Chapter 15

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Elaina stared out the window at the hills and farmlands that passed by.  So far they had been on the road for five hours and still not a single town in sight. Chase had insisted he had known where he was going since he had travelled to the other temples before.  Never being out of her own town Elaina had to take his word for it since she didn’t know the way.   Neither she nor Chase had said anything since starting off.   So many questions lay restless in Elaina’s mind, but she just couldn’t bring herself to wonder them aloud.   Chase had been nice enough not to try to start conversation, instead he was content in leaving her to her thoughts. Stars blazed brightly overhead, all them easy to see without the lights of the city blocking them out.   Elaina remembered being a child and laying in the woods while camping out, staring up at the night sky and thinking how small she felt staring at the universe above her.  Charise had always thought that she was ridiculous for even thinking like that, since in a way she was much bigger than a ball of blazing gas, but Elaina hadn’t cared.   A lump rose as she thought about her best friend, stuck back in the temple where anything could happen.  She only hoped that she could achieve her goal before something terrible happened. “Cold?” Chase asked breaking through her reverie. “What?” Elaina asked shaking her head, she realized she was shivering.  “Yeah, I guess I am.” Not taking his eyes off the road Chase reached towards the dash and turned on the heater.  It sputtered then started up blowing hot air in Elaina’s face.  She positioned the vent just where she liked it and then relaxed against her seat. “You should try getting some sleep.” Chase said now.  “We aren’t going to reach any towns until morning.” “I’m not really tired.” Elaina admitted.  “Remember I got knocked out by a huge goon.  I’m pretty sure I got plenty of sleep then.” Chase shuddered at the memory.  “That was pretty scary.” Elaina couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her mouth.  “You face pretty scary creatures and you’re saying seeing me asleep scared you?” “You want to hear the truth?” He asked quietly clutching the steering wheel. “Depends, am I going to like it?” Elaina asked jokingly, but her voice shook. Chase twitched a smile.  “Probably not.” “Go ahead.” Taking in a deep breath he began to speak.  “When that guy stuck whatever it was into your neck and you just collapsed.  I didn’t know whether you were dead or not.  That was the scary thing about it.  Then when he just threw you over his shoulder and you didn’t move I thought the worst.” Elaina began to feel that familiar flutter in her stomach.  “I guess it is a good thing that you followed to make sure I was alright.  You’re a good friend.” She could just barely see Chase’s expression darkening at the word friend. “Yeah, a good friend.”  His voice just barely verged on mocking.  “Chase listen.” Elaina tried.  “I already told you that I’m not interested in getting serious with anyone.  Especially now that I know what is to come if we can’t find a way to stop it.” “Yeah I understand.” Despite his words it was clear he really didn’t.  “I’m just happy you’re alright.” Elaina opened her mouth to speak, but something big flashed beside her window.  Flinching she straightened up straining to see in the dark.   A thump sounded on the roof followed by the sound of claws scraping against metal. “You don’t happen to have weapons in the trunk do you?” Chase asked gritting his teeth.  His hands clutched the steering wheel so hard Elaina was sure he was going to end up breaking it. A shriek sounded above as something grabbed the car making it swerve. Elaina watched in horror as claws broke through the thin metal frame.   Much too fast Chase slammed on the break making the car skid towards a guard rail.  With one final jerk of the wheel he managed to park it on the side of the road.   Elaina jumped out of her seat and crawled to the back, grabbing at the secret compartment that Charise’s father had built for her.  Yanking it open she yanked daggers and a sword which she handed quickly to Chase.   Turning back around she grabbed two more daggers placing them in her sheaths and then turned to look at Chase. “Are you good to fight with your leg still healing?” Chase asked quietly giving her a long look. “Doesn’t seem like I have a choice.” Elaina said.  “Ready?” Chase nodded as he threw his door open jumping out to face the beasts head on. Elaina went to do the same as a large beak burst through the glass beside her sending shards soaring.  She felt one cut her cheek as the rest fell around her. The burlack beast shrieked baring its venom filled teeth.  Sulfurous breath spraying in Elaina’s face causing her to cough.   She felt the car jerk as the beast tried to free its beak, giving Elaina the upper hand.  Pulling a dagger she swiped at its throat.  It shrieked rearing back and was gone. Given the opportunity Elaina jumped out of the car, refusing to be trapped inside  it again when another beast attacked. Above she could hear the sound of wings, not just one or two, but many. Taking a deep breath she looked up and gasped.  Circling above their car were six burlack beasts, including the one that had tried to get her, blood dripping to the ground from its beak. They were taunting them she realized as they continued to not attack.   Turning she jumped in the car again and pulled out a bow.  She positioned it through the winds and let an arrow fly. It hit its target sending one of the beasts crashing to the earth.  She got out again and readied another arrow.  Two of the burlack beasts shrieked and dived. Elaina ducked and rolled arrow still positioned to fire.  She let it fly taking out another of the monsters, but really pissing off its friend.  Stuck on her back she grabbed a dagger and readied it for the attack.   On the other side of the car she could hear Chase slashing at another one of the beasts, their enraged shrieks filling the air.   The beast coming towards her opened its mouth baring its teeth.   That’s right.  Elaina thought remaining in place. When the beast was mere feet away from her Elaina rolled dagger still in hand.  The creature slammed into the pavement with a sickening crunch.   Now or never.   With a cry Elaina jumped atop the beast placing the dagger at its throat, with one quick swipe she dug the blade deep feeling the warmth of fresh blood soaking her hand.  The beast let out a gargled cry before collapsing on the ground. Three down, three more to go.   Elaina jumped up and looked for Chase. He had a dead burlack beast at his feet and another lunging towards him. Elaina watched as he wielded his sword expertly burying it deep in the beasts chest twisting just enough to cause blood to spurt and then the beast was done. She was so mesmorized by scene she almost didn’t hear the final beast lunging towards her.   Sharp talons dug into her shoulders lifting her off the ground a foot.   She slashed her dagger against its leg.   It shrieked in anger and dropped her. When her feet hit the ground she felt some of her stitches rip sending waves of agonizing pain through her.  Biting it back she grabbed her bow off the ground and readied another arrow.  She let it fly, but it missed.  The creature shrieked a laugh and dove towards her. “Look out!” Chase called sliding over the hood of the car and positioning himself between Elaina and the beast. He flicked his wrist and Elaina saw a dagger go flying through the air landing square in the creatures chest.  It shrieked before hitting the ground sending pebbles and dirt showering towards them.   Breathing heavily he looked to Elaina who stood examining all the dead beasts on the ground. “I don’t really know how we are going to explain this.” She said thoughtfully.  “Do you suppose we should burn the bodies?” “How do you usually get rid of beasts?” Chase asked curiously.  “I know you didn’t just leave them lying around.” “No.” Elaina snapped glaring.  “They usually crumble away into ashes when they die.  These though….” She paused.  “Well as you can see these aren’t.” “Only one way to fix that, you don’t by chance have a lighter in the car do you?” Chase asked turning and sticking his head in the hole the beast had created. The sound of slithering drifted from Elaina’s left.  Turning slowly she watched as bright red eyes examined her from the brush. “Um…Chase.” She called not taking her eyes off the beast making its way towards her.  “I suggest you stop searching for something to burn the nasty creatures until they are all dead.” “What do you mean?” He asked turning just in time to see the creature lift up off the ground.  “Ok, I’ve never actually seen a serpent beast in person before.” “This isn’t the time to get curious.” Elaina snapped. She watched as the creature lifted itself to its full height, its long snout opening. With a sickening feeling she remembered running into the same beast back at the temple.  