chapter nine

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ILLIANA'S P.O.V Minutes became hours, hours became days and days became weeks. It has been a whole two weeks since I last saw him . My wolf yearns for his presence and my subconscious is too aware of his absence. It's not like I miss him or anything of that sort I just really have an urge to know more about him . Curiosity is getting the better of me not to mention the lingering attraction between us. I am not sure if it's all just the mate bond playing tricks on us or we really just naturally drawn to each other. Many thoughts kept going through my mind as I tried to make better sense of my mates and I's predicament. The inability for my wolf to call out to or sense his wolf was slowly starting to eat away at my patience .At first I had thought that maybe my injuries and slow recuperation were the reasons my wolf struggled to reach out to his . I honestly thought that me being in a weak state was the reason our mate bond was so weak but I had thought wrong. The mate pull was just weak almost barely there but deep down I knew that it would grow and strengthen over time. Alot of questions lingered upon my head as I tried to peace together all the events that had previously occured . my blood was still boiling with a thirst for revenge each and everytime thoughts of my pack came into my subconscious mind. every night I would be terrorised but terrific nightmares and they would trap me within their clutches until I awake. I would always awake in a cold dark room alone ,all by myself and all I wanted was to have my mate with me to hold me and tell me that everything will be ok ,that I shouldn't worry ,that I am safe because am with him . I have been fully healed for a week now and I still struggle to call out to him… I wouldn't go as far as saying I miss him or anything I just really want to see him. I want to know more about him , to ask him a few questions and maybe know where I stand in his life. What if he wants to reject me or simply just doesn't want me? . I immediately tried to get those negetive thoughts out of my head and replaced them with somewhat positive thoughts. Being a warrior and a beta of the royal moon pack had exposed me to a lot of things and one of those things was rumours. I had always heard of him "The omega Alpha" that's what they used to refer to him. It took me a whole week to actually figure it out. I never knew it was actually true and that the Omega Alpha was none other than mate. many things have been said about him and I know not how to seperate the truth and pure rumours ,the only person that could uplift all my doubts and give me answers to all my questions was alpha Obelius Dunamis himself and it didn't seem as if that would be something he would be doing anytime soon. Many thoughts filled my head as I slowed down my pace. The soothing rustling of trees and shrubs filled the atmosphere as I laid my back on the forest floor. The serene atmosphere calmed the raging thoughts in my head as my eyes feasted upon the beautiful stars in the vibrant nights sky. I closed my eyes and submitted myself to the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. A gust of wind blew in my direction and gave away his homey , bittersweet coffee scent. I could feel his eyes Burning through my side as I inhaled his scent. The thumbing of my heart beat grew louder as I felt him walking closer to me. I stubbornly kept my eyes shut and pretended like he didn't exist . Who the hell does he think he is to ignore me for a whole two weeks and then suddenly Waltz back in my personal space as if nothing had happened?...i am definitely ignoring him. "We should get back to the pack house ,it's late," his voice was calm but stern as he spoke but I still paid him no mind. My body became more alert as I felt him taking a seat a little closer to me but I just kept my breathing steady and inhaled more of his divine scent . He took in a deep breath as a clear sign of his announce before he spoke some more " You really shouldn't wander off to the forest at night, something could have happened to you... people are worried about you ,let's just go back," The slight quiver in his voice as he spoke forced my eyes open. I turned and laid on my side as my eyes got glued to him. The bags under his eyes caught my attention first as he quickly looked at the floor to avoid my prying gaze. his shoulders were hunched over as he sagged in a very drained and dejected manner. "Which people...I am not close to anyone in the pack ,am a stranger here...who exactly is worried about me ?" I daringly asked him in an inquisitive manner. I waited for an answer but it never came. He just maintained his glare on the forest ground. I returned to my original position and closed my eyes once again. Moments past in peaceful silence as we just stayed in each other's company and enjoyed the serene atmosphere. It was barely audible but I still heard it... his deep and raspy voice gently passed though my auditory nerves as he whispered "I was worried you would get hurt or...or that maybe you were planning on leaving me," The underlying hurt in his voice brought a slight pain to my heart as I sort out to comfort him . I laid my hand on his shoulder and on instinct his body froze and he took a sharp breath as the waves of sparks from the mate bond got ignited at our physical contact. He sprang to his feet as his vivid dark silver eyes glared at me. His nose flared as a low growl rang through the air. I could sense hostility and pain in his demeanor but it was gone as soon as it came. " sorry about that...umm just don't touch me it makes me uncomfortable," he coyly informed me and cleared his throat once more. He started shifting his weight from leg to leg as he awkwardly shuffled and stared at the ground. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see that he was very uncomfortable and I really felt guilty. I honestly didn't know he would react that badly to me simply touching him...I wouldn't have done it if I had known. "Maybe we should start walking back to the pack has gotten very dark ," I stated as I started walking in the direction of the pack house just to try and salvage the situation. The walk was as silent as an owl during a hot midsummers day . I didn't know what to make of our entire relationship...are we even in any type of relationship? Many questions captured my attention as I tried to understand the complicated man that happens to be my mate. I froze in place like a statue as more thoughts overwhelmingly attacked my sanity. Obelius now stood beside me as he looked at me with visible worry and concern displayed on his face. "You have gone pale, are you ok? Do you maybe want me to take you to the pack doctor?" Came Obelius's rushed words but, I still remained frozen in place with unpleasant thoughts lingering in my head. "Do you not want me that why you have been ignoring me... do you just not want me as your mate or maybe you desire someone else? Am I not what you expected ? It's been a whole two weeks and you haven't checked up on me ... did Olivia tell you am bisexual ? Do you have a problem with my sexuality,is that the issue,?" I shouted in exasperation as I tried to console myself. I was heaving and exasperated to say the least. it seemed as if all the anger I had be brushing away had just exploded into the unexpected outburst. "Please don't think such things , you are more than perfect for me...I wouldn't want you to think that I don't want you because I do ,things are just a little complicated right now. Olivia didn't mention your sexuality to me and that still wouldn't have changed anything...things are just a little complicated right now...I assure you that it's nothing along the lines of me not wanting you ," the sincerity in his voice calmed my thoughts as we quietly continue our walk under the beautiful nights sky . Hopefully all my questions shall be answered soon but I can tell that now is definitely not the time.
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