chapter ten

1531 Words
ILLIANA'S P.O.V "Ughhh" I sigh in frustration as I twist and turn around the bed. I close my eyes once more and try to fall back to sleep but it all ends up in vain. Every position I try to use is more uncomfortable than the other as my wolf paces restlessly within my inner being. I knew why I was restless ,I knew how to end it and the idea of ending it seemed alluring. The darkness that covered the room soon covered my thoughts as I hesitantly left the bed and walked to only God knows where. My wolf seemed to lead the way as if I was on autopilot. My body didn't feel like my own and my emotions felt strangely uncommon. My heartbeat obnoxiously rang increasingly louder as it's sound filled the silent atmosphere. Panic coursed through my soul as if I was being attacked by something yet I was calm and collected. My body froze as I stared at a big mahogany door . My eyes glared at the door for what seemed like an eternity before the anticipation got too much for me to bear . I could feel him on the other side of the door and I swear my body was sent into propulsion. I was welcomed by his bold bittersweet coffee scent as soon as I entered his pitch black room. My heart almost jumped out of my throat as I took a quick step back and creamed bloody murder… he had jumped out of bed so fast I barely had enough time to adjust my footing and the scare made me lose coordination and fall upon the floor as i weeped in pain. "Awww why would you scare me like that !" I yelled at the seemingly startled and irritable male before my eyes. He was by my side in a flash as he worriedly checked up on me .I slowly stood and limped to his bed as I maintained a very deadly stare in his direction . "Are you ok? Sorry I didn't mean to scare you... what are you even doing here? " Came his long list of questions but all I could focus on was his deep and raspy morning voice… "Lian am talking to you ,are you ok?" His voice immediately snapped me out of my thoughts as I nodded my head yes. Heavy bags laid perfectly under his blood shot seemingly dead eyes as sweat droplets ran across his forehead. His chest moved noticeable at a fast pace as his hands weirdly trembled...he immediately clenched his fists as soon as he saw me looking. "Are you look distressed and a bit agitated,I didn't mean to startle you," I slowly whispered so as to try and make him more calm and comfortable. His eyes suspiciously scanned up and down my body as he maintained an emotionless expression along his face ,a glint of pain and panic laid visible through his eyes even though I could tell that he was actively trying to hide it. Seeing him struggle to hide his anxiety struck a chord within my soul and I felt my wolf visibly flinch at how broken and fragile he seemed in that instance. His eyes fell upon the floor whilst his shoulders slumped as soon as we made eye contact. For the brief moment that our eyes locked I swear I heard my heart break for him. Something was bothering him and keeping him up at night ,I could tell he was previously having a nightmare and he was too hyper vigilant for it to be normal. My eyes followed his seemingly defeated figure as he walked to the opposite side of the bed and laid down with his back to me. My thoughts travelled towards all the nightmares I've had since I witnessed the c*****e and agony that befell my pack and I. My experience with dealing with my traumas made it clear that Obelius was dealing with his own traumas. Awkward silence filled the room as I stared at his back. The cold night breeze flew by the open window and a menacing growl rang through the air… I caught a whiff of a vile and pungent rotten odor with light hints of the metallic scent of blood. A loud gasp left my lips as Obelius threw himself out the second story window and started running towards what I presume to be the scent of rogues and bloodshed. My bare feet roughly hit the slightly rugged ground as I jumped out the window and sped up my pace on instinct just to catch up to my seemingly pissed off mate. The rotten smell of rouges grew more odorous as we got closer to the west end of the pack boarder . I was on high alert as we got closer to what seemed to be an ambush of rouges upon the pack. I immediately spring into action and sink my paws on a dark brown giant of a rogue in its werewolf form . Blood soon filled the plush green grass as more pack members joined in on the fight against the red eyed rogues . A growl ripped through my chest as I shifted into my blood red wolf ,anger rang clear through my eyes as I saw a pack wolf beheaded before my eyes . Thirst for revenge filled my system and furry befriended me . I lost control of my wolf and attacked the rouge with full force ,my canines ripped through his flesh in a painfully slow and vicious manner . Obelius looked really beaten up as we fought side by side whilst he remained in his human form . His pack fought as a unit along with him in carefully coordinated ferocious movements . Bittersweet growls of victory and sorrow filled the air as we mourned the loss of a pack warrior whilst celebrating conquering the red eyed rouges that dared to ambush the pack. My eyes landed on Obelius's battered and bloody body , pride filled my being at the thought of how savagely fierce my mate fought to protect his pack. Questioning looks were shot my way as the pack warriors smelt the weird mixture of my scent . Some warriors growled as they caught the whiff of rouge radiating off of me , but the mix of the royal pack scent covered in undertones of their alphas coffee smell sent looks of confusion towards Obelius's way. My mate's eyes glazed over as he mind linked something to his pack members . I wanted to ask what he said to them but I figured it wasn't the right time and environment so I decided against it. I confidently left the scene as I tried to not let the attack trigger memories of losing my pack. I ignored the eyes that followed me whilst I walked in my majestic red wolf form. I laid my body belly first upon the pavement floor whilst waiting for Obelius or anyone else to open the front door for me. " The Alpha said you might need some help and a medical checkup please come in," a middle aged lady said as she opened the door for me with a robe and a first aid kit on her hand. She patiently waited as I washed the blood out off my body then proceeded to do a quick medical checkup on me. She looked really nervous throughout the whole time but she did her job and I was grateful. I laid my body on my mate's bed and welcomed his scent around me as soon as she left the room. I held back tears as I thought of losing him just when I'd found him or worse losing his pack just like I lost mine… I know we aren't as close as we should be but he's still my mate and I care for him and his pack. The bedroom door opened and revealed my mates enticing , freshly showered and shirtless self. "Low key we both be thinking he looks damnnnn hot like, seriously girl ,don't even try to play innocent," blush covered my face as I tried to play off my wolf's internal comment . His eyes looked locked on my form as he looked at me as if he's never seen me before. His scent was captivatingly different , his now steamy hot french vanilla coffee scent filled the room and completely caught me off guard. My body immediately reacted to his presence and my thoughts went wild with anticipation. It hit me like a ton of bricks ,the mate bond was so intense I could barely process what was happening . I could finally feel him , it wasn't much but I could tell he was there and very present, I could tell by the way he looked at me. My heart could barely stand the tension In the room. I could finally feel the encapsulating presence of my mates wolf... Passion and longing was clear in his eyes as one word left his mouth and hit my ears like an enchantment …"MATE,"
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