Its red eyes blazed as it hissed at her. Beside her Chase tensed dagger in hand ready to be used as they both waited as the creature examined them slowly, its head swiveling from one to the other. Finally it rested on Elaina with what almost looked like a smile it curled its lips. It plunged its head towards her, two fangs springing out of its gums.  Chase let the dagger go and it sunk into the creatures neck.  It reeled back hissing, green liquid spewing from its mouth. Elaina watched in horror as everywhere the liquid touched began to smoke. “Take note, you do not want that stuff to touch you.” Elaina said now moving her foot away from the small hole that had formed in the road. Again the creature lunged, this time moving faster than either Elaina or Chase could move.   It wrapped itself quickly around Elaina its head appearing in her face.  It squeezed causing Elaina to gasp in shock.  Again it hissed spewing the green liquid, a scream escaped Elaina’s mouth as some of it hit her skin searing it. Beside them Chase stabbed the beast repeatedly over and over only to discover that its hide on top was as stronger as a rhino’s. Elaina could feel the beast tightening its hold on her and knew that if she didn’t get free soon she would suffocate. Pushing aside all her fear she wriggled one of her arms free, a dagger still grasped tightly in her hand.  With a scream of rage she stabbed it into the creature’s neck again and again.   Blood began to pour from its body making Elaina slippery enough to start squirming her way from its grip.  The beast squeezed her so tightly to stop her escape Elaina was sure she could hear her bones beginning to crunch.   Hissing savagely it ducked its head towards her fangs ready to pierce her throat.   Refusing to be taken down Elaina lifted the dagger and jabbed it into the creature’s bottom jaw, holding it in place as the beast fought to bite down on her. Her energy was fading fast, as the monster hadn’t loosened its grip at all. Dark spots danced before her eyes.  With the last of her strength she shoved the dagger all the way through and ripped it out.  Green venom began falling on her searing her arms, her shoulders, her face, and her hands. “Elaina its heart!” Chase called from below them. Barely conscious now Elaina tried to see where he was pointing.   Finally, her eyes spotted the place where a faint reddish glow pulsed below the Serpent beasts skin.   Trying to keep her hands steady she plunged her dagger into the creatures heart.   It let out a hiss of agony letting go of Elaina.  She felt herself falling to the ground and sucked in a deep breath as she landed.   The beast still hissing coiled in on itself, convulsions taking control of it.  Then with a spew of venom and blood it exploded splattering its remains everywhere. Hands grabbed Elaina under the arms pulling her to a standing position.  “Are you ok?” She stood completely still as Chase examined her.  “Oh no your leg, one of the cuts has been ripped open.” “Sewing kit in the glovebox.” Elaina whispered still feeling very weak. “You can’t be serious.” Chase said all the color draining from his face. Elaina still gasping for air looked at him.  “I’m very serious, hurry up before I lose too much blood.” Gritting his teeth Chase disappeared into the car and then emerged with Elaina’s emergency sewing kit in hand.  He looked from her to the kit as he knelt on the ground beside her.   At first he tried to hand Elaina the needle, but she pushed it back towards him shaking her head.  She didn’t think that Chase could get any paler, but he did as he looked at the needle and then at the cut now freely bleeding on Elaina’s leg. “I…” Chase’s voice shook ever so slightly.  “I can’t do it.” “Would you rather me die out here?” Elaina asked softly.  “My hands are shaking too badly to do it myself.” “You don’t have anything to staunch the bleeding?” Chase asked continuing to watch her with wide eyes. “Chase.” Elaina sighed putting her hand on his arm.  “Just do it, trust me I can handle it.” Shaking his head Chase pulled a spool of thread from the kit and pulled some thread free.  Elaina watched as he threaded the needle with ease.  Then looking from the needle to Elaina he gritted his teeth placing the point against skin. Closing her eyes Elaina put her hand to her mouth biting it.  The first pierce of searing pain ran through her rocking her to her core.  Keeping her eyes closed she fought back the scream that she wanted so much to let out.
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