Chapter 5

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The next day, I was preparing the tea for our tea party, where we would go over the final preparations for Felicity's wedding. Felicity and Amelia were on the patio in the garden, with all the children. I glanced outside the front of the palace. Robert was there, with Quinn, Charles, and Myles. Our warriors were all gathering. I was intrigued to know what was going on, so I decided to take a look. I headed outside. "Robert," I called out, as I exited the building. After gaining his attention, I asked, "What is going on?" "Ah, Violet. I am just about to speak with the warrior, I wanted to do it here, rather than at the warrior building," Robert explained. "They need to know the situation," I nodded, understanding why he was doing this. The last of the warriors arrived, as Quinn approached us, and said, "That is everyone who isn't on patrol. I will send them to you once their patrol is over." Robert nodded, I took Robert's hand, as we turned to stand before our warriors. "I have gathered you all here today, because, as you all know, my son, Prince Alexander, was born on a Blood Moon. Now, there is a threat to his life," Robert paused, watching the expression of his warriors. Murmurs erupted among the warriors. "Who threatens our Prince," shouted many warriors, in the uproar. Robert continued, "The Blood Moon curse threatens his life. If the dark witches take him, they will kill him on the Blood Moon of the third birthday, to perform a spell. A spell that will change the lives and futures of every man, woman and child here, in our world. Protecting him, protects everyone." Some warriors were afraid. We are lycans, not witches. How could any of us fight witches? That was the obvious thought going through their minds. "Myles is from the good witch coven. He is creating a charm that will be worn on a necklace. It will protect us from magic. But, he is trying to make them so that the chain of the necklace grows with us, as we shift in to our beasts. I have volunteered myself, but I need another. I will not make the decision for you." Finn stepped forward immediately, speaking as he did, all eyes were on him, "Violet, Robert, your children are the closet thing I will ever have to grandchildren, so I volunteer myself." "Thank you, Finn," Robert thanked him, as I pulled Finn into a hug. "The moment enough of these charms have been made, I will begin giving them out to you the warriors first. I ask you to tell your families, tell them to be cautious. I will make sure you and each member of your families have one. All of you should go, continue with your training, speak with your family, and be cautious," Robert finished his speech. Robert turned to me, as everyone began to leave the palace grounds. "What do you plan to do for the rest of the day," I asked Robert. "I was going to join the warriors in some training, while you, ladies, discuss the wedding next week. The witches will be with you, so you will have some extra protection there," Robert replied, caressing my cheek. I nodded, "Just don't be long. The children will love to play with you." "Once the warriors on patrol go to the warrior building to report, I will speak with them, and then I will return." "Good. Right, I had better go, before the pregnant she-wolf eats all the sandwich. Have fun," I chuckled, as I walked back inside the palace, waving goodbye. Myles followed me into the palace. I finished organising the tea with Myles' help. We went out together, to join the rest of the girls and the children. We took our seats, as I watched the children play tag. Amelia asked, "So, have we got everything ready for Felicity's wedding?" "Everything my way is done, I have the dress sorted, we just need to do a final dress fitting, before the wedding. I would suggest a day or two before, and we will arrange it for her at the palace," I replied. "That is perfect. Two days before the wedding will make it less stressful for me," Felicity smiled. "Wait, you made the dress. Felicity showed me her dress earlier. It is incredible," Harper burst out, pointing at me. I nodded, "I made all the wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses for mine, Amelia's, and Felicity's weddings." Hazel's eyes went wide, "I have never ever heard of anyone in your position making things before. They normally leave it for the servants. I was shocked when you insisted on getting the tea." I smiled, "I wasn't always a Queen. Designing and making clothing is something I have always done, and that isn't going to change. Honestly, how can I expect my people to fight, follow, and do things for me, if I don't do anything for them? Plus, the kids seeing me do things, will teach them, that even though they have a title, they are capable enough of doing things for themselves and others." "I can see why all your people love you. I have heard them praise you a lot," Myles interjected. "Elijah, stop pulling Elisa's hair," I called out to Elijah, who was pulling on Elisa's hair. He immediately stopped and moved away from his sister, but as he did, he tried to stare me out, almost like he was trying to challenge me. Felicity had been watching the interaction between me and Elijah. "You have all this to look forward to when your baby gets siblings," I looked at her, smiling. She nodded, "I am dreading it." "You will be fine, you have all of us here to support you," Lilith smiled. Harper, Hazel, and Myles exchanged looks again. Anytime they heard Lilith speak, they gave each other looks. Looks that said a lot. It was like they didn't trust her at all. Probably because of something in her past. It left many questions. "So, have all the guests replied," I asked Felicity. "Yes, they have. Are you sure that it is okay to have that many witches here for the wedding," she replied. "Felicity, I told you, you grew up with witches. If you want them at your wedding, then that is fine." "Besides, we are not actually allowed to do magic off our coven's lands, unless otherwise instructed by the High Priestess, which is why we are allowed to do magic here," Myles informed us. "Now, that I actually know, being the Queen, I had to learn the laws and customs of other supernatural creatures." There was a moment of silence, we were watching the children play together. Elijah and Elisa never seemed drawn to another child, like