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"We got information on the first family of the five" Javier said "Let me see" Demetri said He got the file from Javier as they went towards the Jet, Demetri sat down as he open the file. "The De Luca family, father deceased, oldest son Alfonso, wife is Concetta they have a five year old son and other child on the way. Dealings drugs, money, guns, explosive, and woman. They have a w***e house" Demetri sigh out "It's worst, these are the pictures we could get" Javier said Demetri looked at the pictures girls young girls around fat men some looked drugged up some of them were tied up, they looked like they were starving. "What about the other family?" Demetri said "Nothing yet, Theo went to go check" Javier said "What about hidden locations, did they find any?" Demetri said "None so far but it's weird they all live in small mansions" Javier said "That is weird they might have a hidden locations, well get back to that in a bit" Demetri said "Are you really going to get married next month?" Javier said "No we probably have to move it up" Demetri said "You going to wait till you make deals with the five family?" Javier said "Yes, once we get the other four families and if they keep messing with my business then I'd have to take them out" Demetri said "Wont they want revenge?" Demetri said "That's why will take them all out, without them knowing" Demetri said "Get some rest, I'll wake you when we get there" Javier said Demetri nodded his head and got up from his seat he had been busy these days so when he laid down he fell asleep. -Time Skip- "How did the deal go?" Demetri said "We got the drugs, how about your end?" Aldo said "One more and then, well be coming back" Demetri said "Well we saw the news when were you going to tell us your getting married" Aldo said "Don't worry about it" Demetri said "Well she's a babe, and we are defiantly having a party and Angelo will be back so hurry up with the deal" Aldo said "Just keep the shipment safe" Demetri said "It's already in a safe place" Aldo said Demetri hung up the phone, as he rub his face then another call came in he looked at it was Sofia. "Hello" Demetri said "Hey baby, so for the flower I was thinking pink instead of white. Ohh and I found this beautiful dress and I don't know if I can get it" Sofia said "I'll send you my card and just charge it" Demetri said "Really okay, when you coming home baby? I miss you" Sofia said "Soon, but I still have work to do" Demetri said "Okay baby, call me" Sofia said Demetri hummed and hung up the phone and went to look back at the file. "The Romano family, their father is still alive, two son's Agosto the oldest and the next is Adriano none are married but they use woman" Demetri said "They are the same as the De Luca family only, this family is different" Javier said "Different how?" Demetri said "Keep reading" Javier said "They are sick, if a woman can't give birth to a son they kill them and the child?" Demetri said "Yeah, but there was one where a girl got away they been looking for her" Javier said "Did they find her yet?" Demetri said "Not yet" Javier said "Have one of our men look for her, she can give us information on them" Demetri said "Okay, you ready" Javier said Demetri nodded and closed the file and got off the car. -Time Skip- "Cheers!" Aldo said The five men were in a private booth, on their tenth shot and had some drinks on the side. "Where are the ladies" Petrov said "No" Demetri said Angelo couldn't drink so he would be the driver for the guys if they get really drunk. Demetri started talking to his mother and stayed in the mansion she was slowly responding to him some nods here and there and held his hand.  "Five straight shots for the bachelor" Aldo said He set up five glasses for him, Demetri sigh and sat up this was his first time letting loose again he grab the first and took it quickly then the next four. "And for the grooms men same amount" Aldo said All three took the shots, an hour later they we signing in Italian Angelo was recording them he would sure make fun of them later on, soon it died down as Angelo pour another glass for them. "Hey Dem?" Angelo said "Yes baby brother" Demetri said smiling "What I want to know is why your marrying a woman you just met and know for five months" Angelo said "Yeah, is she good in bed?" Aldo said "Nah bro nah it because of his Abby" Petrov said "Abby?" Angelo said "Yeah, she's a hot babe they met back in the states" Javier said "Shhh, don't talk about her like that" Demetri said He shushed Javier's mouth holding his mouth. "Okay okay" Javier said "Whose Abby?" Aldo said "Your would've been sister in law" Petrov said "Yeah, imagine Sofia with hazel eyes about 5'6" her body full" Javier said He put his hand in front of his chest, Demetri smack his hands. "No no that's not how" Demetri said "Okay lover boy tell us" Aldo said "Sofia does resemble her only she has these big wide beautiful hazel eyes like she's looking right in your soul making you feel warm so pure so innocent" Demetri said "Okay but why you marrying Sofia?" Angelo asked "Because baby bro your brother doesn't want to be called a rapist. The chick is 16" Petrov said "Oh" Angelo said He looked at Demetri as he was smiling really big like stupid i***t in love, he just felt bad for Sofia to be a stand in and that she's only getting married to his brother because he looks at her and sees Abby instead of Sofia.
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