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Secret Desire 3. JOB HUNTING. I woke up with swelling eyes because I cried all night,My head was still hurting but I managed to stand up from the bathtub,The thought of me actually drowning in the bathtub gave me a cringing feeling,The water wasn't enough to make me drown but I was soaked in water. " Put yourself together Aliya, You can do better things with your life don't let him play with your emotions,He is dead and gone forever and it's best that way,I sighed. My phone beeped and it was a w******p message.My hands were shaky but I managed to tap it with high hope that he wasn't the one texting me again but I lost it when I saw the same picture on the profile.It was a smiling face emoji but it felt creepy to me. " I see you blocked me,What a pity…. " What do you want??? I texted. " This is enough proof that I have your contact info. Aren't you surprised how I got it ???? He texted. " You shouldn't do this…. Please it's freaking me ..I pleaded. " Don't .. Don't..It hurts me to see you beg for mercy..He texted. " Are you somebody I know???? I asked. " You look good in those tshirts,It would have been better if it exposed your body a little more…. " Are you stalking me ??? I replied looking out my window but nobody outside the street was empty,I shut my door and windows. " I just happened to be around where you are ???? He texted. " Who the heck are you????? I screamed and smashed my phone on the wall,I kept screaming until I was fed up. Who was he and why was he stalking me kept crawling in my mind as I cooked breakfast, Everything was going the opposite way,My breakfast got burnt,I broke my glass plate and even cut myself,It was all his fault because I couldn't think properly the thought of someone watching and following me kept making me sick. " Aliya…..I heard my name,My heart skipped a beat but I realised it was Jonas. " Whoa….. Did you cut yourself??? Jonas rushed to me. " Careful...I pointed at the glass scattered on the floor. " Calm down…. You look tense Jonas walked to me . " It just fell from my hands ???? I stuttered. " It's alright...Jonas helped disinfect the cut and even cleaned the glass. " Here you go,Jonas gave me a cup of coffee. " Thanks,I smiled. " How is your head ????? Jonas asked. " It's okay,I lied. " I can see that you are lying, You look so pale...Jonas said touching my forehead. I remember when I first found out my parents had a house in Seattle,I wanted a new life and I met Jonas first.I liked him at first sight but when I found out he just wanted to be friends,I killed the feeling gradually. " I am fine,I sighed. " Aliya what's going on???? Are you sick?? Jonas asked. " Jonas, do you think something is wrong with me???? I muttered. " Are you sick???? " Mentally do you think I am sick?Do you think I need therapy????? I sobbed. " Aliya….. Jonas dragged me closer to his shoulder. " Tell me…. " Aliya you are strong, you are beautiful, you are amazing, You don't have to think something is wrong with you because you are down or emotionally stressed, Jonas said. " I keep having weird dreams and thoughts, It's killing me...I sobbed. " Nothing….I repeat, Nothing is wrong with you, Jonas hugged me and I burst in tears in his arms,I wept in his arms for some time and I snapped out of it. " What you need right now is a distraction from everything going on around you,Jonas said. " What do you think I should do ???? " How is your part time job coming up???? Jonas asked. " Ohhhh !!! She hasn't called me back since I collapsed at the event,I replied. " Do you really think you don't need to see a doctor concerning your migraine???? Jonas asked. " No, I am fine… " Okay so ,How about we get you a new job ,Jonas suggested. " I have been job hunting for over a month.It seems like nobody wants to employ a web designer...I frowned. " Maybe you are searching the wrong way, Don't worry I will take care of it… Jonas hugged me. " Thank you Jonas…. " For what… " For always being there for me,I smiled. " Don't mention,Jonas replied. " So how was work ???? You look stressed...I said. " Do I ??? We are working on a new project so the workload has been massive…. " I know you will handle it just fine,I smiled. " Heyyy...I was thinking about how to search for a vacant space at the company I am working with… " Are you serious???? " No jokes… " Dude absolutely,I chuckled. " Okay... Just give me some time…. " Sure...My phone beeped,I checked and it was a message from the strange guy the countenance on my face changed. " What is it ????? Jonas asked. " Ohhh stupid pop up text nothing serious,I lied. " Are you sure???? You don't look like it ...Jonas said. " Yeahh I am fine,I smiled nervously. " What happened to your phone screen????? It looks broken… " Ohhhh yeah it is broken,It slipped while I was in the bathroom,I lied. " You should change it,I think we can do that at the mall,Jonas suggested. " Yeah we can but everything is working perfectly so I will let it slide, Maybe later… " Are…...Jonas got a text message and he looked disappointed. " Is everything okay??? " They need me urgently at work,I have to go but I promise to be back after I am done, Jonas promised. " Okay…..Drive safely...I hugged him. " Yeah, be more careful,Jonas patted my head and left. " What a sweetheart,I smiled. I felt a little bit better because Jonas was here with me and he offered to help secure a job at his place of work.I had to celebrate with a nice meal. Just as I was preparing the meal my phone rang.It was an unknown number. My heart skipped a beat.Did he finally decide to call?I was panicking but I managed to take the call. " Hello this is Stella from Keystone microfinance bank,The caller introduced herself. I knew why she was calling, When I was at the orphanage home I learnt about a debt my family was owing and I took it open myself to pay off the debt because I wanted to retrieve our house,Though I haven't moved in by that time I was still paying the debt and the house was still on collateral but unless I pay off the debt, The bank would take away the house,My family house was the only connection I had with my family and I didn't want to lose it but since I got fired I couldn't meet up my payment. " Stella…..Heyyyyy...I replied informally. " Miss Aliya, we have been waiting to hear from you for months. You haven't sent in your payment for months,She complained. " I am very well aware of that but I have been jobless for a while now and I haven't been able to earn any money. That's why I haven't visited the bank,I tried to explain myself. " You have a few months or we are taking over the house,She said. "Can you give me some time,A little more time and I promise…… " Miss Aliya you have been promising for a long time, When are we seeing some action????? " Soon... Ma'am.. Soon, Please don't take my house away from me,I pleaded. " I have no interest in you or whatsoever but I am just doing my job,So remember my hands are tied and I hope to see you soon,She hung up. " Aliya you have to put yourself together,I whimpered. I heard a knock on my door and it was Kira,I let her in and as usual she was complaining about my house being so unkept. " You really don't clean, do you???? Kira scolded me but I didn't respond to her . " Just pick up a vacuum cleaner and clean your house.If it's too big, why don't you find a roommate???? You can be earning too..Kira suggested. " A roommate…..I scoffed. " Yes,Kira replied. " No thanks,I walked to my bathroom. Having a roommate was the last thing on my mind because of him.He used to be my roommate and I didn't want to make another mistake. " Why don't you want a roommate????? " I don't want people meddling in my stuff, It's going to be uncomfortable to have people around...I said. " Aliya are you still scared of people??? Kira asked. I didn't want to answer because I still had that phobia.I detest people and everything they do.I just didn't like being around them. It was because of how people have been so unfair and sinister to me.I just didn't want anything to do with them but my friends were exceptions. " Aliya…... Kira called out again. " Jonas is going to help with a job from his place of work, Let's hope on that first...I said.
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