our other children were drawn to specific children. It makes me wonder where their mates will be, and what their mates are. Elijah's mate would have to be strong and powerful, as he is our future King. I do feel sorry for whoever Elisa's mate will be, given who her father is and how many brothers she will have. "Violet, do you ever wonder who Elijah's and Elisa's mates are," Amelia asked, leaning over to me. "Every day. But, I already feel sorry for whoever Elisa's mate is," I replied. Robert growled behind us, startling all of us, "Elisa is too young, she is not allowed a mate." I rolled my eyes, "Now, you know why I feel sorry for her mate already. She and her brothers will make it hell for any boy that pays her the slightest bit of attention." "She isn't allowed near boys," Robert growled, taking a seat next to me. "Then, you had better go get her brothers away from her. They are boys after all," I retorted, raising my eyebrows, giving him a look that said, I dare you to challenge me. "How did the training and talking with patrols go," Amelia asked, breaking a silence that had grown, as I dared Robert to challenge me. "It went well. Robert sparred with quite a few lycans," Quinn interjected, as I turned my attention to him and Amelia. I was just about to speak, when Jaxon woke up from his slumber. I immediately got up, and picked my son up from his Moses basket. Cradling him in my arms, I returned to my seat. "Daddy, will you come play with us," Elisa asked Robert, with her brother, Elijah, by her side. Hunter added, as he pulled on Quinn, "Yeah Dad, come play with us." Robert and Quinn exchanged looks, before turning to Amelia and I, and giving us, almost pleading for help looks. I smirked, "Have fun." The kids started pulling on Robert and Quinn, until Robert said, "Alright, we are coming. What are we playing?" "Tag," Elisa screamed, slapping her hand on Robert, before all the kids ran off as fast as they could. Everyone chuckled, as Robert gave chase. Amelia looked over at Jaxon, who somehow had fallen back to sleep in my arms and wasn't disturbed by his big sister's ear-piercing scream. "How did he sleep through that," Amelia asked. "Jaxon sleeps through just about anything and everything. I dread to think what he will be like when he hits his teens," I chuckled. Lilith smiled, "It is mother's magic touch. A lot of babies sleep soundly in their mothers' arms." "I guess that is true in some cases," I replied, as I watched the children run circles round their fathers. Play fighting broke out between all the boys, as Harper asked, "So, Felicity, what are you doing for your hen do?" "I have just planned a little spa day, here at the palace, given everything that is going on and the fact that I am pregnant. I don't want to stray too far from home," Felicity replied. Charles added, "And, don't worry, I will make myself scarce when you have your hen do." "Ahh, are you not having a stag do," Myles asked. Charles shook his head, "If I am honest, I don't want one. A drink with my friends around a fire would be fine for me. I just want to marry Felicity." "Aww, come here," Felicity spoke, as she outstretched her arms, pulling Charles in for a kiss. It quickly turned into a full blown make-out session between them too, which really didn't surprise any of us Lycans. We knew exactly what the mate bond would do the moment they touched each other, even more so now that Felicity was pregnant. The witches knew about the mate bond but were still quite uncomfortable about the overly public displays of affection that our kind were quite frequently involved in. "Queen Violet, I just wanted to say your home is beautiful, and thank you for letting us stay in those rooms. They are amazing," Hazel finally said, breaking the silence. "Please, while you witches are here, please call me Violet. Thank you for your kind words. You are always welcome to visit in the future, after the curse has been dealt with," I smiled at her. She moved to pick the teapot up, and said, "Oh, the tea has gone cold. I will get some fresh." "It is okay, Violet, you can warm it back," Felicity blurted out. "What do you mean," Myles looked at us puzzled. Hazel put the teapot back down. I raised my hand towards the teapot, my eyes glowed purple, and began to heat the pot from the inside. The moment I heard the tea bubbling, I stopped. Steam poured out of the spout of the teapot. "You have excellent control over your powers," Harper smiled. "Thank you." Hazel poured tea for herself. I think this is the best time to ask. "Harper, Hazel, Myles, is there a spell that can be done that can send you to a different plain temporarily so you can speak with a higher being, before returning," I asked. They exchanged looks, before Harper spoke, "There is a spell, but only the most powerful witches can do it." "Why would you want a spell like that," Myles inquired curiously. "Minerva knows that I am getting pulled into a meadow. We call it the meadow of ancestors. It is where Selene, the moon goddess, lives and creates our kind. Each flower in the meadow represents one werewolf or lycan that lives right now. She pulls me there, to tell me of my destiny or of the impending dangers to those I love. That is how I found out about the Blood Moon curse. We only have one problem," I explained. "What is that," Hazel said. "As you know, the moon affects our kind. Different moons affect us differently. The Blood Moon will send us in to a blood- thirsty rampage if we shift into our beasts. I need to speak to Selene, to find out what we can do to prevent that rampage, if we have to shift to protect him. I wanted to see if there was a spell or some training I could do to help me reach Selene," I answered. "There is some training we could do, until we have spoken to Minerva, about whether we can try this spell," offered Hazel. "When can we start?" "Whenever you are ready." "Right now," I replied, as I put Jaxon back in his Moses basket. Hazel stood up, to follow me. "We are going to the basement, Robert," I called out to him. He turned to me and nodded. Hazel and I made our way down to the basement, to begin my training. I just hoped it allowed me to contact Selene, so I could ask important questions. Questions only she could answer, and were vital to us winning this, and protecting Alexander.
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