A 17 years old girl part 2

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"Miss, what are you doing?" "Mm, contemplating about my future." Nancy, who carried the breakfast, let out a deep sigh when she saw Karen distracted - she didn't like Karen who always toiled her brain. "Please don't keep thinking for a long time. Isn't passing time like this a loss? Everything will be fine with the passage of time, so just enjoy. Okay?" It's already been over 100 years yet nothing was fine. "En....." "What is that in your hands?" "Oh, this?" Karen hid the copper coin she had fiddled with, but when she thought about it, there was no need to really hide it, so she took it out. At the end, these things held meaning for Karen alone. For others, they were worthless. "I carry this around as an amulet." "Even if you think for such a long time, there can be only one way, yes? Okay, now quickly put a stop to your thoughts and have breakfast. The corset needs to be tightened, so don't eat a lot." It's fine? Karen clenched the coin. The only thing that's been with her for all these 117 years was just a coin. It was a life without any direction, but living like this was not that bad. When the time came, she would share her bed with Dulan and learn theology with him. As she was thinking this, Nancy snatched the coin and tossed it. "Look, it's the tail. Now, finish your food." Then this time, she could try to do some horrible deeds. Nancy, who had always wanted to lead an adventurous life, looked on thoughtfully as she filled the cup with hot water. For Karen, living was so tedious that she felt like she was about to go crazy. After a dozen of attempts, she became more sure that the marriage with Raymond was not a solution. She clung onto all sorts of methods. Doing good deeds was also one of them. She even tried to sell all her assets - and conducted a fundraising campaign. Even so, the end was always the same. No, it was worse - she even got killed by a homeless man she had helped. But doing good deeds was quite addictive. Though she gave it up since it was not a solution, for a time she always contemplated on how to help others as well as live a happy life herself. Without any sleep, she wandered around till her feet swollen. It was worthy as well as a fruitless attempt. If doing good deeds was this interesting, doing evil deeds must not be any less thrilling. To consider a deed as 'evil', it should be quite heinous. What should she do? Karen chuckled as she thought about conquering the world. But when she considered her scope of movement and the money she had, Karen had to give up on that. There were about 20 servants in the mansion. They listened to her father, but were not obedient enough to kill someone on her command. To remove a person from the face of the earth, she needed to put in quite a lot of efforts. Karen clicked her tongue as she remembered about the numerous stories where servants and maids vowed their loyalty with the cost of their lives even without the parties concerned doing anything. She only had a year. Even if she wanted to stir up something, the biggest she could achieve was bullying the servants. It was all so trivial. She wanted to commit evil on a large scale. Though she had tried arson, the gardeners put it out very soon. Thanks to that, a couple of her self inflicted arson attempts ended up in failure. Self-harm was also useless. Till the last chapter of the book. (T/n: The time, were the book proceeds to the last chapter) She had also become a vegetable (paralyzed) after she fell from the stairs. As she lay on the bed without being able to speak a word, her life was like a curse, and when she died, she even felt relieved. When Karen was reminded of those times, she felt a slight appetite. There would be no person who would take care of a vegetable sincerely. When she reopened her eyes to the sun (T/n: time reset and she came to the beginning), she thought about seeking revenge on those who killed her, but the very idea was meaningless so she gave up. There was also no pretext for her to punish someone she had yet to meet, even if she was adamant to get revenge, the targets were too many. Even Nancy had once bitten her neck. Suddenly Karen's train of thoughts came to a halt. Revenge? Revenge, yes, revenge. All this time, she thought that she had tried everything she could. However, that was wrong. Just like she hadn't made out with Dulan on the first day itself, there were many choices she had yet to try. With the eulogy of uncertainties of life, she found it strange why she never tried to avenge herself. What changes a person or even the world is the people in it. In the beginning, she had read the book, then met with the people and it repeated on. She had to love. She wandered 100 years searching for love. Those were boring days. Days without meaning. Love was not the answer. She felt fed up with the questions. Now it was time for revenge. It was an uninteresting and answer-less question, but now, she would seek the vengeance of the reader. (T/N: Karen was a reader who transmigrated into the book) "Ah!" Something she had never done! Karen thought of a new pastime. It engulfed her in joy. Why hadn't tried it till now? It is not love that influences people the most. It's Death. With her 117th rebirth, the time had reset to her 17th birthday. The story began with the 17th birthday of Karen, who was mentally 117 years old. On her 117th life, Karen Haier decided to become a murderer. With this new plan, Karen was filled with vigor. Why had she never tried to kill others for once? She was so excited that she did not spare much thought. For 100 years she died, then died again, and just died more and more, but why hadn't she killed others beforehand? Because she had always been the party to suffer. Although thoroughly analyzing it, killing didn't seem that easy. It is also good this way. Difficulties make people shine. She didn't even have the strength to truss a chicken. She had never lifted something heavier than a book. She went to the chapel by carriage and if she needed to climb long flights of stairs, her servants would carry her up. Most importantly, she only had one year. By the time, if she had not built up her strength, it will be for nought. If it were a baby it might have been easy, but there was no infant in the mansion. Pregnant servants were not allowed to work, so there was no way for infants to be in the mansion. There was a gardener boy, but he was much stronger than Karen for sure. The collection in the library was pretty big, but there was no book that could help her with killing. In that small town the last murder took place even before the birth of Karen. Karen felt that killing with her own hands would be very difficult for the time being, so for a while, she became depressed but soon it turned into pleasure and excitement. There were an infinite number of ways to kill a person. She herself had died in so many ways. She was the textbook, she was the living evidence, so the solution was Karen herself. Other than boredom, Karen was afraid of nothing. Even if she were to get caught, as she lived an eternal, a reset was all it took. All the more, she was well aware of habits and tastes of the people and time was terribly long. Opportunities were endless. Who should be the first? Karen recalled about people with a pounding heart. Isela came to her mind first. She, who was the fiance of Raymond, was in a competitive position with Karen. Karen recalled how she had tried to humiliate her. Isela harassed Karen, as she thought about how Karen would snatch Raymond from her. All the more, Isela had many weak points. She would spend plenty of time as Isela's maid in the future, hence, Isela was an easy opponent. "....will get caught right away." Her current maid. No matter who looked at the case, she would be the suspect number 1. It would have been great if she had more time. She was not afraid of death penalty. She would start over if she died. That was what she wanted, anyway. However, her excitement would diminish if she failed from the very start. To make it a more enthralling experience, she had to kill as many as possible.
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