Chapter 13

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Elaina awoke much too early the next morning after spending most of the night tossing and turning.   What happened with Chase was not what she had expected and it took all of her energy to not go back to his room and kiss him again.   Despite telling herself over and over again that she didn’t feel the same way he did, she couldn’t quite stop the strange flutter in her stomach that started every time she thought of him. After what seemed like ages she had fallen into an exhausted sleep only to find herself being woken up by the onslaught of morning light. Sighing she got up and half heartedly got dressed throwing on a long grey sweater that hung off one of her shoulders and a pair of black leggings.   Slipping on her boots she made her way towards Charise’s room.  She knew one thing that would get her mind off of Chase and that would be setting her plan to get ahold of Tonya’s secret book into action.   With luck it only took Elaina two knocks to get Charise’s attention.  There was the sound of something slamming into the door and then Charise appeared her hair wild from sleep.  She glared which Elaina ignored and shoved her way into the room. Dirty clothes and empty water bottles littered the floor like a little maze. “You should really consider cleaning.” Elaina noted stepping carefully over the chaos.  “The key to a clean soul is a clean surrounding.” “It is too early for your whit Elaina.” Charise grumbled sitting back down on her bed.  “What do you think you’re doing coming here this early?” For the first time Elaina looked at a clock and realized it was only seven in the morning.  That would mean that she had actually only gotten about three hours of sleep the night before. “I just couldn’t wait to see you knock that shelf over in the library.” Elaina said now sitting down beside Charise and throwing an arm over her shoulder. “Can’t Chase help you with that?”Charise asked grumpily. Elaina stiffened at the mention of Chase, so much so that she realized in alarm Charise had noticed. “I thought we could use this opportunity for some girl bonding time.” Elaina said quickly. “Did something happen last night after I left?” Charise asked raising an eyebrow. Cursing herself Elaina shrugged, “I never got my apology if that was what you were wondering.” Charise studied her closely, “You know that wasn’t what I meant.” “No, nothing happened.” Elaina lied. Deep down she knew that talking to Charise about the kiss might help her figure things out, but at the moment she just didn’t want to even think about it. “You know,” Charise said calmly.  “You can lie to everyone else, but I know all your tricks.” Elaina looked at her frowning.  “What do you mean tricks?” “Well for one, you’re acting too casual.” Charise pointed out. “I don’t know what you mean.” Elaina tried. Charise continued to watch her, “Also, you’re fidgeting.”  “Nothing happened.” Elaina repeated through gritted teeth.  “Can you please get dressed so we can get to the library.” “Also.” Charise said ever so casually now.  “Chase has already come by and told me all about it.  He also asked me to talk some sense into you.” Elaina’s eyes opened wide in shock.  “Are you two besties now or something?  I bet you even do each other’s hair too.” Charise laughed, “And there is the sarcasm.”  She continued laughing while Elaina continued staring in shock.  When she finally sobered she spoke again.  “Elaina, it isn’t the end of the world to like someone you know.” “I don’t like him, most of the time I can’t even stand him.” Elaina responded. “What happened last night was a momentary lapse of judgement that is it.” “I know you Elaina, you wouldn’t kiss anyone if you didn’t feel anything.” Charise said patting Elaina’s leg.  “You know how I know this?”  Elaina said nothing.  “You’ve never kissed anyone before, as a matter of fact you’ve never even bothered with anyone before.” “It’s a waste of time.” Elaina said with a flick of her hand.  “Who has time for dating or anything else when dark creatures are still alive and roaming?” Charise gave Elaina a sad look, “I think that is even more reason to care about people.  It would be terrible to die and never get the opportunity to experience what it really means to love someone.” Elaina considered, was that what Charise had been doing all this time?  Trying to fall in love?  Maybe that was why she went through men like it was nothing.  She knew that being a warrior meant that she could die at any possible moment and unlike Elaina she didn’t want to die not knowing what it was like to fall for one person and stick with that person for however long she had. Charise continued to look sad as Elaina watched her.  It must be hard being stuck in the temple, Elaina thought now.  Not being able to go out, meet people, and enjoy the time she had on this earth. A sudden pain erupted in her for her friend. “It won’t be like this forever.” Elaina said softly.  “One day we will all get to live normal lives, fall in love, and even start families.” Charise smiled, but it was a sad smile.  “I guess you’re right.” “Of course I’m right.” Elaina announced bouncing up.  “Didn’t you hear Chase last night, I know all.” “Now who has the big ego?” Charise asked throwing a pillow at Elaina who easily dodged it despite her hurt leg. “I never once denied knowing that I am amazing.” Elaina said simply.  “Now, can you please get dressed so we can go cause mayhem?” “Only if you allow Chase to come along and look around Tonya’s office with you.” Charise responded. Sighing Elaina agreed leaving Charise to change and making her way towards the library where she would wait for her friends to show. Chase was the first to arrive he wore a tight black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, his dark curly hair looking like a mess.  She could see he had dark circles under his eyes, indicating she wasn’t the only one who had trouble sleeping.   She caught his eyes as she stared and felt that fluttering all over again.  Frowning she shoved it away and waited for him to come sit down. “Ready to play spies?” He asked now taking a seat beside her.   “This isn’t a game.” She responded staring down at her hands.  “I’m hoping we find this book, otherwise this was a waste of time.” “Do you even know what the book looks like, or better yet what it is called?” Elaina frowned again, “I don’t know the name of it I only saw the back.  