chapter seven

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ILIANA'S P.O.V I swear I could see red...that's how furious I was, not at Olivia but at my stupid coward of a mate how could he do this to me? Who the hell does he think he is , going around mating with other women! My body vibrated with anger ,it shook so hard I swear I could feel myself about to shift...that's how angry I was. Sure I am no angel but I atleast didn't mate with anyone aside from my mate.I actually looked forward to having a mate and the i***t betrayed me long before I even met him! " getting this all wrong am not Luna am his sister! " stone cold ,thats how much my body froze as those words left Olivia's mouth . "Luna Olivia is our mother, I was named after her," Olivia further elaborated and made me feel more foolish as embarrassment covered my whole form. I can't believe I actually got like that possessive tendencies were showing and dang... it wasn't pretty. A smile covered my face as I tried to lighten up the tense atmosphere and hide my very obvious embarrassment. God I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole , especially when the guard that was positioned outside my door rushed inside of the room as Obelius and Jaxton followed behind him . "what the hell is going on here? we could feel the hostility coming from this room. Maybe we should send her back to the cell alpha ,she's dangerous! it hasn't even been long that she's been out and she already wants to attack one of our own... Olivia of all people!" Jaxton angryly said as he shockingly approached Olivia with a certain tenderness and care . He proceeded to delicately hold her in his arms as if she was about to break ."Are you ok my love,did she do anything to you or threaten you?" the sensitivity that jaxton projected whilst talking to Olivier was so obviously, even a blind man could see the love in their eyes and the beautiful mate bond between them. I leg go of a breath I didn't know I was holding as Olivia explained that it was just a misunderstanding without getting into the embarrassing details of me being weirdly possessive of her brother,the Alpha. Obelius never seized to look at me,his eyes stayed on me for what felt like hours as I started to feel small under his view. I decided to take the opportunity to examine him too and wow the man truely was different, good type of different. "I can't feel his's like it's there but not there at the same time,I just can't detect it's presence..." just as my wolf pointed it out, I suddenly became hyperaware of my surroundings and his presence and just as my wolf had said,his wolf couldn't be detected. Jaxton finished whatever he and Olivia were talking about in their mindlink and quietly excused himself as he laid a kiss on her forehead before leaving. It shocked me just how much I wanted him to come back and stay,yes I didn't like the werewolf but his presence minimised the akward tension that now filled the room. "Don't just stare at the poor girl big bro ,that's weird and you are clearly making her nervous . By the way ,Lia said I should tell you to stop being a coward and ask her things yourself and am not saying you are a coward but I agree with her," my mates eyes grazed over as he and Olivia started having an aurgument in their mindlink as a result of what Olivia had previously said outloud ."I would leave you two alone to talk but you probably won't end up talking so am going to sit here and stare at the both of you till you talk about whatever confusing thing is going on between the two of you ," claimed Olivia as she actually took a seat and stared at us. I took a seat on the bed and taped the space near me on the bed for my mate to come and seat so we could actually talk. He slowly walked towards the bed with uncertainty as he took a seat on the far end of the bed which meant he wanted to be as far away from me as possible. I contemplated scooting closer to him but I ultimately decided to give him his space. His eyes played peekaboo with my form as he kept stealing glances at me. Rosey red covered his cheeks as uncertainty and embarassment flowed off of him .His lips opened and closed as if he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what to say and how to say it. He was indeed an odd werewolf ,most werewolf males are go getters and the alphas are arrogant and aggressive but mate ,he is shy , reserved and observant whilst still carrying a weirdly intimidating aura with him. "Am going to be nice this one time and offer you my name without you having to ask but after that we talk ok...I would have given you a pass for not talking but I now know for a fact that you can talk and you do talk so please just bare with me here...I am Illiana Pietersen warrior and daughter of l-late beta Xavier of the royal moon pack," I gently informed my mate as I tried to make him more comfortable. His demeanor didn't change ,he didn't look afraid or unconcerned he just looked reserved and full of uncertainty. "Obelius Dunamis...Alpha," whispered my mate in a very calm and calculated manner. "so...'alpha' are you going to let me go since you are the top dog around these parts of the woods?" I jokingly said to lighten up the mood when he growled and jumped to his feet the moment I finished the sentence. Anger radiated off his form yet he just calmly stood and looked at the floor whilst taking in a deep breath. They was no doubt in my mind about how odd my mates behaviour was but I still understood him. "I don't want to leave you I was just making a joke, a very distasteful joke," I explained to further calm him. He raised his head and looked at me with the most beautiful sencere smile that I've ever seen "sorry about that , I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again," voiced out my mate with a sense of assurance coating his words and I smiled back at him and nodded my head. " us... between us ,Ummm can you feel it? am I ok or am I umm losing my mind and confusing myself ?" his head slanted to the right as curiosity lingered on his eyes as he enquired. The curiosity in his eyes didn't hide the pain and anguish that laid there. I could feel the turmoil going on in his head ,I could tell that he didn't want it to be true yet his eyes...his beautiful stormy silverish grey eyes ,they just begged for me to confirm his feelings. His eyes desperately wanted me to say yes. I slowly leaned closer to him and placed my hand on his. the light tingles that I had expected from the mate bond didn't come, in their place came a weird pleasurable stricking sensation and it effectively shook my system and intensified the mate bond. His scent filled the room and suffocated me beyond measure as the urge to jus- ... he was gone ,his eyes had gone wide as he let go of my hand as if it burned him and he stormed out of the room. "wowwww what the hell was that ,it was so cool if you both were mates but not exactly like that and don't mind my brother he probably just needs to cool off or figure out whatever just happened between the two of yall....I swear I gots goosebumps from all of that," Olivia shreaked out in shock. my head raised to look at her as she called my name out whilst she stood by the door to leave . Embarassment covered my whole body as the words left her mouth. "Dont worry I won't tell my brother that you were checking me out when I got in *wink*,"
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