Chapter 4

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Robert and I met with Harper and Hazel in the basement gym a couple of hours later. I was going to be the first to train. "So, Harper, Hazel, could you begin with stunning spells, work your way up to death curses," I asked. "We discussed what spells to try, have a list of spells to try," Hazel replied. "Well, whenever you are ready," I nodded to them. For the next hour, they threw every spell they could think of at me. None of them worked, I was standing still on the same spot the entire time. "I think that proves you are immune to all magic," Harper exclaimed. "I agree, at least this will help me fight the dark witches," I spoke, closely watching her expression. She seemed to be hiding something. It was hard to explain, but all three of them were hiding something. I am going to find out what it is. Robert had been watching, he noticed I had caught something, so he asked in our mindlinks, "What have you seen?" "I suspect they have a secret. What it is I don't know. But, I think it may be to do with Lilith. The look on their faces earlier when she offered help gave it away," I replied. "I noticed that earlier. I think we should keep an eye on all four of them." "Agreed," I cut the mindlink off. Robert stepped towards me, and smiled, "Well, I guess it's my turn for training." "I hope you don't mind me asking, but I would like to stay and help anyway I can," Harper offered her help in training Robert. Robert and I exchanged looks, before I said, "It could be useful." "Alright, but you have to keep everything you see here a secret. Only those inside the office knew I had powers. I will only reveal my powers if and when I have too," Robert replied. "Your secret is safe with us. We just want to help as much as we can," Hazel said. Robert had only been in basketball shorts and a t-shirt during my training session. But, now it was his turn to train. He pulled his top off, over his head, revealing his sculpted chest and abs. He looked so delicious. He pointed his finger at me, waving it from side to side, raising his right eyebrow at me. He knew I couldn't resist staring at him, and his godly body. He moved to the centre of the room, and asked, "What do we do first, boss lady?" He was smirking at me as he spoke. I dragged the bucket of balls that I had someone bring in earlier. He gave me a puzzled expression, I had confused him. I smirked, picking up a tennis ball from the bucket, "You did well at fending off attacks against yourself. So, we are going to see how well you can generate force fields away from you. I am going to throw this ball. I want you to generate a force field around it. Stopping it from hitting you or the floor." After several attempts, Robert finally managed to generate a force field around it. We practiced for awhile with the different size balls that I had. Once, he managed to generate a force field around each of them. The witches stepped in, to see if he could use his force fields against magic spells. Thankfully, he could. "How are you doing, Robert? Are you getting tired," I questioned him, knowing how draining powers can be. He shook his head, "Not yet. What can we do next?" "I have one idea. It could make this power more offensive," I replied. "How would that work," Robert inquired. "You could catch a spell, like you have done, and redirect it to an enemy," Harper voiced out her opinion. Robert nodded, "That would be handy." "Good, we will start with the balls first, before doing spells, as they could cause damage." They all nodded in agreement. So, we began. It took awhile but Robert managed it. He did really well. We moved on to spells, and again he did really well. There was some damage afterwards, but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Robert was drained. I could see it, before he said, "I think I am going to call it on training. I am getting tired." "We will leave you, both alone," Harper smiled, bowing her head. Hazel followed suit, before they both left the room. Robert was hunched over, his hands on his knees. I approached him, pulling him into my arms. "Shall we go have a bath," I asked him. "I would love that, Violet." We smiled at each other, before heading up to our bedroom. We quickly worked on having a bath, as we both eagerly wanted to be there at dinner with our children, having missed lunch entirely. After having dinner with everyone, our guests included, we took our children to change into their pajamas, before taking them to Robert's office. He had a few documents to deal with before we read them a bedtime story. "Have you wondered yet when our children will start showing powers," I asked Robert. "I have been wondering when it will happen. I mean for me, mine started when we marked one another. But, for you," Robert paused, almost like he wanted me to finish his sentence. "After I first shifted. If I am honest, I think Elisa is already starting to develop powers," I whispered to him. "What do you mean?" "There have been times I have seen her staring at the fireplace, when it is lit, and talking. It