A 17 years old girl part 3

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Karen felt proud when she thought about how she would return everything she had suffered. She thought of the people who could be killed easily - Raymond seemed to be the most difficult target. Raymond was a man who had the title of Lord attached to his name. Karen had also witnessed him confront 6 well built men alone. However, Raymond, who had fallen for Karen would unhesitatingly drink whatever she gave him. With this thought, Karen felt elated. Nevertheless, Karen hoped that Raymond could keep her entertained for a long time. When he rode a horse in the middle of summer, she could knock him off by tying the grass. If he was lucky, he would escape only with a broken neck. Karen knew Raymond like the back of her hand. It applied to the rest of the characters too. If that was the case, then the problem of her petite body would only make it more interesting. She clenched her fist and loosened it with a chuckle and inserted an accessory into her hair. Raymond should wait... Before she met with Raymond, she should confront his current fiance - Isela Evans. Raymond would rush to her rescue if Karen ever found herself in danger, just like all those times. It was only a cliche love story. However, it would be different this time. Karen looked at the mirror with a thumping heart. A girl in her spring years, with rosy red cheeks and glistening eyes gazed back. This would be her first adventure in countless decades. Karen thought of her first time she met Raymond, hundreds of years ago. It was the fulfillment of every girl's dream. A knight with deep, golden hair. Rich and handsome, though perfectly cruel to other women. With a slight smile, Karen combed her hair. The man a girl desired was not a man who was kind hearted to all women, rather, only soft to herself. In this aspect, Raymond was perfect. Raymond was a knight who existed exclusively for Karen. Though Karen always desired for a future, what she wanted to see the most was Raymond after her death. My dear knight, how would you react to my death? Will you take revenge on those who killed me? Would you shed tears for me, till you fall into depression? Or would you share the rest of your life with some other girl, totally forgetting about me? Karen personally felt that the first case was the most probable. During her lifetime, Raymond never allowed Karen to be aggrieved in any way. But what would occur after her death? She desperately wanted to witness it. Sadly, she could never do that. Karen had died in the hands of Verdick a few times. Verdick, Isela's father, had succeeded in killing Karen on the day of her wedding to Raymond, when the conditions were ripe. Karen felt her throat throb at the thought about him. She remembered that he got caught in some of her lifetimes, just before she took her last breath. What would Raymond have done to Verdick? What could he possibly do? Karen was filled with a sudden longing to meet him. In her early years, when she had lived with the misconception that Raymond was the solution, she thought of different ways to share a happy ending with him. Right now, she thought that, if she ever had the chance to kill, it should be in the most gentle, yet terrifying way. Verdick had struck Karen's neck using an axe with a dull blade. Karen had screamed painfully then, as her muscles were crushed but couldn't die immediately till her neck bones were completely severed. In this lifetime, she would sharpen his axe blade and wait to gift the same cut he had used to kill her. "Really didn't hesitate to kill me in several different ways." However, it won't be only me that's gonna die this time. Karen laughed out loud. Her smile was dazzling and spread a mesmerizing fragrance. "...Therefore, never sin. Sinners fall into the abyss of eternal hell, never to get back up. If you are as pure as a pigeon..." As she stifled her yawn, Karen tried best not to close her eyes. A boring sermon was the best sleeping pill. Not to mention, the sermon she had heard over a hundred times. Karen's voice never reached God. However, she patiently waited. For the mysteries of the world such as the voice of the Transcendental, the Vision, the emergence of the prophet and whatnot. Silence. There was no answer. Her desperate prayers were never heard. She wanted to understand and wanted to be convinced. As her life repeated, she could only give up again and again. When can I go back? When will this dream end? When can get out of this hell? Show me the evidence. At least, tell me the reason why I am the one suffering this torment. "Do-don't insult the sacred.... hour, Karen Haier." Isn't it more insulting for you to stand on that platform? Thinking of others that had to listen to this stuttering sermon, Karen gave the cold shoulder to Dulan, but when she saw the woman coming up from behind, she ceased and slightly bowed her head. Isela bowed back. "How have you been?" "Haha, I've been good." An insincere greeting and slight smile were exchanged between them. Karen smirked, when she saw Isela wear a silver dress, which was inappropriate to wear to the church. You haven't changed. Not one bit. Karen, who had decided to spend this life murdering people, had imagined Isela hanging from the rope in this very silver dress. "Miss Haier, do you like my necklace?" "Yes. Your father must have bought it for you. It's beautiful..." Yup. She should be hanged. "Haha. It's not my father. This was gifted by my fiance. heard that Miss Haier will also get married soon, did you also receive something?" Hey, don't be so discouraging. Looking at Dulan with a beet red face, she sighed. For a man who was to become a son-in- law (stay in wife's house) for a feudal lord, how could he prepare expensive gifts? But saying out aloud the truth known to all, the ambience became cold. "Oh my, I am sorry. I blurted out without thinking. Please forgive me." "What are you saying? The necklace is beautiful. I hope you could show it more often." Though I would be the one to receive his ring. "With pleasure." Isela, Isela. No wonder you couldn't. Even if you want to harass me, you can't. Although you are rich, your status is lower than me. Look around. Everyone is pitying me for being 'bullied. In such an atmosphere, Karen's eyes slightly teared up. "Being con-concerned about material desires... is no-not right," Dulan spoke up. Why are you pouring cold water after everything is done? With difficulty, Dulan criticized Isela. But the more he did, the more the air got cold. Karen frowned. Why was he so annoying? Karen didn't want him to disrupt her plan of entering Isela's villa and Raymond's mansion. "I will be going then." As he glanced at Isela who pouted, Dulan said with a straight face, "I am ca-capable of doing at least this much." However, Karen thought that it would be easier to win Raymond if she were to become a widow. (if Dulan died) Anyone who saw Karen for the first time would be momentarily stunned. When Madam Haier left for the other world, the onlookers felt aggrieved, not because of her untimely demise but to see the beautiful Karen crying with a broken heart. In spite of her being engaged from a young age, there were many who came asking for her hand. But whenever that happened, Lord Haier would securely protect Karen from all the prying eyes. Even when everyone criticized that they didn't match, the engagement was never broken. Therefore, Lord Haier had to be subject to much resentment. Today, seeing Karen brightly laughing among the fully bloomed spring flowers, everyone felt a murderous grudge against Dulan. Her fiery red hair reminded one of a bouquet of fully bloomed red roses. Rather than a polite smile, a sincere smile bloomed in Karen's fleeing face (T/N: she was running or something). Her steps seemed like the dance of a spring fairy. Spring had arrived. Her feet seemed so delicate that they could be crushed even by petals. Her eyes shone clearly in the summer sky. When people saw her brisk steps, they stopped what they were doing and held their breath. How long has it been since Miss had laughed like that? It was a day worth celebrating. The spring seemed like it came embracing the fragrance of flowers. The most beautiful girl under the sky laughed with delight and pleasure. Karen had succeeded in her first kill.
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