Chapter 14

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“There has to be something else in there.” Charise snapped pacing the room.  “Any other passage explaining how to counter their attacks.” “No, I scanned the pages and there isn’t anything in it.” Chase said quietly. Chase and Charise had been arguing like that for the past hour.  Elaina too numb to say anything just let their words drift in and out of her consciousness.   If she could push away the shock she would honestly say that she was pretty proud of Charise.  Of all people she hadn’t expected her to be the one that wouldn’t give up and would want to find a way to fight back and destroy the enemy. “I refuse to accept this.” Charise snapped.  “It is just a stupid book, only reality can determine what will really happen.” “The elders wrote that book.” Chase pointed out.  “They have that mystical power thing going for them.  I’m pretty sure they know what they are talking about.” “They’re just a bunch of old bats, they don’t know anything.” Charise continued. “I don’t think they earned their positions just from being old.” Chase countered.  “They’ve made other predictions that have come true.” “Well this one can’t.  What about all the innocents?  The ones that know nothing about the dark and the light.  There are children who can’t defend themselves against this.  It is not acceptable, no.” Charise growled slamming her fist into the wall. Elaina finally breaking from her daze turned to look at Charise who was pulling her hand out of a hole in the dry wall.  Blood had begun to rise from the cuts on her knuckles.  Chase stared wide eyed. “You know.” Elaina said now.  “I’m going to be the one blamed for that.” “We have the apocalypse on our hands and you’re worried about getting fussed at for a hole in your wall?” Charise asked her voice raising two octaves. “Have you ever been put in isolation?” Elaina raised her eyebrows.  “It can drive a person mad.” “I have an idea.” Chase spoke quickly.  “Maybe when the elders come to talk to Elaina we could ask them about this.  You know figure out if there is any way to stop this prophecy from coming true.” “I don’t think that is a good idea.” Elaina responded.  “We weren’t even supposed to know about this, the brothers were making sure of it.” “Speaking of the brothers.” Charise muttered a round of explicit words escaping her mouth.  “I believe I need to have a word with them and then with my parents.” Elaina shook her head.  “Once again we weren’t even supposed to know about this.  I doubt your parents even do.” The room grew quiet at that.  Elaina let her mind wander imagining what it would be like to actually die.   The brothers were pretty devout and believed in peace in the next life.  She didn’t know if she believed that so much, there wasn’t really any proof of it to back it up.   Would the death be quick and painless, or would the darkness draw it out so that those who defied them suffered? Elaina knew that she wouldn’t go down without a fight, which would ensure her a very long brutal death. Shaking her morbid thoughts Elaina looked to Chase.   Maybe Charise had been right, now that she knew that death was inevitable would it be so bad to let herself enjoy a little time with a member of the opposite s*x?  Would it hurt her to let her guard down since she ultimately knew that nothing would ever come of it?  She didn’t know and at the moment she didn’t really want to consider it either. “Did that book say exactly what the dark army would consist of?” Charise asked unable to control her nervous energy. “No.” It was one word, but it packed a punch.  “The elders could see what would happen, but couldn’t tell us what was coming our way.” “Dark beasts of course.” Elaina offered.  “The usual ones we are used to dealing with and I’m guessing ones we’ve never seen before.” “Then we will simply kick their asses like we always have.” Charise’s voice was fierce. “We will just have to train harder and make sure that everyone else does the same.” Chase tried looking determined. “They need to know.” Elaina whispered, more to herself than anyone else. “When is the next meeting?” Charise asked looking around for a clock. “Ten minutes.” Chase said standing. “Then we don’t have a lot of time to get down there.” Charise said simply.  She turned and hurried out the door.  “Are you guys coming?” Her voice called sounding like she was already halfway down the hall.   The meeting hall was ablaze with conversation as Elaina stumbled in, her friends followed close behind her. Nobody bothered looking her way as she hurried up the aisle towards the brothers who sat at a long white table in front of everyone.   Hundreds of warriors surrounded them, more than Elaina had ever seen in one place.   Charise’s parents sat at the very front of the room waiting patiently for the brothers to call things to order.   Taking the opportunity Elaina launched herself towards Brother Isaac who was deep in conversation with Brother Jacob. Neither of the men even noticed her arrival until she slammed the book down on the table in front of them. Brother Isaac looked down at what Elaina had keeping his face neutral, but she saw a flash of anger in his eyes as he met her gaze. “You have to tell them or I will.” She hissed quietly.  “This is not something to keep a secret Brother Isaac.” Brother Isaac kept his gaze steady as he spoke.  “You have disgraced yourself Elaina.” Despite his harsh words he showed no emotion.  “You have stolen that book from its rightful owner.” “Brother Isaac at this point I don’t care.” Elaina snapped her voice rising enough to catch people’s attention.  “That book should have been shown to everyone.” “Ezra would consider this grounds of banishment.” Brother Isaac slowly slipped the book from under Elaina’s fingers and put it under the table.  “You have until the end of the night to pack your things and go.” “But Brother Isaac.” Elaina protested no longer caring who heard her.  “This determines all of our fates!” “GO!” Brother Isaac’s voice boomed through the whole room. Elaina turned seeing that everyone in the room was now watching her.  She turned back to Brother Isaac who was now openly simmering.  Taking in a deep breath she addressed the whole room. “The Brothers have betrayed us!” She yelled looking across faces of people she knew and those that she didn’t.  “They have been keeping something from all of us.” Hands grabbed Elaina harshly by the shoulders lifting her off the ground.  She turned and looked into the face of Thomas, the Brothers personal body guard.  He glared down at her with almost black eyes, his mouth in a snarl.  Despite her struggles she couldn’t break free of his grip. “THEY HAVE A BOOK WRITTEN BY THE ELDERS!” Elaina screamed as Thomas carried her like a child down the aisle.  “IT SAYS THE DARKNESS WILL COME TO RULE AND WE WILL ALL BE DESTROYED!” Mumurs started around her as the warriors took in her words.  She continued struggling in Thomas’ grasp. She felt one hand lift from her shoulder only to touch her neck, she felt a stinging sensation of something sharp stabbing through her skin as the room began to spin.  She just barely noticed the faces of Charise and Chase as her whole world turned black.   Elaina woke to a pounding headache and a foul taste in her mouth.  The world around her was still dark, so much so she thought maybe she was blinde. Reaching around she found a lamp that she clicked on quickly.   Shock consumed her as she realized where she was.   Red walls surrounded her with pictures of her and Charise, old photos of her parents, and then pictures of just her in her training gear smiling ear to ear.  A bookshelf held her karate and ballet trophies.  Beneath her were black silk sheets, a black comforter covering her up.   She was in her room in hers and Charise’s house.   Jumping up she stumbled slightly as the last bit of sleeping formula left her system. Heart pounding she yanked her door open almost taking it off the hinges. Bounding down the stairs she looked around, the place looked just as she had left it.  Living room almost completely spotless, the black leather furniture sitting where it always had.  The front door was locked tight keeping out any intruders, but that didn’t do so good against beasts.   A chill of understanding plunged through her whole body, the brothers had truly banished her.  They had knocked her out and brought her back home to fend for herself.  They didn’t care what happened to the warriors, instead choosing to keep them in the dark about everything that was about to happen.   Slumping to the ground she buried her face in her hands trying to get herself together.   Had she been the only one banished, or had they banished Chase and Charise as well for helping her steal the book? Would the other warriors believe her warning and possibly try to do something about it?  Did it all matter since she now had to fight by herself, without the help of the brothers and everyone else? Around her the room seemed to spin turning everything at the edge of her vision black.  If she didn’t get it together soon she would most certainly lose it. As Elaina felt herself about to snap completely something slammed against the front door. Yelping in surprise she jumped up looking around for something to use as a weapon. Another slam sounded and then the door began to jiggle, the sure sign that someone was trying to get in.   Elaina slowly started backing away until she heard the voice.  Gasping she yanked at all the locks and flung the door open. Not even stopping to think she threw herself against Chase wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. She felt his arms go around her squeezing tightly, his heart pounding.  He pulled her away just enough to look at her and then pulled her back to him. “You’re alright.” He whispered against her hair.  “I kept seeing burlack beasts attacking you the minute you were out of the safety of the temple.” “Honestly I’m amazed they didn’t get me.” Elaina admitted finally freeing herself from Chase’s embrace.  “Why are you here?” “After watching that big guy carry your limp body out of the meeting hall I followed, being sure to stay out of sight.  I couldn’t let them leave you out here by yourself.” Chase admitted blushing slightly.  “I don’t even know what I was thinking now.” “They’ll probably end up banishing you as well for helping me.” Elaina said immediately hating herself.  “You shouldn’t have come.” “What the brothers are doing by banishing you, it isn’t right.” Chase growled.  “Charise tried to come, but her parents stopped her.” “Good.” Elaina sighed.  “Charise never even wanted to be a warrior, she is better off somewhere she is safe for the time being.” “The time being is the key word Elaina.” Chase’s eyes were so intent, his mouth in a tight line.  “Something has to be done about this.” “What is there to do?  I tried to tell them and no one took it seriously.  Otherwise I would still be in the temple right now.” Elaina felt her stomach drop all over again.  She had tried and failed at warning the others. “There are still more of us out there.  The warriors of the South and the West.  Maybe if we told them they would believe us.” Chase ventured. “What makes you think they are going to heed our warning when the others wouldn’t?” Elaina asked.  “Not to mention how do you plan on getting to them to even give a warning?” Chase frowned his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to come up with a plan.  “Do you have a car by chance?” He can’t be serious.  Elaina thought bitterly, but nodded her head.  “It’s parked in the garage.” Smiling Chase hurried outside, Elaina followed close behind him.  Her little yellow Volkswagon still sat where she had left it, looking completely unharmed.   Chase examined it through the window then turned to her. “Keys?” He asked holding out his hand. Elaina held up a finger disappearing back inside.  She grabbed her keys from the bowl beside the door and rushed back outside handing them over to Chase.  He took them without speaking, unlocking the doors and getting in. Elaina listened to the familiar rumble of her engine purring to life.  Chase was now smiling from ear to ear. “Road trip?” He asked rolling down the window. Smiling Elaina jumped into the passanger seat and snapped on her seatbelt.   Chase backed the car out of Elaina’s driveway and began making his way out of the neighborhood.  The dark highway beckoned to them, announcing an opportunity to make things right, but first they had to reach their destination.
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