chapter five

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ILIANA'S P.O.V My mates eyes grazed over as he mind linked someone and to my annoyance it was the infuriating beta . Apparently beta jaxton and the pack doctor had came in with my mate, but I was so entraled by his presence that I never noticed the intimidating giant of a man that is allegedly the beta. "Now that you have stopped your little temper tantrum ,what exactly is your connection to Esmerelda?" came the betas booming , accusatory voice as he questioned me as if I was the scum of the earth. If you didn't know, a beta is the alphas right hand man and is second in command whilst the alpha is the leader of the pack along with the alphas mate who is referred to as the Luna .Now that we have gotten that out of the way let's focus on the important question which is who exactly gave this "man" the guts and the authority to talk to me in such a frivolous manner. "He is so lucky that am chained to this bed,I would have ripped him a new one... like seriously who the fu-" long story wolf ain't having it either "So tell me... what is your name mate?"I cheerfully enquired from my mate as I completely ignored the arrogant beta with no manners . I could tell my mate didn't like his tone either but he still said nothing. No answer left my mates lips, he didn't even look like he had any intention to answer me ,he just continued to study my face. Our eyes locked ,my mates soul suddenly felt Bare to me. For a slight moment , just a slight moment... I swear I could feel the void and turmoil that plagued his soul. The atmosphere suddenly felt dark and cold as chills ran through my limbs. As if on cue the annoying beta disturbed us and effectively snapped me out of whatever transe I was in. " I was talking to you Rouge ,answer me!" "Exactly what authority do you have to talk to me in such a degrading manner ? couldn't you see that we were vibing or are you just jealous that am not giving you as much attention?". A growl erupted from the betas throat as I answered him and as quick as it came it disappeared as my mate glared at him as some sort of warning. A smile covered my face as I childishly stuck my tongue out at the beta as a way to taunt him. A small chuckle escaped my mates lips at my childish behaviour and I immediately behaved myself. " so umm...what's your name?" "his name is O-" My eyes rolled exactly one hundred and eighty degrees Celsius as I glared at the beta via the corner of my eye with immense annoyance for him answering me seeing as I clearly wasn't talking to him. "Don't even dare finish that sentence...who even asked you...are you suddenly dragging the position to be my mate with him or are you his spokesperson?" I could tell jaxton was enraged by my rudeness and honestly I didn't care. The guards silently watched the whole exchange without putting any input and I was glad for that. "Ummm you mind if I check on your wounds like the alpha had commanded...I don't want to anger you or anything but it's late and the pain medication is probably wearing off your system by now," came the doctors scared and timid voice as she slowly made her way towards me. The atmosphere was tense as the doctor examined me ,no words were exchanged aside from the small back and forth that was between the doctor and I in regards to my health. I decided to break the tense atmosphere with a simple question "so when can I see your Luna?" and Lo and behold, my mates expressionless face was filled with malice as a low growl rang in the air...I could tell I struck a nerve I just didn't know how? The betas eyes weirdly flashed with panic as he quickly spoke "listen it's probably better for all of us that you just tell us who you are ,why you're here and why you want to see Esmerelda," unfortunately I agreed with jaxton as I too was tired of all the games and uncertainty...I couldn't even get my own mates name ... maybe I should open up a bit so they can trust me ,no pack just hands over their Luna to an unknown rouge it just doesn't make sense. "I am a pack warrior ,I was told to come see your Luna for help . I can't exactly go into details as of now due to the circumstances and the bountiful audience. As for the Esmerelda women ,I don't know who the hell she is and I don't even care to know at this point. The female am here to see is the Luna... Luna Olivia DUNAMIS of the DUNAMIS PACK." shock , relief and grief reflected off the pack members expressions as I finished my brief explanation. My mates fingers pinched the bridge of his nose which was commonly used to releave stress , and in that moment I would have given more than half of my apple pie just to find out what he was thinking about. "forgive my skeptism but why exactly are you a Rogue if you are really a pack warrior like you say you are?" asked the buff beta and for that moment I couldn't help but understand and respected his question. they all stared at me as they anticipated my answer and I could tell that they were genuinely intrigued by my previous vague explanation. "listen I can explain more once am no longer chained and I see your Luna for I gravely need to speak to her , and where exactly is your alpha ? isn't it customary for alphas to be present at the questioning of rogues ,or to atleast meet the said rogue?" I enquired from the beta In curiosity and inquisitiveness. The betas eyes grazed over as he answered " well then we can talk about the rest of this seemingly long conversation later on In the morning it's already past for the Alpha I thought you have figured it out by now seeing as you're being extra nice to him...I would say his name but you seem to want it from only him so am off to bed . y'all figure out you communicate without me seing as 'he doesn't really talk much' . Doctor B, i hope you done so I can accompany you home" And just like that jaxton and the doctor left along with one of the guards. I had to physically pick up my jaw from the floor as the news of my mate being the alpha shook me to my very core . I shifted on the tiny bed to have a better look at my apparently Alpha mate and to my annoyance he was already up and on his way out the cell. "wait where are you going ,we haven't talked. there's so much to talk about. I didn't even get your name," i rushed out as he kept heading out. His voice was smooth yet Coarse and slow chilled my spine and l am sure I probably wouldn't have heard him had I not been a werewolf "Obelius,it's obelius DUNAMIS" .
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