Chapter 11

2589 Words
“You think the brothers are keeping valuable information from us?” Christopher asked. Elaina had just finished recounting everything that had happened over the past few days.  Christopher had listened intently to her whole story not speaking until she was completely done.   They sat together under the shade of a very large oak tree.   Elaina played idly with a strand of her hair that had come loose from its ponytail. “You can’t really think that they would leave us in the dark about something that important.” Christopher continued his eyes dark. “I don’t really know what to think anymore.” Elaina admitted calmly.  “It goes against my nature to think that the brothers would do anything but protect us, but now I’m not so sure.” Christopher considered her words.  “And you did ask Brother Isaac about it?” Elaina nodded, “Of course I did and he told me ‘it is none of your concern’.” “Maybe he’s right.” Christopher tried. “Anything that involves my safety and everyone else’s is my concern.” Elaina was beginning to wish she hadn’t talked to Christopher about any of this. He remained quiet for a long moment making Elaina feel like she should probably get up and go somewhere else, but then he spoke again.  “So, what do you plan on doing then?” At first Elaina thought she had heard him wrong, but when he waited for her to respond she smiled slightly.  “I was thinking of doing some investigating.  See if I could possibly find this book that holds all the answers.” “You know for sure there is a book?” She hadn’t mentioned the part about seeing Tonya carrying the book she needed. “Yes, I’m quite sure there is a book.” Elaina confessed.  “I saw Tonya with it when she left Brother Isaac’s office.” “Which means it is in the library somewhere.” Christopher confirmed. “Yes, that is exactly what it means.” Happy she had found someone who would take her seriously Elaina felt a giant weight lift off of her shoulders. “Now it is just a matter of getting my hands on it.  I know Tonya isn’t keeping it on the shelves, it has to be locked up somewhere.” Christopher frowned, “How do you plan on finding out where she is hiding it?  You didn’t happen to follow Tonya back to the library and watch to see where she put it did you?” Elaina frowned, “No, although I am now wondering exactly why I didn’t.” “You aren’t very good with thinking things through.” She knew that Christopher didn’t mean this in a bad way, but Elaina still felt a little peeved by his words.  “Don’t take offense to that, I can appreciate someone who acts before thinking.” “I don’t act before thinking.” Elaina retorted.  “My mind just wasn’t in the right place at the time.” Christopher opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it turning his attention to two figures emerging from the bushes ahead of them.   He smiled and waved as no other but Charise and Chase made their way towards them.   Charise’s hair was a mess, leaves and twigs stuck in it.  She looked flushed and slightly embarrassed.  Beside her Chase looked a little flushed as well, but otherwise spick and span.   Elaina narrowed her eyes as she began guessing at what exactly they had been doing. “Wonderful day isn’t it?” Chase asked brightly, flashing a thousand watt smile. “If you say so.” Elaina said nonchalantly looking at her nails.  “Seems you two were enjoying it though.” Chase reddened at her words.  “We were just practicing is all.” “In the bushes?” Elaina challenged meeting his gaze.  “You know there is a gym you could do that right?” “There were too many people in the gym.” Charise spoke up, but she refused to meet Elaina’s gaze.  “Plus, I’ve been stuck inside for days and wanted to enjoy the fresh air.” “Hey.” Elaina held her hands up.  “I’m not here to judge, you two can do whatever, wherever you want.” Charise tried to meet Elaina’s gaze, but Elaina refused to look at her instead she placed a hand on Christopher’s shoulder giving it a squeeze. “I was just telling Christopher here about an interesting conversation I overheard between Tonya and Brother Isaac.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Charise asked looking slightly hurt. Elaina gave her a pointed look at that.  “Well, you know I was going to, but couldn’t seem to find either one of you anywhere.  Christopher here happened to be in the lounge so I told him instead.” “Care to share now?” Chase asked looking curious. “I don’t think so, wouldn’t want to ruin whatever mood you two are in, it seems you both are exceptionally happy right now.  