It was black and really old looking.  Although, I’m assuming that Tonya won’t have any other books locked away in her office.” “I sure hope you’re right.” Chase ventured.  “Otherwise we are going to have to take them all and spend the next week reading.” Elaina looked to him and couldn’t help but smile.  He returned it and looked like he was going to say something else when Charise came waltzing their way. “Ready to get this over with?” She asked. Both Chase and Elaina stood nodding. They watched as Charise made her way through the maze of shelves soon disappearing around the back.   Not even a minute later there was the sound of something crashing followed by the sound of books falling down like rain.  As expected Tonya came running heading in the direction of the noise. “Lets go.” Elaina said grabbing Chase by the hand and pulling him along behind her. Tonya’s office was right behind the check out desk and with luck she had left it wide open in her haste to go see what all the noise was.  Elaina let go of Chase’s hand. “Come on.” She said simply rushing into the room. The office was much bigger than Elaina had expected, a shelf full of knickknacks that looked pretty identical to cats sat resting against one wall.  Posters of the brothers praying to Ezra lay plastered against the other. Elaina busied herself looking through the desk that sat close to the back wall. It was strewn with papers and pens, what looked like an unfinished note sat in the middle.   The first drawer she pulled open revealed even more paperwork.  Slamming it shut she opened the next.  To her surprise a book sat it in, but not the book she was looking for.   A thump sounded causing Elaina to jump, she looked over to see Chase pulling a box from the top of Tonya’s bookshelf.  Giving her an apologetic look he began rummaging through it releasing a sneeze as what looked like years of dust filled the room.   Elaina slammed the drawer she was looking in and opened another.  Sitting in the drawer was not what Elaina had expected a librarian to have, two small daggers with ruby inlays laid still looking brand new.  Another dagger with what looked dangerously like blood sat above them.  Cringing Elaina shut the drawer and began on the ones on the other side. Elaina came up empty handed finishing with the desk, she looked to Chase hoping he had found something but he gave her a shrug.   Thinking quick Elaina threw herself on the ground and began feeling around for what could be a loose floorboard.  Maybe Tonya had managed to pry one up and hidden the book underneath it. She ran her nails along every line of wood, but none of them seemed to budge.  Feeling ready to give up and count her losses Chase let out a light whistle. Turning Elaina saw that he had managed to find a small lockbox. “Key?” Elaina whispered stepping closer. Chase shook his head, “No, but I’m pretty good at popping locks.” He pulled two small pins from his pants pocket and shoved them into the key holes. “You might want to hurry up.” Elaina urged, she could still hear Tonya’s frantic yells and Charise’s calm replies.  “I don’t think Charise will be able to keep her distracted much longer.” “Almost.” Chase said huffing.  “Got it.” The box made a clicking noise as he pulled his pins out of the lock and put them back in his pants pockets.   They both stared at the box between them, then exchanged a look.   Elaina leaned forward and began lifting the top.  Inside sitting on red silk was a black book with gold writing on the front, Elaina let go of the breath she had been holding and looked up at Chase. Unexpectedly she flung herself at him in a hug, joy surging through her body. “You’re welcome.” Chase muttered around her arms.  “But could you please try not to choke me.” Blushing Elaina pulled away and lifted the book out of the box.  She shoved it under her shirt and stood ordering Chase to put it back where he had found it.  Nodding he closed the box which locked back with a click.  He shoved it back into the smallest part of the shelf around the top.   Looking around for any sign of Tonya they both hurried out of the office and the library rushing back to Elaina’s room where Charise was supposed to be meeting them once she could get away. Still smiling from ear to ear Elaina shut her door checking the hall once more to make sure that no one had seen them. She turned to Chase who was looking pretty smug.  Pulling the book from under her shirt she went and sat beside him. “Do you know what this means?” She asked seriously staring at the book between them. “I have a lot of homework to do?” Chase joked earning him an elbow in the ribs. Elaina sighed, “It means that we can figure out what exactly to expect from the war between the dark and the light.” “Are you sure you want to know?” Chase asked quietly.  “Sometimes not knowing is better.” “I’d much rather know what to expect than get caught off guard no matter how bad it is.” Elaina said flipping the cover open. Scanning the table of contents she found the one labeled Dark and light meet then flipped quickly to the page it indicated. Holding her breath she began reading the words that were scrawled out on the page.  Most of it talked about the prophecy, the exact same words that the Book of White said.  Then something caught Elaina’s eyes.  She found herself reading the words over and over again. When the time comes the dark and the light shall meet in a great battle.  Only one side will come out victorious.  With the blood of innocents paving the streets the dark will prevail over the light.  The end of an era will come and the dawning of a new one.   With the light gone the sky will turn red with fire, brimstone shall fall from the sky.  The dark king shall once again take his rightful place as ruler.  Every man and woman shall become a slave and the world will be rebuilt in turmoil. Again Elaina read the passage knowing that it wouldn’t change, but hoping that something would be said about a way to stop this from happening.   She looked up and caught Chase’s eye.   Letting out her breath she slammed the book shut throwing it angrily against the wall.   The dark would end up coming out victorious, nothing could be done about it.  Her world would soon cease to exist.
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