chapter six

1757 Words
ILIANA'S p.o.v Morning came sooner than expected . The enticing scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered in my cell and brought about a smile upon my face. I honestly can't believe I have found my mate and that too an alpha... Something was off about him though and I couldn't just ignore it. The man is just Ummm...I don't know the exact words to use but he just doesn't seem like an alpha... something just felt off. His eyes ,his build ,his mannerisms even his presence and scent just seemed to be altered or just felt weirdly peculiar...Ok let me break all this down before I begin to overwhelm myself. His eyes were just too self-contradictory and inconsistent...they showed exactly how he felt yet they completely hid his emotions, they were too obvious but,too vague at the same time.looking into his eyes was like looking at one person's eyes with two different souls or world I had said before it was just peculiar. His build wasn't exaggerated or over muscular like most alphas. He was just an ordinary toned , mysterious , drop dead gourgeus type of guy...I mean don't get me started on what I think of his whole look, am sure we all know that the man is literally driving me crazy at this point so let's just say he looks like a human alpha male instead of the normal everyday aggressive werewolf alpha. He carried himself with honour and not pride ,he was observant and not reactive . mate . He is too incontrol of his wolf and I hate it...they was no reaction to him finding out we're mates ,he hasn't touched me or even acknowledged our bond...Had it been another Alpha I would atleast be marked by now but alas am not mates with another alpha and I don't want to be. I could feel his hold on me ,I could feel our bond being more and more visible every day but... it wasn't getting stronger and no one noticed or paid attention to it. It was like , it's just him and i ,no one was privileged enough to witness our inevitable mating . What's even more weird is that he is a guy, don't get me wrong I like guys and do find them attractive but in my whole bisexual journey I've only just been with women...two women to be exact. Even though I was attracted to men and stuff i just felt that most were too domineering for me so I just didn't date one nor did I think I ever would and now am mated to one...the irony of the whole situation wasn't lost on me. I couldn't get my mind off Obelius the whole morning and it was slowly driving me crazy... The unanswered questions that nagged in my head were slowly getting bothersome and annoying. I could feel my wolf losing her patience as we continued to wait in the cell with two guards while still tied up. The rattling of keys brought me out of the clouds as a guard opened the cell door for me and then proceeded to untie my chains. "the alpha has asked that another room be prepared for you,so we are moving you overthere and you shall find your breakfast waiting for you...he asks that you make yourself at home and wait for jaxton to arrive there," said the female guard as she was leading me almost halfway across the territory. She led me into a beautiful ,homey cottage in the woods and I just knew...I knew the second I stepped inside that it was his. The warm and comforting scent of devine bittersweet coffee filled my system. It was weird how his scent always changed but still remained the same ,all in all the house smelt like a small family owned coffee shop. The room to which I was supposed to reside in was just breath taking. The spacious purple and white room with wooden furniture really just looked warm and welcoming. On one of the bedside tables I found a tray with my very wholesome and delicious French toast and bacon breakfast with orange juice. Just as I was enjoying my breakfast a beautiful blond entered my room and I won't lie...she was definitely my type in everyway shape and form but I have a mate am going to behave. "hi there... how are you?" asked the she wolf from the other day as she took a seat on the chair opposite my bed . I didn't answer her because I was obviously busy checking her out Cause if not then why not... basically am not officially mated and it doesn't hurt to look since loverboy hasn't made his move. "I would call out your name but I don't know it so how about we just have a conversation and get to know each other?" she spoke as she leaned in and "damnnnn she's cute," I immediately chocked on my orange juice at my wolfs comment. like seriously we have a mate and now the blond shewolf thinks am crazy...I mentally face palmed myself as she asked if I was seriously girl get yourself together! "am sorry I was conversing with my wolf ,she can be very distracting... am doing better and I can see your arm has fully healed are the pups ok?" I nicely said to the shewolf as I obviously placed all the blame on my wolf. I couldn't exactly just say I find her very attractive ,am sorta taken and she probably doesn't swing that way. My mind immediately drifted off to my mates broad shoulders and the unexplored ever so delicate twinkle in his eyes ...I really wanna run my fingers along hi-. "girl... should I maybe come back some other time, you really seem preoccupied or are you just normally like this? ...the pups are ok by the way I just came to check up on you and thank you for the other day," I was beyond embarrassed at this point but I still paid attention as she spoke and honestly something about her was still bugging me ...I couldn't get my finger on it but she just seemed odd in someway. "am glad the kids are ok unfortunately they will probably still get nightmares but they are not harmed physically so we can take our wins where we can get them." I casually said as I started to feel self conscious as her eyes scanned my body in an oddly satisfying manner. my brown hair was probably a hot mess , luckily it was still held by a ponytail holder but other than that I was dressed in my mates oversized t-shirts and still looking a hot mess. "umm don't mind me ,the past couple of days have honestly been a very long month if you know what I mean..." I said as I tried to take her attention off me. "i just realised that I haven't gotten your name ,what might it be?" she asked as she ripped her eyes off me and her eyes weirdly grazed over and got lighter as If she had been looking at me through someone else's eyes or in some sort of trance , possible mindlinking someone but either way it was weird. "Lia...but you can call me L" was my response as I tried to wrap my mind around her constant change in demmener . a smile crossed her lips as she shook her head and said " Lia...thats a beautiful tell me what's your full name Lia?" and that ladies and gentlemen is when I decided to acknowledge how weird her behaviour was getting... a pretty face wouldn't distract me ,I can tell when am being pumped for information or interrogated. "listen Ummm... whatever your name is, what exactly do you want just come out with are being weird just say what you wanna know" I voiced out as I made sure to be polite but firm . She sighed and hung her head low , I was starting to think that maybe she was just trying to be nice and I was mean for no reason . "To be honest with you Lia I was here to check up on you and just make sure you are not all alone and bored off your mind but my brother...the man is So annoying ,he keeps bugging me and asking me all these things about you... basically what am trying to say is that my brother wants to know your name and how you are feeling today," examined the she wolf and I could tell she really didn't want to be snitching or spying on me but was doing a favour for her annoying coward of a brother. "exactly who is your brother,why can't he just come ask me himself and why exactly would he care about all that? by the way I didn't get your name and sorry your brother is Making you spy on me but you must tell him to grow a pair and come ask me such stuff himself," I blurted out without a second thought. she ran her fingers along her silky blonde hair as she further explained " My name is Olivia ,am not exactly sure why my brother is bugging me with all this, he doesn't talk much ...he is rather very reserved and usually just mind links pack members to communicate instead of actually using his voice but since you are not a pack member he can't mindlink you... atleast that's what I think , am not his spokesperson and he didn't exactly explain anything to me so am just guessing," I jumped in glee as I babbled " ohh my moon goddess ! are you her? are you Luna Olivia , I've been looking for you for so long...I really thought you were a little older but wait... wait .. wait...are you Luna? like Luna Olivia of the DUNAMIS PACK in you are mated to Alpha obelius DUNAMIS?. Are you mated to My mate!" my excitement turned into anger in that exact instance . "How the hell can she be mated to our mate...what the hell would posses him to do such a thing ! Is that why he didn't let me see her and kept asking me stupid questions about some Esmerelda girl!? Ohhh... he should wait till I get my paws on him... I will cu-"
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