Chapter 12

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“You can’t be serious.” Two face’s mirroring the same expression regarded Elaina as if she had just grown a second head. “Oh but I am.” Elaina said solemnly.  “But first.” She turned to Chase.  “I am still waiting on that apology.” “What about an apology for slapping me?” Chase countered crossing his arms. “I think that is a lot worse than doubting someone.” “It’s your fault for coming at me from behind.” Elaina lifted herself to her full height, which to be honest wasn’t much compared to Chase.  “You have no one but yourself to blame for that.” Chase raised his eyebrows.  “I still don’t even know what you were so mad about.” “I do.” Charise called happily from behind Elaina.  “I’ll explain it to you some other time.” She added catching the look Elaina was giving her. “I’d like to hear it now.” Chase sat on his bed and waited.  “After all you two insisted on waking me up and I was having a wonderful dream.  Now how am I ever supposed to know if I won the affections of a beautiful woman.” “Trust me you did.” Charise said so quietly Elaina had to consider whether or not she had heard her right. “Well then, I suppose I can die happy.” Chase gave a rueful smile.  “Now Elaina why did you slap me?” “She thought you and I were fooling around in the bushes.” Charise said sounding tired of the back and forth.  “Now, can we please hear Elaina’s crazy plan so we can all go back to bed.” “Why would it matter if we were?” Chase pushed locking eyes with Elaina. “You’re guess is as good as mine.” Elaina shot at him keeping her voice calm.  “Now, do you want to hear my plan or not?” Chase looked from Charise to Elaina still smiling.  “I don’t know, I’m rather enjoying the conversation we are already having.” “Oh for the love of.” Elaina turned her gaze to the heavens.  “Charise has this crazy theory that I like you.  Which I already told her is absolutely  ridiculous.” “What’s wrong with me?” Chase placed a hand on his chest feigning hurt.  “I like to think I am a great catch.” “See what you started.” Elaina said rolling her eyes at Charise.   “The boy already has a big enough ego and you just made it a bit bigger.” Charise looked at her apologetically.  “That’s enough Chase.” Chase remained quiet, but the look of amusement never left his face.  He motioned to the floor in front of him for the girls to sit. Elaina gave him a pointed glare which he returned with a look of his own. Sighing Elaina sat on the floor legs crossed beneath her.  Charise remained in her spot in front of the door. “You know a gentleman would let the women sit on the bed and take the floor instead.” Elaina muttered.  “I never once said I was a gentleman.” Chase pointed out.  “Do you really want to sit on the bed?”  To Elaina’s surprise he stood up and motioned for her to have a seat.  Not speaking she stood and flopped down on his bed making herself comfortable.   She watched patiently as he moved to the closet finding a shirt and putting it on turning to Charise and motioning for her to join Elaina on the bed.   “I’m fine where I am.” Charise said leaning against the wall.  “Now if you and Elaina are done with this back and forth trying to keep your s****l frustration in check can we get on with this meeting so I can go to bed.” “Yes we can.” Elaina responded kicking her shoes off. Charise clapped her hands together, “Fantastic.” Elaina waited for Chase to sit down before beginning.  “I plan on breaking into the library after hours and finding whatever book it is that tells what is to happen during the war.” “Was that it?” Chase asked sounding a little disappointed.  “I expected you to come up with some elaborate plan that possibly involved hanging from the roof by ropes and wearing night vision goggles.” “God you’re annoying.” Elaina said glancing his way.  “It isn’t as easy as going in there and taking the book.  I have to first figure out where Tonya keeps it locked up.  Don’t want to spend too much time searching and get caught.”  She waited to see if Charise or Chase had anything to say, when they kept quiet she went on.  “This is going to involve both of you.  I need one of you to distract Tonya during the day so I can do a bit of snooping around.  Once I figure out where the book is you two can go back to living your lives the way you see fit.” Chase frowned, “I was still expecting more of a challenge.” “Sounds simple enough.” Charise said looking thoughtful.  “I can easily knock one of the shelves over one day, they aren’t secured very well anymore.” “That’s a good team ethic.” Elaina said brightly smiling at Charise.  “While Tonya is busy helping you clean up the mess and fussing over whether or not anything got hurt I can sneak into her office and check there first.” “How many diversions do you think we are going to have to create?” Charise asked stepping a little bit closer.  “I mean, if we do too much she might get suspicious.  She knows you are looking for the book doesn’t she?” Elaina nodded, “Yes, she knows I am looking for it.  I’m hoping we get lucky and it is where I think it is.  Then we just have to get in overnight while she is asleep and can figure out what to do next after that.” “Excuse me.” Chase said raising his hand.  “If you two can handle this on your own why did you come all the way here to wake me up?” “I told you I want that apology.” Elaina said in way of explanation.  “It wasn’t very nice to tell me I had an overactive imagination.” Chase let out a long breath, “I’m going back to bed.” He got up in one fluid motion and sat back down on his bed ignoring the fact that Elaina was still on it.  “Do you mind?” Elaina asked jabbing an elbow into Chase’s ribs.  “I was still using this.” “Nope, not at all use it all you want.” Chase said simply throwing his hands behind his head and smiling smugly. Charise who looked very uncomfortable all of a sudden backed towards the door.  “I’m going to head to bed.” “Wait what?” Elaina asked, but Charise had already disappeared through the door. “Too bad, I was going to ask her to join us.” Chase said. Elaina turned to be face to face with him since he had propped his head up on an elbow.  She felt a slight shiver run through her body as he just stared at her, the small smile never leaving his lips. “You’re pretty full of yourself, did you know that?” Elaina wasn’t sure if it was just her or if her voice was actually as shaky as it sounded. Chase’s eyes brightened, “It’s one of my better qualities.” “More like worst qualities.” Elaina countered.  “I’m still waiting for that apology.” “Wait all night if you like, you won’t be getting one out of me.” Chase challenged. Huffing Elaina sat up getting ready to head back to her own room.  She felt movement behind her as Chase sat up with her.   She looked at him over a shoulder, the usual look of easiness and amusement was gone from his face, instead he looked very serious, almost cautious if Elaina would allow herself to admit it. She waited as he opened his mouth once, then shut it only to open it again.  Giving up on speaking he leaned forward and placed a hand on hers.  “You know that nothing was going on between me and Charise today right?” His voice was soft as he spoke the words. Elaina shrugged, “I told you already it really isn’t any of my business what goes on between you and Charise.  If you like her, great go for it.  Although I will warn you she isn’t very capable of being serious about anyone.” “I’m not interested in Charise.” Chase’s voice was sharp.  “But that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in someone.” “Good for you.” Elaina went to get up but Chase tightened his grip on her hand. She gave a pointed look at their entwined fingers and then looked to him. “Oh sorry.” Chase said yanking his hand back his cheeks turning a bright shade of red. Once again he grew quiet and Elaina wondered if he had anything else to say or if he was waiting for her to leave.  “I’m no good at this.” Chase muttered. Elaina turned to look at him, “No good at what?  Apologizing to someone?  It really isn’t that hard you know.” Chase looked at her seriously, “That isn’t what I’m talking about Elaina.” There was something in Chase’s voice, so serious that Elaina kept herself from responding with a sarcastic remark.  Instead she waited for him to further explain himself. “I like you Elaina.” He said finally.  “That is what I am trying to say.” Another shiver ran through Elaina’s body as Chase spoke.  “That isn’t a good idea.” She spoke evenly trying to make her point clear. “Why is that?” At some point Chase had sat up and was right beside her now.  She could feel the heat from his body, hear the slight pounding of his heart.   “Chase.” Elaina said thoughtfully facing him so their gazes locked.  “There is possibly a war coming our way.  The only thing you need to be focusing on right now is training and preparing for it, not worrying about some silly crush.” Chase stiffened ever so slightly at her words.  “Wouldn’t that be all the more reason to let the people we care about know how we feel?”  He countered.  “There might not be another opportunity to do it.” “Why now?” Elaina asked searching his eyes.  “Why are you doing it now?” “Because, before I wasn’t so sure if there was any chance that there could possibly be something here.”  He waved a hand between the two of them.  “But then today when I saw your face when you saw Charise and me together.  You looked so hurt, even if you tried to play it off like it didn’t bother you.  It was a quick look and for a while I wasn’t sure if I had saw correctly, but then you slapped me.” “You got that I might have feelings for you because I slapped you?” Elaina asked confused. “You wouldn’t have acted the way you did if you didn’t feel something.” Chase pointed out.  “That was when I was sure that I wanted to tell you how I felt.” “You got the wrong idea.” Elaina tried, she wasn’t only trying to convince Chase, she was trying to convince herself as well that there was no feelings there.  “I should probably go.” Quick as a flash, quicker then Elaina could even comprehend how it had happened Chase was pulling her to him. His lips pressed against hers and he was kissing her.   At first she stiffened so shocked by what was happening, but then she relaxed twisting her arms around his neck.  She kissed him back, not even understanding herself why she was doing it.   Chase pulled her even closer like he was trying to mold her to him.  She could feel the frantic beating of his heart against hers, and hers pounded out the same rhythm.   She didn’t know how long they sat there like that, but finally she pushed him away standing up. “This can’t happen.” She rasped out.  “Do you hear me?” Chase looked hurt, “But I thought.” Elaina stuck a hand up.  “No, you thought wrong.”  Turning she hurried to the door.  “I told you there isn’t any room for silly emotions right now.  You need to focus on preparing for a war and so do I.” Chase continued staring at her his breathing still coming in puffs.  “You’re wrong you know.” “What do you mean?” Elaina asked putting her hand on the doorknob. “You can pretend all you want that you don’t feel anything, but I know you do.” Chase responded staring her down. “Think what you want.” With that Elaina swung the door open and hurried away leaving Chase and his feelings behind.  
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