had noticed nothing and she continued moving to her room. All she had in mind was to cross the living room and walk to the stairs at the other end of the room, leading to the packing store in the basement. Although it sounded very simple, it wasn't to her at the moment. Never did she ever pray that hard just to reach her cellar as she did at that moment. Just when she was in the middle of the parlour she felt a tight clench on her shoulder that halted her from moving further. The clench was so painful as her claws pierced into her skin. “Ouch…” she whimpered in pain and her heart started pounding in apprehension. Nonetheless, she closed her eyes to contain the pain as she took a deep breath before veering around to take a look at the person holding her and that was Dianna. Her shoulder had begun to bleed a little bit as it stained her white shirt. She had a white long sleeve tucked-in shirt with an oxblood blazer and a black pleated, slightly above-knee length skirt. Her blazer was Oxblood because she was in her first year of high school while that of Lily was black because she was in her second and last year of high school and all the other classes under them had red blazers. Abigail looked at Dianna in shock. “Stop acting with your evil eyes! Lily told me what you did to her at school… Hmm, so you keep making fun of my daughter at school? As if that wasn't stupid enough, you still dared to interrupt her moments with the alpha’s children… Are you crazy?” she scolded while pressing her claws into her shoulders even more and Abigail screamed in pain. Again, she was horrified by Lily’s lies. “That's not true. Mum, I swear I did no such thing,” Abigail cried out. “I'm not your fucken mother for crying out loud. Or do I look like a w***e to you?!” Dianna slurred while cursing the young girl with all her body and soul while Lily was standing by the side and laughing. Dianna waved at Lily who in return ran out of the parlour immediately. “You keep disrespecting your elders, right? — I'm going to teach you a good lesson and when next you see my daughter with anybody, — even your shadow, you will run away without interrupting her!” Dianna yelled at the top of her voice. Just then Lily came back with a black rubber pipe as requested by her mother. So she quickly and above all happily handed the cane over to her mum. Whereas that made Abigail cry and beg even more; “Please, I didn't do that, — I was called by…” She made an effort to explain herself in vain as Lily yelled, “Will you shut up!” before adding “Mum, what are you waiting for? — Beat her!” she shrieked furiously. “Oh, so you are calling my daughter a lair?” Dianna asked as she held her hands tightly but she battled and managed to pull out her hands. Unfortunately, that didn't last as Lily joined and she was immediately stabilized. She was helpless. She was weeping when she looked around and saw her father quietly seated and watching the television as if nothing was happening. Coincidentally their eyes met and instantly, her eyes began to beg for mercy. She agonized as the first lash landed on her buttocks. She was miserably in pain as a loud cry filled the room with tears rushing down her eyes, helplessly. She had turned red as many other lashes followed and her wet eyes were still staring at her father expecting him to do something. I needed the old man to look affected as he glared at her with pity before flinging his eyes away. She was so disappointed in him as usual but she wasn't surprised because he had always looked away anytime his wife whipped her for no good reason. The lashes had no specific direction, they landed anywhere on her body and it was more painful as it injured her. She had cried so much that at some point she stopped beginning and embarrassed her miseries. The only strength she had left was only to cry. After many unbearable lashes, Dianna finally stopped. “Mum…” Lily pulled out her words as she looked at her mothers with shock. She was disappointed because it ended up faster than she expected and as compared to what they usually did to Abigail. Dianna ignored her daughter's cry for the first time. Nonetheless, she still punished Abigail by sending her out of the house under the hot afternoon sun. All the houses in that neighbourhood were similar and what mostly differed were their fences. Some houses had shorter or even taller fences of about five meters. While some didn't have any fences and just had a well-defined green compound surrounding their house which were a few meters away from the main road, — just like that of Mrs Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Mr Peter had a little iron rail fence of about two to three matters surrounding the ever-green compound where Abigail sat out at the entrance stairs to the house looking at the road over the fence as she watched the sun settle until the bright sky became dark and the outside became very cold and scary. At some point, she even tried to get back in several times but the door was locked. Unfortunately, she couldn't move in. Yet she could hear them having dinner while her stomach was rumbling. She could even hear them laugh during and after dinner as if she wasn't existing. She was mad at Mrs Dianna for the maltreatment but she hated her father passionately for letting her down. After a few hours, she heard no sound any more. And for some reason, it pained her. Perhaps because it made her realize that she had to spend the whole night outside under the cold as she waited for someone to open the door in vain. Later on, she started feeling sleepy. So she walked to the back of the house looking for a suitable place to lie down and to avoid any passenger on the streets seeing her through the fence. Finally, she found a play at the back of the house where she lay down and sleep took control over her. She was laying on bare grass with nothing to protect her from the cold or the danger. She was just herself as usual. So as she was sleeping, someone walked through the small garden which was after the back side of the house and saw Abigail laying on the cold grass through the fence. That caused the person to halt with disbelief… ~~~~ “Sir, I think it's high time for us to attack the Silver Pack. I got information about their king and what is spreading is that their Alpha is very weak… Some of his elders even believe that he has passed away already but his wife is covering up so that her son gets to the age of maturity to take over. But that's just an inexperienced child who knows nothing, I'm sure that most elders will agree to this... They need a reel man like you, sir. So I think it is high time for us to hit” his Beta said with so much excitement. “No! Anyway, not for now,” the alpha replied. “Why not my Alpha? You have the packs of the east and north of the United States of America under your control, you are the alpha of about half of this whole America and now you want to stop meanwhile the moon God is giving you an opportunity to conquer them?...” his beta uttered with shock but the alpha cut him off saying; “Of course, winning in the West will make me the alpha of about three-fourths of America and that has always been my goal, and trust me, I will be the only alpha of all the four packs of America. For sure, I'm the strong alpha for now, yet I know that I have no right to err as well. So do me a favour and walk according to my pace. We just took over the Grey pack and we need to rest. Moreover, I'm not the alpha of humans, I'm just the alpha of werewolves as much as our population has grown, we ain't many enough. Perhaps the two remaining packs have more wolves than my two packs joined together… Hmmm,” he grumbled thoughtfully… “Lucas, make sure you check on that, send a spy to their pack, torture whosoever, but I need the necessary information before I attack and trust me, they won't even see it come… Hahaha…” he laughed maliciously at his evil thoughts. “Okay, my alpha” Luca his beta nodded his head and left the room. He clenched his fist in excitement as he thought of his limitless ambition “After taking all the packs, I will attack the humans and rule the whole American, hahaha… And why not the whole world… Hahaha” Malicious laughter followed…
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