A necklace of Isela

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Hiing. ( it's the sound of gate opening) Isela felt her legs hurt as she treaded the uphill path from the gate towards the Haier mansion rumored to behold the most breathtaking flowers. The starting itself did not seem good. The road that led to the mansion was not properly maintained and the carriage shook so badly that the coachman tumbled down from the coach and trembled all over from the fall. On the top of that, a horse broke its ankle. Since it was impossible to climb the steep uphill only with the remaining horse, Isela had to climb the uphill even though her legs were sore. "This damn countryside, where does it look good?" From the moment Isela followed her father to this small countryside, she felt an ache in her heart. This land possessed by Haier's could be said to be blessed by god, as in the spring it would be filled with flowers and in autumn, it will be rich with fruits. Though the land was a rugged mountain range, precious tree species were clustered in it. The residents were few, the population was low, so the income to the area was quite hefty. In simple words, low input high output - efficient. Of course, that was in the eyes of her father who saw it as his target of profit, for Isela, it was nothing more than her target to curse at. "This land will become ours." Verdik held his daughter's hand with a smile. Away from the major cities, far from the concerns of the nobility, there was his only daughter. This land was the superior prey targeted by Verdik Evans. It's been a long while since the Haiers' were in a reclusive state and they also didn't have any acquaintances enough to look after the estate. It was Verdik's perfect target. "Don't worry, Isela. Soon we will also become nobles. The era of the Kings who granted the land is over. Now fiefs can also be bought with money." In order to get the fief more conveniently, he had to buy the useless vast lands around the Haiers, but for that, he even had to sell some of Isela's accessories. When she thought about it, Isela's face would get distorted. Among them there were also jewellery inherited from her maternal grandmother. Those were very beautiful and said to be acquired from the royal family of another country in lieu of debt. Rather than its value as a jewelry, Isela Evans was more satisfied with it as it was a snatched item (T/N: As it was acquired from debt). Evans hated as well as loved the nobility, royalty and clergies. It was an honor for their family to snatch away property from nobles, and the noble people want to live by smooching thrifty profits from their land to save face even if they were in dire circumstances. We snatch from others as we are the only ones that can manage the estate better. We are people meant to be above others. "Oh yes, you met the heir of Haier at church the other day? How was it?" "Hm, Nothing good. Just some looks." "Oh, anyway it's good we got the invitation this time." "I feel sick." Ugh. Isela's twisted emotions only intensified after seeing Karen. Though Karen was cooped up in such a place, she deserved to be known for her beauty. No. The rumors were far from enough. She was unbelievably beautiful. "If the father is to see the man they brought as her fiance, you will be able to see how low the Haier family have fallen." "Haha, Compared to Lord Raymond, where can you find another such a fine man." "Silly and lacking in words." Isela recalled their last meeting. When she was reminded of Dulan, Karen's fiance, who stood beside her, the heart ache Isela felt when she saw Karen's face disappeared in an instant. With that face! To marry such a man just to maintain the fief! "Looking at them engaging their daughter to a blood relative and that too, this early, they must be desperate to maintain the fief. The more desperate they are, the easier it is to make a deal." "That's a relief." With a relieved mind, after she saw Dulan, Isela Evan mocked Karen's plain dress and accessories. She also observed Karen's intent filled glances at her necklace, which was given by Raymond. Karen looked at Isela's neck as if she couldn't bear to look away - must be jealousy. Karen showed her a gentle smile when their eyes met. Isela adored such a look in Karen's eyes. Eyes shining with expectation. "I am very glad for your invitation, Miss Haler." "No need to mention, Miss Evans. While the elders discuss their matters, I hope you have a good time here. There isn't any Agassis of our age, so I am very happy that Miss Evans came." As she suppressed her gasp when the gentle and soft smile of Karen, a servant handed her a gift. The gift box was covered with a soft material that could be peeled off very easily with delicate embroidery stitches. "Please accept this." "Bowen." A servant who stood beside Karen, gracefully accepted the box held out by Isela. "I brought some tea which is very famous nowadays in the capital for you to enjoy." The small wooden box that held the tea was adorned with elaborate and sophisticated patterns. The workmanship was so outstanding, that it was a rare sight even for a country bumpkin Agassi. It was a beautiful box and garnered the admiring gazes from all around. But soon the servant was flustered because he was unable to open it. As she enjoyed the reaction from the servant, Isela proudly took over and opened it with an "It's opened like this" written on her face. Even the clattering sound of the wooden box as it opened was music to their ears. Tea Candy's true beauty was exposed to everyone. "Enjoying it with eyes, ears and nose is the real pleasure of this delicacy." What she was talking about was the enjoyment from the tea in itself rather than the box, but Karen just looked at the box without any rebuttal. Isela handed over the opened box to Karen. "I thought in a place like this I would only be able to have straight tea, so I prepared this to add some diversity." All sorts of spices were held inside it. Bottles filled with spices were beautifully arranged in compartments on the basis of their colors. On the back side of the container lid, the name of spice and recommended blending were written in a small, golden font. The box was a luxurious product in itself it could be rather called a jewellery box rather than just a tea container. Among Karen's possessions, there were no such expensive items like this one. "Is that so? It must be very hard to find such diverse varieties of spices in this countryside." "OMO, I apologize, if you felt offended." Obviously it was said intended to offend Karen. Isela waited for Karen to reply that it was not and she was fine, but Karen just smiled without saying another word. Isela's mood fell as Karen did not reply. With a fallen mood, she leaned against her chair. When the servant carried boiling water to their silent table, Isela was once again filled with vigor. "It's very fragrant." "Though the straight tea with local spice is good, I am a person who enjoys diverse flavors. Enjoying just a single flavour, won't tea time be boring?" "I agree with that, Miss Isela. It will be boring to enjoy only one flavour. I think that people pursue diversity even if it isn't perfect." Isela's face distorted when she heard Karen's reply. "That must be too much of a grandiose, Miss Haier." "Isn't life also begins from these teatimes." (In the era blind dates take places with tea, so she is comparing it, it also implies that one's taste becomes evident with tea.) Karen smiled with spring fragrance that trickled out as she added a few flower petals into her tea. "Isela, I can't express how happy I am to have you, to add enjoyment into my life." Sincerely.
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