What I have to say would only damper that.” Elaina responded crossing her arms.  “Elaina overheard Brother Isaac and Tonya talking about a book that held information on what to expect from the war between the light and the dark.” Christopher spoke up. Elaina shot him a betrayed look and he shrugged.  “Thank you Christopher, you figured out that me telling them that I didn’t want to tell them really meant please tell them for me.” “Are you sure that is what you heard?” Chase asked now ignoring Elaina’s sarcasm.  “You weren’t imagining it were you?  Have you taken any medicine for the pain in your leg?” “I did not imagine anything.” Elaina said through gritted teeth.  “I even went and talked to Brother Isaac after Tonya was gone and he all but told me to mind my own business.” Charise didn’t look convinced, “I really don’t think the brothers would keep us in the dark about something like that.” “Well then Charise.” Elaina said looking pointedly at her.  “Why don’t you go talk to him about it?” Anger flaring Elaina jumped up no longer wanting to be around anyone. She didn’t want to admit to herself that most of it came from seeing Charise and Chase come out of the bushes together. Something about it struck her and she wasn’t quite sure what it was.   She had seen Charise with many guys and none of those had ever gotten to her, but something about her being with Chase struck a nerve.   Pushing those feelings back she began making her way back towards the temple unable to make herself look at either one of them anymore. “Hey!” Chase called much closer behind her than she expected.  “Wait a minute!” Elaina felt his hand barely touching her arm, fuming she turned and struck out her hand connecting with his cheek.  The force sent a shock through her, the sound echoing around them.  Farther behind still on the bench talking Charise and Christopher stared with wide eyes. “Don’t touch me!” Elaina growled trying to turn again. Despite his shock Chase still held tight to her.  “What was that for?”  His eyes blazed a green so deep it almost swallowed her up completely. Too lost in the moment Elaina stood dumb founded.  Why had she hit him? She could claim it was because he caught her off guard and instinct had kicked in, but she knew that wasn’t it at all. Instead of saying anything she looked around refusing to meet his gaze. “Look at me.” Chase said now grabbing her chin and making her look him dead in the eye.  “What is going on in that head of yours?” “I don’t know.” Elaina whispered looking down.  Her voice sounded weak even to her.  “I don’t know.” She repeated more strongly. Yanking herself free she turned and ran leaving Chase standing alone in the middle of the garden, confusion written all over his face.   Elaina had locked herself up in her room after her encounter with Chase. Someone had tried to get her to come out a few times, but eventually given up after she had ignored them.   She could still see the look of shock on the faces of Christopher and Charise after she had slapped Chase.  Still see the look on Chase’s face, one that she couldn’t quite figure out.  It had been a mixture of hurt and understanding, but why understanding had shown up there she didn’t know. A knock sounded on her door again, but this time it just kept coming not stopping to take a break. “Come on in since it is obvious you aren’t going anywhere.” Elaina called pulling a pillow into her lap.  “It’s unlocked and has been all day by the way.” “I’ve brought a peace offering.” Charise announced poking her head through the door.   Elaina noticed she had managed to erase all the evidence that anything had happened earlier in the day.  “Brownies with chocolate chips your favorite.” She stepped all the way in the room and dangled the bag in front of her.  Elaina’s stomach rumbled as she tried to keep her face neutral.   She waited as Charise stood in place looking not so sure of herself.  Finally she tossed the bag to Elaina. “Listen.” Charise started holding her hands in front of her in defeat. “About today, me and Chase, it really wasn’t what you think.” “You really don’t have to explain anything to me.” Despite trying to remain mad Elaina took out a brownie and bit into it.  “You’re a big girl you can do whatever and whoever you want to.” Charise’s eyes grew wide, “Elaina it really wasn’t like that.” “What was it then?” Elaina asked taking another bite of the brownie in her hand.  “Because to me it seemed like that was what it was like.” A strange look came to Charise’s face and then she was smiling.  “Please don’t tell me you’re jealous.” Elaina flinched, “Jealous of what?” Charise continued smiling, “You have a thing for Chase don’t you?” A thing for Chase, the words didn’t seem to process in Elaina’s mind.  Instead she let out a bark of laughter.  “You know good and well I don’t have time for silly things like emotions.” “Then please explain to me why you’re so mad.” Charise began. “Whoever said I was mad?” Elaina finished the brownie she was eating and grabbed another. It was Charise’s turn to laugh, “Elaina, you almost took Chase’s face off with that slap.  I was actually pretty impressed and he was too even if he won’t admit it.” “He caught me off guard.” Elaina tried.  “My flight and fight instincts kicked in and I chose to fight.  Don’t forget I keep getting attacked by burlack beasts everytime I turn around.” “As stubborn and strong willed as a hurricane.” Charise said simply repeating the words Elaina’s mother used to say to her.  “You’ve managed to convince yourself that you aren’t capable of feelings.” Elaina glared, “This isn’t about me, this is about where you and Chase were and what you two were doing while I was busy searching the temple for you.” Charise looked uncomfortable all over again.  “Ok, so don’t hate us ok.”  Elaina motioned for her to continue.  “We were spying on Brother Isaac and Brother Benjamin.”  At the look she received Charise’s next words came tumbling out.  “I know we thought you were crazy for thinking that the brothers were possibly hiding something from us, and I’m truly sorry about that.  I hoped of trying to find a way to believe your theory.” “It was the truth.” Elaina let out indignantly. Charise held up a hand to quiet her.  “I’ve known you pretty much my whole life, sometimes you will find anything to try to think the world is out to get you.” Elaina considered this and waited for Charise to go on.  “Anyway, we saw Brother Isaac and Brother Benjamin heading out while we were outside training.  Yes, that part we weren’t lying about.  They seemed to be having a really serious conversation, so Chase and I decided to follow them.  We didn’t catch much of what they were saying because there was too much noise from everyone else around.” “Is this going anywhere?” Elaina spoke up feinging boredom.  “Because so far it just seems like a pointless story.” “We heard them say something about an impending war coming our way.” Charise finished looking serious.  “One that would write a new history.” Elaina sat up straighter taking in Charise’s final words.  “You mean they know that a war is coming?”   Despite her own suspicions she couldn’t quite comprehend what she was hearing. Charise nodded grimly.  “You were right Elaina, I’m so sorry for second guessing you.” “That can wait, where is Chase?” Elaina asked jumping up. Raising an eyebrow Charise began to smile again, “Why in the world would you want to see Chase right now?” “He owes me an apology.” Elaina said simply throwing on her boots and hurrying out of her room pulling Charise along behind her. Elaina ran the whole way to Chase’s room not bothering to stop despite Charise’s protests.  When she arrived she yanked the door open forgetting to knock.   Chase lay in bed fast asleep his blanket draped over his lower half, his bare chest visible in the dim moonlight shining in.   Elaina stopped and watched the rise and fall of his chest taking in the scars marring his almost perfectly smooth skin.   Behind her Charise coughed reminding her that she wasn’t alone.   Taking in a deep breath she walked over to him and yanked his blanket off unceremoniously.   Alarmed Chase jumped out of bed preparing himself for a fight.  When he caught Elaina smirking he relaxed and rubbed a hand over his face. “Back to release more anger?” He asked around a yawn. Thanking the lord that he was at least wearing pants Elaina shook her head.  “No, Charise has just informed me of your adventure today.  I do believe you owe me an apology.” “Did you really come here just for that?” Charise asked in exasperation.  “It couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Elaina shot her a look, “No, I did not just come here for that.  Although, I do believe I am owed it.” She added.  “Then why are we here?” Charise asked annoyance clear in her voice. “Because.” Elaina said turning to look at her.  “I plan on finding that book, especially now that my worst fear has been confirmed.”  She turned and met Chase’s gaze.  “And you two are going to help me find it.”
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