
Secret Desire

dare to love and hate
office/work place
colleagues to lovers

When Two people share a similar secret but want to keep it from the world,They both decide to help each other find out the truth.

Aliya Janell,An orphan who grew up in the sin city of Philadelphia, Aliya isn't someone the world has ever been fair to until she gets a job at MAB tech.

Hardin Scott,CEO of MAB Tech company, Hardin is known as the national bachelor but he has just one fear that nobody knows about.

Aliya begins to receive emails from a strange man she has a past with.Things get out of hand and she might have killed someone but Aliya has no memory of that night.

Aliya starts to work at MAB as the new secretary,She See's her boss as one of the tough pain life brought to her but after a coincidental accident, They both reveal their secret and Aliya begins to think it's the man she murdered but his body is nowhere to be found,But even in the tensed situation Aliya and Hardin begins to catch feelings after a one night stand…

What happens when Hardin finds out about the missing body? Who is sending the threats when her stalker is dead,Will their love survive when Hardin's betrothed comes to the picture and Hardin has a past s****l relationship with her best friend.

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Secret Desire 1 Is it my birthday Looking back at my life all I ever had was myself and my family's old building,It might just be an old building but it has been my biggest and most priceless treasure,My childhood wasn't a regular one ,My Mom died immediately after giving birth to me and my dad died immediately after receiving the news due to heart attack,None of my family's relative was willing to take me in so I was transferred to an orphanage home, I grew up there and when I was eighteen I left not because I was tired of the home but I wanted a life for myself,I found out about my parents abandoned building and being the strong willed girl that I am,I somehow got a hold of it..It was just me paying bills and paying my college fee,I grew up with a zero mind of love and affection and all I believed in was surviving but after I lost my job life became so unbearable. Aside from the fact that I couldn't get a new job the bank has been threatening to take the house away so you can say my life is jinxed. It was 10am when I woke up to the sound of my alarm,I wanted to sleep some more so I switched off the alarm but it kept ringing. " Damn it….I screamed. " Should you still be sleeping at this time of the day ??? Kira asked. " What are you doing here???? I freaked out seeing my best friend beside me . " Gosh your room is so messy, Kira cringed. " It has always been like this,Why are you surprised???? I said looking around my messy room,Junk food and dishes of the food I ate last night while binge watching a kdrama,My files scattered everywhere because I was busy job hunting,My clothes scattered all over the place because I got tired and played dress up and then empty bottles of vodka. " You room is worse than a fifteen year old, Kira said trying to put things together. " Blah ,Blah,What are you doing here ???? I asked untangling my hair. " Have you wondered why you have never dated a man before?? Kira asked. " Because men are piece of s**t,I replied. " No because you are a piece of s**t, Kira cut in. " Ouchhhhh...I am hurt you have destroyed my ego,I said ironically. Door bell rings… " Gosh who is it ????? I screamed. " I will get it, Kira said. " Whatever…. Kira went to the door,Jonas was at the door with cake and flowers. " Is she in ???? Jonas asked. " Yeah did you come with the wine ???? Kira asked. " Yeah…. Jonas sampled the wine. " Good job,She will be so surprised…Kira squealed. " What happened here ??? Jonas asked looking around Aliya's living room. " Same thing I asked when I came in, Kira chuckled. " Does she ever clean her house?? Jonas giggled. " That's surely going to be a miracle when it happens, Kira laughed. Aliya's Pov A good shower is just what I needed,I picked up my favorite t-shirt,It was a plain T-shirt with my bias in BTS Jimin,I smiled and pinched my cheek." You are one cute girl,I smiled and made my way to the living room. I was humming to my favorite song and crossing my clothes that was laying down on the floor because it wasn't really my problem right now,I just need something to help with my hangover. " Happy