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"The Bruno family father is still alive, two son's oldest is Alessandro and second is Brio, the oldest is married to a Aida who had a son for him earlier last month the second son had a wife however she was killed explosive with her daughter" Demetri said "They really want nothing but boys" Javier said "Don't think so, it says there was a war between the Bruno family and another family in their town the wife and child took the hit instead of the youngest son" Demetri said "Even so, they sell women, they get the best mainly woman that are from foreign country that comes to Italy for vacation" Javier said "Are they underage?" Demetri said "Some of them are and some are barley the age of 18" Javier said "The other file?" Demetri said "The Conti family father and mother still living has three sons oldest is Calvino next is Emiliano and lastly is Ercole. All under the age of ten" Javier said "Their dealings?" Demetri said "Same as the rest of the family woman, drugs, guns, you name it" Javier said "You know what I don't see in this file?" Demetri said "What?" Javier asked "Pictures" Demetri said "They didn't have enough time for that but they did say that they will be guarding their sister's from them is all they said" Javier said "And the last two family?" Demetri said "They are private they keep everything low key so they are still looking for them" Javier said "Wait what's that?" Demetri asked "s**t for got about that seems like Mr. Conti had a mistress on the side before he got married to the Mrs. and he is Fabrizio the bastard he is the same age of the twins no wife his mother is deceased by you guess it the father when she was no use anymore, also Mrs. is pregnant with fourth child" Javier said "How far along?" Demetri said "Just a few weeks" Javier said "Let me call Five and do a deal for now and-" Demetri was saying when the doors flew open. "Baby!" Sofia said Demetri cleaned up the files and place it in his drawer. "That's all Javier" Demetri said Javier nodded his head, and went out the door leaving the two alone. "Hey Sofia, what you doing here?" Demetri said "Well we have about two weeks before the big day" Sofia said "About that, we have to move up the wedding" Demetri said "Babe, why didn't you tell me earlier I had the invitations ready" Sofia said "Sorry, I been busy with work" Demetri said "I can help with that" Sofia smiled at him. "Not now baby, I have some paper works I'm still doing" Demetri said "When Demetri you haven't even touch me since we started dating only kisses" Sofia said "I know baby but I want to finish all my work so I can be all yours with no interruptions" Demetri said "You promise" Sofia said "Yes, now let me get back to work, here's my card you can go shopping take one of my men with you to help" Demetri said "Okay, see you tonight" Sofia said Sofia kissed Demetri, and went out of the office, he took back out the files of the three families out of the five, so far he had the Bruno, De Luca, and Conti so what he needs to wipe out is the men no woman or children for the Conti family he needs to worry about is this Fabrizio guy. Demetri looked at his rap sheet it was worse then all the other brothers from the family, this guy was really sick he got off on torture the woman that they sold he would get his pick and it was always virgins or the one that would try to run away he would torture them. Demetri found the USB that was attached to the back of the file and when he put in the computer it was video of Fabrizio torture the woman, as they cried out in pain some of them were of them being raped by him, Demetri turn it off. "Fanculo" Demetri said (f**k) He place the file and USB down in front of him, sighing out he rub his face and began to think. -Time Skip- "Where's Javier?" Demetri said Aldo and Petrov shrugged their shoulders. "Forget it will start, I'm thinking of doing business with the De Luca, Bruno, and Conti family." Demetri said "Why? Don't we have enough?" Petrov said "Because we lost two suppliers and Ferrari family is thinking of going straight, and I told Mr. Ferrari that we will help train his son ergo we lost another" Demetri said "Is it the eldest?" Aldo said "Yes, Giovanni but I have to send one of you there, his wife is pregnant and is about to give birth so he can't afford to come" Demetri said "Well we can both go, one to smooth while the other can teach him the basic. I mean we are both know" Petrov said  "Fine, you two do that, Javier and I well handle the three new clients" Demetri said "When do we leave?" Also said "The sooner the better" Demetri said "Right, well go back to the house and pack. Oh, and this came for might be Theo or Rafael" Petrov said The twins went out the office and back to the mansion, Demetri was packing up to go move back to the mansion since his mother was starting to react to him more just small talks about his life in the states what saw and what he did. "Baby" Sofia said Demetri looked up from the files he was about to open and place them in a drawer. "Hey, what do you need" Sofia said "You" Sofia smiled Sofia went around the desk and sat on Demetri's lap, Demetri looked at Sofia as she sat on his lap. "Now it's just you and me" Sofia said Demetri smiled and moved her hear out of her face, who knows it's not her but he couldn't help himself and lean in to kiss her. 
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