The King Agreed

1383 Words
(Aksana) As soon as I was given the all clear at the pack clinic, I was out of there and back to training. All that time I had been asleep had left me with too much energy and I was outside the same day training with Alex. He was going soft on me at first because he thought it was too early to train, but when I showed him I was good to go, he was back to normal. Now I’m outside sparring with dad while mom watches us and our surroundings. We are in pack territory and anyone could come around and see us. Alex is getting ready to take Stacy out to dinner. He hasn’t seen her today and since it’s her birthday I’m hoping they are mates. Punch. Dodge. Cartwheel. Dodge. Kick. It’s what goes through my mind. Dad is easily over six feet tall. Sweat is dripping down his forehead. Today he has yet to land a punch on me. By me being the smaller opponent gives me the disadvantage, but since my birthday I have become faster, so I have the upper hand. I quickly drop into a crouch as his leg comes up and tries to hit me over the head. I spin and kick my leg out, dropping dad to the floor. Within a second, I am crouching over him with my claws close to his throat. Dad looks up at me, a smirk on his face before a chuckle rumbles out of his throat. Mom claps and I get off of dad before helping him up. “Nicely done pumpkin” dad said, ruffling my hair. “You have come such a long way, sweetheart. We’re so proud of you”, mom said. “Thanks mom, dad” I smiled. Just then, the feeling of being watched runs over my body and I stiffen. I looked around, but I didn’t see anything. “What’s wrong?” dad asks, noticing my change of demeanor. “Do you feel that?” I asked, but they both shook their heads. “It feels like we’re being watched” I said. This caught their attention because me having a wolf without a scent is not normal. Did someone see me? “Let’s head inside”, mom suggested, shaking me out of my thoughts, and the three of us walked inside, but dad quickly took off out the front door. I knew he was going to check the perimeter. “How are you feeling honey?” mom asked with a gentle voice. I looked at her, and she sighed, gesturing to come closer. “Ever since the hospital you haven’t talked or mourned the loss of your unborn pup”, mom said. I knew this was coming, but there is a reason why I haven’t done it, because I know the moment I break and let the tears flow, so will my parents, and the last thing I want is to see them sad. “I already cried what I needed to cry. The best thing I can do is move on, mom. If I linger in the past, it’s going to hurt more. I will never forget my pup, but I need to move on” I said, but what she doesn’t know is that all I want to do is do just that… cry and let everything out, but for some reason, I can’t do it. Not here at least. “I understand, but just know that we are here for you if you need us, and we love you” mom said. “I love you too”, I smiled. Mom pulls me into a hug and I swallow the knot in my throat. “I’m going to go shower before dinner”, I told her, and went up to my room. I went straight to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I undressed and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes going straight to my stomach. My wolf whimpered in my head. She has been very quiet since we found out we lost our pup because of the rejection. I jump in the shower and wash my body and hair before letting the hot water massage my body. After a few minutes, I got out, dry myself, then went to my room and put on a thong, a bra, shorts and a tank top. I then brush my hair and go downstairs for dinner. As soon as I get to the kitchen, I see dad who is all showered and hugging mom. That's what I wanted to have. I wanted what my parents have. I wanted to find my mate. The one who was supposed to love me, cherish me, be my friend, the one I was supposed to have a family with, but I didn't. Instead, my mate used me, rejected me, and with the rejection killed my unborn pup. My hands go to my belly and my wolf whimpers in my head. When dad pulls back from mom, I move my hands and player on a smile praying it looks real. “Did you find anything?” I asked as I walked in the kitchen, “No, but it could have been a pack member just doing their routes” dad said, and I nodded. “Yeah, they probably saw you training with your dad and were curious. I mean, it is not often you see a human training with a werewolf”, mom said. “That’s the thing. I’m not human, I mean not entirely. What if they saw my claw close to dad's neck?” I asked. “We know, but they don’t, and I don't think they saw anything” dad said, and I nodded. Once dinner was done, we ate in the kitchen. “I spoke to Jeffrey, he is going to talk to the former King, Jayden, because the current King is with the Elders. I should hear from him-” dad was interrupted by his phone ringing. He looked at his phone and smirked. “There he is” dad said before answering the phone. “Hey Jeffrey”, dad greeted him as he answered the phone. “Okay… no problem and thank you. I will let him know and call you when she’s ready. Thank you again my friend… I know she will”, dad said before hanging up the phone. Dad puts his phone down while mom and I look at him. “The former King and Queen agreed on you coming over to their pack. They spoke with the current king, and he also agreed”, dad said. “That’s great” mom said, but for some reason my heart was beating faster than usual. Was it because I didn't want to leave my parents and brother behind? Yes, I didn't want to leave them, but I deserve to be happy. I have to move on and I won't be able to do it if I stay here. “Yes, now we have to tell the new Alpha” dad growled. “Are we telling him tonight or tomorrow?” mom asked. “The sooner, the better and I’ll go. He doesn’t deserve to look at our daughter”, dad growled. I finished my dinner and excused myself. I felt exhausted emotionally, so I decided to just brush my teeth and go to bed early. I laid in bed feeling exhausted emotionally, mentally, and physically, but I couldn't fall asleep just yet. I imagined myself running in my wolf form at the Royal Pack. Not hiding any longer. This made my wolf wag her tail. 'That would be amazing. Feeling the wind in my fur and not caring who sees us. Not needing to hide who we are' my wolf says. I have to agree that it sounds amazing. Being able to shift whenever I want without a care in the world. I'm tired of hiding. I want to be free. I want to be able to let my wolf out whenever I want. 'We can do all of this and more. We're done hiding. I'm with you every step of the way' my wolf says and with that, I welcome sleep. ***
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