chapter eight

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ILLIANA'S P.O.V The day went by in a flash and all I did was stay in bed and think. They wasn't much that I could do .I was still a prisoner, even without being a prisoner I still wouldn't wanna do anything ,I just wanna stay in bed and sulk. I remained cuddled up under the covers as I heard the door open ,it was probably Elizabeth who had previously been coming in to give me food and some clothes to wear. I had spent hours in the bathroom just trying to undo the mess I had become ,the knots and tangles in my hair were unbearable ,I almost wanted to just cut my beautiful brunette hair but I luckily didn't. "Am sorry to disturb you but can we please talk ,I would have came by for the talk earlier ,but I had underestimated the work I had to do today," In that moment I turned around in the bed and looked at Jaxton as he placed my dinner on the nightstand. Honestly he no longer seemed to be that bad ,we probably would have clicked if we had met under different circumstances. "Ohhh Ummm hi beta Jaxton , please take a seat and we can start... thanks for dinner by the way," I mumbled as I shuffled around the bed so I could now sit upright and have the pillow cushion my back. "where exactly do you want us to start? " I asked as I saw that he wasn't saying anything as if expecting me to just know what to say. "well... how this works is that I ask you a question and you answer me honestly ,then you ask me a question and I too answer honesty... that way both parties gets clarity," Jaxton actually made perfect sense to me in that moment and the tactic he was using was truly admirable and it almost made me feel bad for not liking the him at all ,but now that the atmosphere was calm and we were talking ,he didn't seem as aggressive and arrogant. "we can tell that you are from the royal moon pack and based on the day you arrived here and the news of the ummmm situation that has fallen upon the royal moon pack i can somewhat speculate on your current predicament but I still have to ask, what exactly happened ,who attacked ,are you the only survivor ,why did you specifically want to come to this pack for you have no relatives here and exactly why did you seek to meet Luna Olivia?" My eyes went wide as I took in all the questions that Jaxton asked ,I don't even know why I expected him to slowly ask me questions one by one. FLASH BACK " I coughed as the smoke of the burning building filled my lungs and made my breathing extra difficult especially with the broken rib I had previously sustained whilst i fought with the rouges . In a way I was feeling like a coward for running when other warriors were fighting the rouges ,monsters or whatever those malicious ,vile things were. I soon approached the training grounds where young teen werewolves trained and they all stayed there waiting for my arrival. With my father and the king's authority i was incharge of the survival and safety of the younger werewolves for as future beta they were who I was going to be leading in the future. 'Ok listen we don't have much time, you know your training ,split up into your team's ... Team one get the kids ,Team two get the injured and vulnerable ,Team three you kill all that's on your way and leave a clear path for the other teams to get through and head for safety ,find your base commander future alpha king Alex he should be here by now ,As for Team four you are with me ,you know the drill we are the kill team ,you don't ask questions you see the enemy ,you kill the enemy and provide the other teams a head start and make sure no creatures follow them. And with that we went our separate ways as we sprung into action. 'The kids are in our custody commander ,team one reporting,' my claws dug into the Dreadful creature as I fought off a group off rouges with my team. 'Some are injured but the path is cleared ,we managed to capture two rouges for questioning later,Team three reporting commander we are now waiting on team two with the injured, for team one has already left for their location' the rouges were all now lying in the pool of their own blood . i was barely able to stay focused as all the teams kept reporting in whilst I fought but luckily I had my second in command ' future Gamma Liam ' The sharp pain of loss immediately shook my system as I fell on the ground and bit back a pain filled growl that threatened to escape my lips whilst I try to endure the pain and plaster a strong face for my team" END OF FLASH BACK I snapped out of the transe I was in whilst explaining to beta Jaxton and noticed Obelius and Olivia were In the room listening to me so I decided to continue " The king and his whole family were killed... alot of my pack members didn't survive the bloodshed and those that me, we will never be the same again. With my father the beta and my alpha the king gone am all that's left in terms of hierarchy...the surviving members of the royal moon pack are now dependent on me...I barely survived the shift in power from being a warrior and future beta to now being the Royal Dain. Before the attack happened I had always promised my aunt Pamela that I will always run east to the DUNAMIS PACK where her childhood friend Luna Olivia would help me for she had believed that Luna Olivia was a very kind and intelligent woman who would be understanding and capable of helping me...that's why I need to see her , where is she,she will understand please just tell me where is she?" tears ran through my eyes as the memories tormented me whilst I begged for audience with Luna Olivia. "she's d-dead...we lost her,mom is ,she is gone" I barely heard Obelius as he whispered and stuttered the words as if they physically caused him harm. I could tell he was in pain and I knew for a fact that his wolf was not ok with seeing me cry . It is said that most mates struggle with the sight of their mates in tears especially males or Alpha males but i trust that at this point you have already caught on to the fact that my mate and our bond wasn't at the slightest bit normal or average. Obelius slowly sat at the foot end of my bed, far enough for him to preserve his personal space yet close enough to bring me comfort. "so umm...where are they , what happened to them,i mean your pack members the ones you escaped with?" Olivia hesitantly asked as curiosity got the better of her and i could tell the others wanted to know. I emmersed myself in my mates scent and tried to calm myself and not cry any further. Obelius raised his hand as if to touch me and he stopped midway. my heart broke a little at his unwillingness to touch me even when I needed his comfort. Out of nowhere Obelius layed a roll of tissue paper on my lap. I barely saw him getting up to retrieve it from the ensuite bathroom but I still appreciated the gesture. "i don't know where they are,they are Alive though am sure of it. I had planned it in such a way that each team seperated and no team knows where the other is going incase one member or team gets captured and mined for information. Each team is lead by a competent leader who is incharge of following individualized guidelines to find out where they are supposed to go. What they all didn't know is that I was going to stay behind, the rouges that attacked the pack would follow me ,they could find me easily ,they wanted to kill those In power and I was on their list. The more higher-ups they killed the more power that shifted unto me which made me easier to track and i couldn't risk them catching my pack through me thus I separated myself from the pack ," i professed with a sense of relief.At that point no tears left my eyes for I knew that even though I seemed and felt alone i still had many behind me. I could feel the sense of pride that filled the room as Obelius and his pack members embraced me with love and respect with absolutely no pity in their eyes which I greatly appreciated . I was more than grateful for landing into this pack for I knew in that exact moment that had found backup and support in my journey for justice and revenge.
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