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Secret Desire . THE TEXT MESSAGE. Flashback. It was blazing hot and i was inside the burning house, One thing I wanted was just immediate death,I wanted this to be a simple way for me to die but it wasn't really what my heart wanted,I was just frustrated and scared. I was in the burning house for two hours and nobody was coming to save me,I hid in a perfect spot but the heat was suffocating me,He wanted me to die and make it look like an accident but I wasn't going to let it happen,He was the only reason I wanted to get out alive. I wanted to prove him wrong and I was going to prove him wrong,I crawled down the stairs and managed to reach the sitting room, Furnitures were burning and all I could do was creep and cry out for help, Nobody could hear me because we lived in a cottage outside town, I felt a sharp pain the fire was catching up with me and finally I broke out of the house,I ran to the woods and I found a borehole and soaked myself with the warm water,I could tell from the stinging pains that I had injuries from the fire outbreak,It wasn't in a visible place so I hid it and continued running ,If he found me I was a goner,I hid myself for three months in the orphanage home I grew up in but once he came back begging I always forgave him. It baffles me till date that I always feel for his stupid lies but he was a part of my past now. " I am in the mood for ice cream… I quickly showered and changed intoto a baggy jeans and a black hoodie,I grabbed my phone and a texted popped up,It was an unknown number. " Why didn't you reply to my birthday wish ??? I read the text out loud,I looked at the profile but it was empty and it had no bio or anything else on the account bio and it seemed like I was the only one he was friends with,so I blocked the account and logged out. " What was that ???I sighed. " Heyyyy…..Kira walked in. " Geez Today was hectic,Jonas threw himself on my couch. " What are you guys doing here???? I asked.. " Your house looks different,Jonas looked around and headed to get a juice box. " I did some work,Kira said. " I can tell,Jonas chuckled. I was sure telling them about the strange text message won't be necessary,I already felt like I was a burden to them sjdni didn't want them to worry about me moreover they're not as jobless as I am, They have other things to take care of. " You look like you were about to go somewhere????? Jonas asked. " I was going to get ice cream,I replied. " More junk!!! How come you are still so fit ???? Kira giggled. " It's like a super power,I smiled. " Ice cream….I can use few scoops too, Jonas said. " I will join you guys, Kira said. " That's awesome, Jonas your treat….. " Okay fine…. We arrived at the ice cream shop,I felt like someone was behind me,I looked around but nobody was around me aside Jonas who was talking to someone, Kira was already inside Jonas car but I still felt like someone was watching me. " So it's a new year for you, What are your plans???? Kira asked. It still felt like yesterday when I met my friends few years ago,I was devastated, depressed, scared for my life I was a complete mess but Kira and Jonas came to me with the brightest hope and since then my life became a little bit better, Some months on I got a job as a web designer,It was my first job since college. growing up I was my only hope,My parents died the day I was born ,My mom died when she birth me and my dad died after hearing the news,With no relatives to take me in I grew up in an orphanage home,Low education,No proper family care,No love from families I got fed up when I became eighteen and I ran away,I attended college part timely but I never really had a plan for my life rather than to live so kira's question was too difficult for me to answer. " I don't know,I haven't really thought about it...I lied. " Aliya you are turning twenty eight soon,How about a boyfriend???? I can hook you up... Kira said. " Kira…..Jonas teased. " What!!! Do you want me to set you up on a blind date ??? Kira asked. " I don't know...I am not in the mood for a relationship now…. " You don't have to be in the mood to be in a relationship, You will fall in love when you meet the right person and you just have to keep searching, Kira said. I wasn't in the mood for whatsoever kira or Jonas was saying,I just wanted to go home and relax my head,I was having severe migraine and it was hurting really bad. " Kira are you okay???? Jonas asked reading the countenance on my face. " I am fine...I stuttered. " You are not okay.. What's wrong ??? Is it your head ??? Jonas rushed to where I was sitting,I was feeling dizzy and nauseated.. " Let's go home,Kira grabbed my hand . My legs were shaky and i couldn't put myself together,I grabbed Kira's shoulder because I was gradually losing my consciousness. " Aliya !!! Can you see me??? How many fingers am i holding??? Jonas asked. " Two….I stuttered. Jonas drove with speed to my house,Kira helped me up and laid me to bed,My eyes were watery and I felt hot tears, Migraine was a routine for me after overthinking,I started having migraine from when I was eighteen. I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks after my friends left.. Kira was with me for a while but her mom called her so she left,Jonas left earlier and I was alone at home ,My mind went blank for a second and all that came to my mind was my past,My parents,My life in the orphanage home,My relationship with people, Depression creeped in. I was no longer crying because of my migraine it was because of how unfortunate life have been to me. " Would it have been better for me not to have ever existed ???? I sobbed just immediately my phone beeped. It was text message from an unknown number. " I thought you didn't like ice cream… My heart skipped a beat, This person was watching me and I am certain it was from the person that wished me on my birthday. " Who are you????? I texted annoyed. " Do you really want to know who I am???? He texted. " You don't want to know what I will do to you if I found out who you are ,I replied. " Don't threaten me Aliya….he replied almost immediately. " How did he know my name??? I sat up. " You must be wondering how I knew your name???? I am certain it isn't humming moon,He replied. My name on my profile was Humming moon and not my real name but he knew my name. " I will involve the police if you don't stop texting me,I replied. " The police…. He sent a laughing emoji. " What's funny????? I replied. " Good night Aliya,He sent and went offline. I texted him multiple times but he didn't reply,I blocked the account and ran to the bathroom,I soaked myself in the bathtub and thought of drowning myself but I just couldn't. I texted Kira but she wasn't online ,I sighed and fell asleep in my bathtub. I was shaking and panting like I was running a meter race but I was actually running from someone,He was very close to me and I wanted to run far from him because he was getting closer to me and he was with a hunting gun I didn't want him to come close to me,I ran more than my legs could take,It was shaky and I just wanted it to move forward but it didn't...I heard his footsteps and took a deep breath,He finally caught up with me…. " Please…………..I screamed and I woke up. " Why is he appearing in my dreams again???? I sighed.
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