is almost like she is talking to the fire. You remember I told you she was playing with fire, but I couldn't for the life of me find an ignition source." "She may very well be developing powers now. That birth mark on her back, of the wings, could it be to do with the reason she is getting powers this young?" "I have no idea. We will just have to keep watching all of them." "I had a thought earlier today: how on earth are we going to protect our son when the Blood Moon is up, because we can't shift." "Maybe, it is time to see if this connection I have with Selene is a two-way thing. A question like that would be best answered by our creator, no?" "That is true. Maybe the witches and warlocks have or know a spell that could help." "I will try anything, if I am honest," I replied, flopping myself on to the sofa. Robert moved to sit next to me, reassuringly he said, "We will get through this. We will protect our son, our children, and our pack from this." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, as I rested my head on his shoulder. The whole time, our beautiful children were quietly playing in the corner. Until our conversation ended, they bundled us. Elijah and Jayden landed on me, with Elisa and Alexander landing on Robert. The laughter that erupted from all four of them, filled the room with joy. Even amongst the looming danger, our children still found a way to bring happiness to our lives. Robert smiled at me. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Tickle war, we both began attacking the kids, tickling all of them. Even more laughter and screams engulfed the room. Robert and I were laughing along with the children. Jaxon's Moses basket got knocked slightly, and he began crying. I jumped up and picked him up, cuddling him in my arms. "Right, children. I do believe it is time for bed," Robert told the children. They all began yawning, except for Elisa and Elijah. They both crossed their arms, and shook their heads. "Well, how about a bedtime story," I asked them. They smiled, jumping up and down. Elisa repeated, "The Lonely Wolf. The Lonely Wolf," over and over again. It was a childhood favourite of almost every child of our kind. It was a story about a lonely Alpha in desperate need of finding his Luna, his true love. So, the moon goddess fashioned him a she-wolf, who would be his mate, someone who would be his equal and true love. She did this so well for the lonely Alpha, that she created a she-wolf for every single werewolf. It was a fairytale. One created to make our young people always believe and trust in the mate bond, that your mate will be your one true love. I was glad the kids loved the story. It was a story I knew by heart. One by one, the children fell asleep on us, except for Elijah and Alexander. Both boys determined not to fall asleep. Elisa was fast asleep on Robert, just like her mother. Jaxon and Jayden both sleeping on me. "Come on, let's get you all to bed," I whispered, after finishing off the story. Robert nodded, standing up carrying Elisa in his arms, "Come on, boys, bed and quietly." Elijah huffed as he went, but Alexander didn't fight us. We took Jaxon to his nursery first, and laid him down in his cot. Once we had kissed him on his head, we quietly left the room. We repeated this with each child, tucking them in together, before repeating the same with the next child. After each of our children were in their own bed, we retired to our room. We were both still very tired from our training session earlier, so we got ready for bed. "What is the plan for tomorrow," Robert asked. "Well, I think we should have a break from training, and we have a week until Felicity and Charles' wedding, so we need to check the final plans, make sure everything is ready. Now, we have the protection from spells, we need to increase warrior training, but we also need to rest, this wedding will help us rest," I replied. "Agreed. Hopefully, we will have some of those charms tomorrow. How should we give them out?" "That is going to be a tough one. I think we should give them to the children, then you, Quinn, Amelia, and Charles, before we start giving them to the pack. We need to keep them out of this fight as long as possible. After you all have one, we will start giving them to patrols and palace guards, then warriors. Do you agree with that?" "I think that will be the best. We are going to have to test them. I will be with the one to test them. I am not letting my people risk helping test these charms to protect them, while they protect my son. You won't be able to because of your immunity." "And your powers also make you immune, because they protect you. We will have to ask another to test them too." "Who could we ask?" "We will ask someone to volunteer." "I agree. Well, my love, let's get to bed. We need to get some sleep before tomorrow." I smiled, nodding, before turning off the lights, and I curled up on our bed. Robert spooned me, pulling the duvet up to our chin. He kissed my shoulder from behind, before we settled down to sleep.
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