birthday……. Kira and Jonas screamed. " Jeez !!!!! You scared me….I screamed. " Happy birthday hun, Jonas smiled. " Happy birthday sweetie, Kira added. " This is so sweet but is it my birthday today???? I asked " Aliya!!!! Really…. Jonas sighed. " You have got to be kidding me, Kira ran her hand through her hair. " What !!!! I celebrated my birthday three days ago while you guys were away in Vegas,I said. " It's August 5th Today…. Jonas said. " Is it ???? I asked looking at the calendar" Ohhhhh yeahh you are right…. It's my birthday today yayyyyy,I said sarcastically and blew the candle. My Birthday isn't really a big deal for me because I felt like it brought bad luck to my family,My mom died on my birthday and my dad too,So is it really worth celebrating and aside from that I am used to celebrating my birthday three days before because when I was younger my birthday was celebrated three days before for more than ten years before the agency found out it wasn't really my birthday date. " Just wow, Jonas said frustrated and bounced on my chair. " What !!!!! I said walking to my kitchen. " Aren't you going to blow your candle???? Kira asked looking lost holding my birthday cake. " Oh sorry...I ran back and blew the candle,I dipped my hands in the cake and dipped it in my mouth." Hmmmm vanilla flavor,I smiled.. " So what do you want to do for you birthday???? Jonas asked. " Let's see ,I need one of your Netflix log in because my subscription expired and as you all know I am broke,I said without hesitation. " Aliya be serious… Kira said. " I am serious,I need to watch my kdrama to drain out my sorrow,I smiled sipping my cup of coffee. " How about we go clubbing???? Kira suggested. " That's like adding stress to my already stressed life,I said. " What do you really want for your birthday???? Jonas asked. " A job if I am being honest,I sighed. " Now that's a real birthday wish, Kira smiled. " I still haven't scolded you for coming to my house unannounced, Kira was watching me while I slept,It was creepy...I cringed. " I was adoring your pretty face, Kira smiled. " Don't do that again, It's weird " Why don't you ever clean your room???? Jonas asked looking around my whole room. " Because you guys are the only visitor's I get,I smiled. " Well you should clean up sometime, Kira said. " Kira aren't you going to ask me what I want for my birthday??? I asked smiling. " What do you want????? Kira asked. " Help clean my house,I smirked making omelette. " Are you kidding me right now???? Kira scoffed. " Nope I am dead serous,I laughed. " See you guys later,I have to rush somewhere…. Happy birthday once again Aliya, Jonas hugged me and left. " Isn't he just the sweetest,I giggled. " Do you seriously want me to clean your house???? It's like a dumping ground… " You can't insult me on my birthday, I teased. " Are you kidding me right now??? Kira frowned. " Thanks for the gift, '' I smiled. It took Kira about two hours to clean up my house and I was binge watching a movie. " So what's your plan for the weekend???? Kira asked. " Simply put I have no plans so I will be home watching TV,'' I replied. " Aliya you are smart, why are you doing this to yourself,What about your bills???? How do you intend on paying up ?? Kira asked. " Part time jobs,I replied , concentrating on my screen. " How about a good job ???? You know something that brings in a stable income, Kira said. " How is Lincoln???? I asked, trying to change the topic. " Ohhhhh we broke up,Kira replied. My plan worked out perfectly fine ,Kira stopped talking about me and started to explain why and how they broke up. Kira isn't the type to date for a long term.She always wants to break up and it was quite surprising she dated Lincoln for five months. " Are you really not going to miss him??? I asked. " Not really, '' Kira said, rounding up with her cleanup. " My house looks nice, I said. " Looks nice!!!! This is exactly how a lady's house should be,Kira scolded. " I choose to be different,I teased. " I have to go,See you around.. Kira hugged me and rushed out. " I can eat the cake by myself then,I chuckled just immediately my phone beeped. It was a text message from an unknown number. " Happy birthday sweetie, More candles to lit…. It was strange that nobody except my friends knew my real birthday.It kept bothering me because it was strange.

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